World's collide - part 1.

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Y/N POV: ever since I forgave ruby, things have been... somewhat peaceful, well for me that is, the world is always fucked, anyway I told Blake about the little chat I had with ruby and she was ok with my decision and eventually, both ruby and Blake got along, right now I'm just sitting by a tree with Blake who's reading " a man with 2 souls," but I can tell what she's actually reading and I'm reading a book of my own.

Y/N (in head): ooohh Sally that's very naughty~

Blake: Y/N why are you blushing?

Y/N: don't worry about it.

Blake: what're you reading?

Y/N: icha icha paradise.

Blake: isn't that smut?

Y/N: yes it is.

Blake: then you shouldn't be reading that.

Y/N: you're one to talk, isn't the stuff you read smut?

Blake: i-i don't know what you're talking about.

Y/N: (whispers in Blake's ear) ninjas of love.

Blake: (Blushes) y-you can't prove I read that!

A smirk appears on my face and I grab the book and remove the cover to reveal ninjas of love, I decide to have more fun and read it out loud.

Y/N: Salina was pinned to the wall by her companion-

Blake: DON'T READ IT!!!!

She tries to grab it but I keep moving out of the way.

Y/N: they began to have a war and no one was backing down-

Blake: STOP IT!!!

Y/N: Leon then prepared to use his ultimate technique-

Blake: DON'T SAY IT!!!

Y/N: (ssj9k trunks voice) long sword style.

Once I said that, Blake pounced on me and managed to grab the book and gave me the biggest death stare she could muster but I found it adorable.

Blake: never do that again.

Y/N: aww you're so cute when you're mad.

She immediately went red and looked away, she then got off of me, I stood up and dusted myself, only to get tackled back down.

Ruby: hi big bro!!!

Y/N: hey rubes, what's up.

Ruby: I want to go get some cookies! Could you come with me to vale?

Blake: if you're going to vale, I might as well come to, I've got a book I've been meaning to buy.

Y/N: I'd love to, but I want to get some training done.

Ruby: please?

Y/N: sorry ruby.

Ruby: Blake secret weapon.

Y/N: wait what?

Ruby pulls out some toy cat ears and tail and Blake pulls out a random costume and then they get covered in smoke and.... Oh no... Not the chibis, anything but the chibis!!!!!

Ruby&Blake: pwease come with us (blinks a few times).

A/N: yes, I spelt please like that on purpose.


Y/N (in head): I DON'T WANT TO.... BUT... CUTENESS!!!! WHAT DO I DO?!


Y/N (in head): IT'S NOT WORKING!!!!!!




Ruby: I think we broke him.

Blake: Y/N?

Y/N: sure I'll go with you 2.

They both return to normal and drag me away.

Y/N (in head): cuteness, my weakness.

(Mini timeskip)

Blake: did you have to throw that guy through the wall?

Y/N: relax he'll be fine.

Ruby: he went through a wall, a car, a bus, another wall, a window and then into a dumpster truck.

Y/N: well maybe he should think about what he should say to people.

??? POV: I'm surprised I lived through all of that.

???: well it's thanks to us that our entire body isn't broken, also did you have to insult Blake and ruby?

??? (In head): I just wanted to say what i was capable of.

???: whatever.... there's white fang near this area, we suggest we neutralize them.

??? (In head): let's get this over with.

Y/N POV: as we were heading back to the bullhead, a massive explosion occurred at a construction site, I pulled my hood up and jumped into the building, once I landed, i saw a lot of white fang bodies attached to walls, and the ceiling in webs?

Y/N: that's weird.

Ruby: what's weird?


Blake: we took the elevator.

I turn to Blake to see her in an elevator with bored look on her face.

???: I didn't think I'd see you 3 again.

I turn around to see the same guy I threw through the wall and other stuff.

Blake: how'd you live through getting thrown through a wall and everything else?

???: I heal real fast, but enough about that, I need to talk to ozpin and you (points to Y/N) in private.

Y/N: why?

???: trust me, it's important.

(Timeskip Brought to you by Chibi Y/N and chibi kakashi giggling and blushing while reading icha icha paradise)

Me and the guy were in ozpin office because this guy needed to speak to him.

Ozpin: now then, why did you want to see us 2 particular.

???: well.... I'll just get this out of the way first.

His mask started to dissapear and we got a good look at his face, needles to say both me and oz were in a state of shock, the guy.... is me?!?!?!?


A/N: ok to avoid confusion between both versions of you, I'm gonna have them name as Y/N (V) and Y/N (P), the V stands for venom and P stands for prototype and venom is just venom.

Ozpin: this is quite.... odd.

Y/N (V): odd is not the word i'd use.

Y/N (P): h-how are am I here?!

Ozpin: I'd like to know this as well.

Y/N (V): long story short, I'm from another world.

Ozpin: another world?

Y/N (P): so... I.... me..... you? I don't know how to go about this, my head fucking hurts.

Y/N (V): how'd you think we feel when we came to this world?

Ozpin/ Y/N (P): ○_○/ What the fuck?

Y/N (V): great.... now I have to explain that, well baisicly.....

(Timeskip the explanation because fuck it)

Y/N (V): and that's how I met your mother.


Y/N (V): remember venompool?

A/N: yes?

Y/N (V): yeah he showed me how it's done.

Y/N (P): and I can do it too.

A/N oh Come on!

Y/N (P): this can't be a surprise to you, if one Y/N can do it, why can't the others?

A/N: just.... (sigh) can we please get back to the story?

Y/N (V&P) sure.

(Take 2)

Y/N (V): and that's how I met the symbiote known as venom.

Y/N (P): my head fucking hurts more.

Ozpin: moving on, what brought you to our world?

Y/N (V): a blue sphere, the oz of our world wanted us to go to the temple from the initiation to collect it, when we got there, we got teleported.

Ozpin: I see, I suggest we keep this under wraps, we need to find it and so we can send you back to your world, I'll call ironwood and see if he can assist with this, and Y/N?

Y/N (V&P): yes?

Ozpin: good oum this is going to be confusing.

Y/N (V&P): how do you think we feel?

Ozpin: just... make sure no one knows there's 2 of you.

We both nod our heads and head to the elevator and stand there in uncomfortable silence.

Y/N (V&P):...... so what's..... you go ahead and..... this is how it's going to be huh? Hmmmm...... 123454321.... asshole, fuckstick,...... JUDAS PRIEST!!!!....... Ok stop this, you stop this, prick! Language! English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, protugese!! FUCK!!!!

3rd POV: Once the elevator reaches the ground floor, Y/N (V)'s mask goes back on and they both walked out and started wandering the halls.

Y/N (P): wanna head to the roof and talk or something?

Y/N (V): meh, got nothing better to do.

???: hey bro!!!

They both turn around to see ruby, Blake, Weiss, JNPR, and SDR.

Y/N (V&P): (whisper) fuck.

Ruby: (looks at Y/N (V)) sorry about my brother throwing you.

Sinon: he did what now?

Delsin: wish I could've recorded that.

Raiden: who's this guy in the black suit?

Y/N (P): this is.... uhh...

Y/N (V): the names Y/N...

Y/N (P) (in head): WHY THE FU-

Y/N (V): Brock.

Y/N (P) (in head): phew (outloud) yesthatshisnamenowineedtotakethisguywithmenowbye!!!!

Y/N (P) grabbed Y/N (V) by the arm and ran all the way up to the roof.

Ruby: why are they going there?

JNPR/WB/SDR: you understood that?

Ruby: yeah, I speak fluent bibble babble.

Weiss: what does that... you know what? I won't ask, let's just go to the cafeteria.

(With Y/N (V&P))
Both Y/N's were on the roof, Y/N (P) was kneeling on the railing, and Y/N (V) was sitting on it with his mask off.

Y/N (V): so... why the roof?

Y/N (P): I don't know, it just came to mind but besides that, what's your background?

Y/N (V): long story short, got abused and neglected by the rose family, ran away and I already told you about venom so I'll skip that, met oz got into beacon, ruby and yang found out about me, then things went bad because the rest of the family found out, then I talked with ruby and yang forgave them then some other shit happened that I will not explain because it gets complicated, now what about your background?

Y/N (P): me? Well let's see, I was practically the same, got shot in the eye, met my biological dad, gave me powers, then I went to Menageire, met Blake and her family who took me in, Blake went to the white fang, I went to vale, got into beacon, things got a little bumpy due to the family being pests, I got trapped in a orb along with my team, by the way, my team was the girl with blue hair, the cyborg, and the orange beanie dude, Blake cams in and saved my ass, then I fought my teamates, saved them, then had a lo g chat with ruby and I forgave her and now we're here.

Y/N (V): it seems you've had it really rough compared to us.

Y/N (P): yep, anyway, do I have a girlfriend?

Y/N (V): try girlfriends.

Y/N (P): what? You have a harem?!

Y/N (V):..... yes....

Y/N (P):..... Ok....... uhh... out of curiosity, who's in it?

Y/N (V): RWBY and before you say, ruby and yang are not related to me so we're good, pyrrha, velvet, coco, winter, willow, summer, raven, and sienna khan.

Y/N (P):.... huh.... neat, so... your remnant, what's it like?

Y/N (V): well... it the beginning it was chaotic, well for me that is, you see, venom is from a race called the klyntar and they reproduce asexually, venom never done it until he bonded with me, when the time arrived, we had 2 Spawns, one was black the other red, the red one bonded with tai because they hated us, and the black one stayed with us, I killed tai but carnage managed to escape, then atlas had him and were gonna use him as a weapon, and it didn't work well considering I was there to shut it down, the rest is not really important, what about this remnant?

Y/N (P): it's ok so far... I mean the only interesting thing that's happened is that I'm now being targeted by this military group called blackwatch, and there's this blacklight infected that calls himself hunter, other than that, that's about it.

Just as he says that, Y/N (P) gets a message on his scroll from ozpin and it says "come to my office and bring the other you with you, we may have located the orb."

Y/N (P): looks like oz had a lead on the orb, let's go talk to him.

As they were about to walk back to the office, someone spots them.

Ruby: hey Y/N, I need to-

Ruby and both Y/N's freeze in place as ruby now sees 2 Y/N's standing in front of her (since Y/N (V) doesn't have his mask on).

Y/N (V&P): (whisper) fuck.

Blake: what's taking to so lo-

And now Blake is frozen in place.

Y/N (V&P): (whisper) double fuck.

Ruby&blake: 😶😮

Y/N: we can explain?

They're eyes widen further and then they fall on the ground as they fainted.

Y/N (V&P)&venom: oh bollocks.

To be contiued......

A/N: alright done, this was a bit difficult as I didn't know how to do this, but I did it, I'd just like to say, thank you all for being patient with me, I'm sorry I haven't uploaded in a while or as fast as I used to, it's just that college work has been getting in the way, so I'm trying to balance everything out, I hope you all understand and once again I thank you all for being patient, you're all the best and I'll try and get the next part out as soon as I can, anyway thanks for reading "prototype - world's collide," and as always.... PEACE✌✌

P.S. I know it's a bit late for it, but happy Halloween!!!✌✌

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