Talking about the past and annoying family.

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Y/N POV: I wake up to light hitting my face, I slowly sit up but feel something wrapped around me, I look to see Blake's arm around me and her nuzzling into my arm, I smile and slowly move her hand away and grab my scroll to see it was a Saturday.

Y/N (in head): sounds like a good day for a walk and killing some Grimm.

I slowly get up and write a little note to let Blake know what I'm going to do today, I then have a quick shower, brush my teeth and change and head out of my dorm and go to the cafeteria.

(Mini timeskip)

I sat down and started eating f/b (favourite breakfast), as I was eating, I heard some footsteps and turned to see it was pyrrha.

Pyrrha: this spot taken?

Y/N: nope, go right ahead.

She then sat down and started eating and after about 5 minutes of uncomfortable silence, pyrrha decided to break it.

Pyrrha: hey Y/N?

Y/N: yeah?

Pyrrha: can I ask you something?

Y/N: you just did.

She just smiles at my response but she soon looks at her food.

Pyrrha: it's ok if you don't want to talk about it...

Y/N: pyrrha... what's on your mind?

Pyrrha: well.... when you were with your old family.... did you ever wonder why they abused and neglected you?

I stopped eating and looked at my food.

Pyrrha: I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked.

Y/N: no, no it's ok... and to answer your question, I did always wonder Why, I had so many questions, like "what did I do to deserve this," " why does this have to happen," and my favourite one, "why don't I just kill myself ?"

Pyrrha was taking a sip of her drink when I said the last part so when I said it, she choacked on her drink and coughed a little.

Pyrrha: you actually thought of doing that?!

Y/N: well when you have a childhood like mine, you tend to think that... But anyway, over time I stopped thinking about why they done it since it was going to be something that would continue... (Chuckles) funny thing is, is that I stayed there for a good while because I had hope, hope that'd they come around, thinking about it now, I can see it was never going to happen.

Pyrrha: how long did the abuse go on for?

Y/N: it went on for about.... 6 years... wow, six years... it happened that long.

Pyrrha: when did you run from it all?

Y/N: my birthday.

Pyrrha: your birthday?!

Y/N: yep, my date of birth, the day I got my left eye shot out, the day I met my father and gained this awesome power, and the day I was accepted into a loving and caring family.

Pyrrha: you probably don't like to talk about it, but could you tell me what happened on that day?

Y/N: I've told you this much so why not, on the day of my birthday, my so called father, tai beat the shit out of me because ruby blamed me for hitting her, fucker used a Goddamm glass to beat me, once he was done, he told me to clean the mess up or no food for a week.

Pyrrha looks down at her food then puts her hand on mine and gives it a reassuring squeeze.

Pyrrha: I'm really sorry.

Y/N: it's ok... anyway, I started cleaning when yang and ruby came to me and started showing off their weapons, I couldn't be bothered to say anything so I kept working, and this is something I'll never forget.... ruby blamed me for a plate that she broke and soon the entire family surrounded me and beat the ever loving shit out of me and then.... (starts tearing up) my pathetic excuse of a mother grabbed her gun and shot me in the eye and you know what the worst part was?

Pyrrha: the unbearable pain?

Y/N: we'll there was that, but the other part was the fact that while I was twisting and turning, I could see that they were shocked and scared at what happened but they didn't do anything to stop it, they just watched as I cried out in pain and at that moment, I let all my emotions out and yelled at them and ran to my room and locked it and tore a piece of my clothes and wrapped it around my eye.

Pyrrha: I'm surprised you lived through that, not to mention you must've been losing a lot of blood.

Y/N: yeah me neither, but anyway I wrote a letter saying "fuck you" to them and jumped out my window and ran as much as I could, then a Beowulf appeared and was about to kill me but then my almighty father came and saved me, at first I wasn't sure it was him but....

I pull out a locket and open it and show pyrrha the picture.

Pyrrha: is that-

Y/N: yep, it's me as a kid with dad and mum, when he showed me it, he explained why he left me and I wasn't mad at him.

Pyrrha: why's that?

Y/N: he had a target on his back, if blackwatch knew about me then they'd either use me to get to dad or turn me into a weapon, after that was cleared up he gave me the virus and I baisicly had the same abilities as dad and he told me that we'd see each other again and to run to the boat that was leaving soon.

Pyrrha: is that how you met Blake?

Y/N: kinda, I met her when she was about to be attacked by Grimm, I saved her and then I saw her family and when I explained my origin, they were surprisingly ok with me and took me in.

Pyrrha: that's nice of them.

Y/N: yep it was, Blake was stoked to have me as her brother and ghira and Kali were happy to have me as their son, and that's pretty much it.

After the explanation, pyrrha pulled me into a hug.

Y/N: Ok, what's this about?

Pyrrha: I still feel bad for you, and I'm just doing this because I care for you, not only me but Blake, and my team care.

I smile and return the hug.

Y/N: thanks pyrrha, it feels good knowing that you guys are there for me.

We then brake the hug and continue eating until I see something from the corner of my right eye, it was ruby, yang and the other fucking useless pricks.

Y/N: (whisper yells) god fucking dammit!

Pyrrha: what's wrong?

I simply point at them and she them and quickly looks away.

Pyrrha: that's not good.

Y/N: yep, listen, I've gotta-

Pyrrha: it's ok, go for it.

Y/N: thanks (clears throat) gotta go fast.

I quickly get up and speedrun my way out of the cafeteria and run into the emerald forest, I quickly turn to see ruby and summer are right behind me with the others following, I punch some of the trees, making them fall and slowing the others down, I then jump and start gliding away from them.

(Timeskip Brought to you by hit, "my timeskip is unbeatable.")

Once I'm far enough, I decide to lie down at a tree and take a little nap, once I found a tree with enough shade, I laid down and was about to fall asleep until I heard rustling in the bushes, I popped by claws and prepared to attack but what came out of the bushes was not what I expected.



Y/N:.... uhh..... hi?

Beowulf: (happy bark)

Y/N: what are doing here little guy - I mean girl - I mean.... i don't know anymore.

I sat back down and I saw it come to me and started nuzzling it's head into my arm, I picked it up to see what gender it was and saw it was a girl, I then put her on my lap and started petting her.

Beowulf: (happy bark)

Y/N: (Chuckes) so adorable, I'm gonna keep you, I need to think of a name for you.... how about.... Luna?

Beowulf: I like that name.

I was at a complete lost for words.

Y/N:.... you can speak English?

Luna:.... Yes.

Y/N: huh.... neat.

Luna: you're not surprised?

Y/N: when you see and do the things I do, you tend to not be surprised anymore.

Luna: what on remmant could you have done to not get surprised?

I didn't respond and put my hand on her head and show her my memories and I begin to look at hers, I saw that she was abandoned by her pack and was scared of what might happen to her, I also found out that she can shapeshift into other Grimm if she needs to, she was kinda like me, I then pull my hand away from her head and I see.... tears?

Luna: you poor, poor, poor thing.

Y/N: I could say the same to you, you were just abandoned.

Luna: and you went through all of that pain at such a young age.

Y/N: (Chuckles) a Grimm and a human having a decent conversation, this is very rare.

Luna: indeed.

Luna then lies down and I proceed to pet her again and for a while, I was at peace, no noise except for the birds, the wind and Luna and I breathing, but that moment was shortlived when I heard multiple footsteps.

Y/N: I just can't catch a break.

Luna then gets off my lap and turns into a huge Beowulf and grabs me and puts me on her back and we start running.

Y/N: you do know I have my own 2 feet right?!

Luna: I know! But riding a Beowulf is a once in a life time opportunity!

Y/N (in head): and now I'm thinking of Eminem.

We kept moving until we were at the edge.

Luna/ Y/N: fuck.... did you just swear? Me? I fucking swear everytime! Language! English! FUCK!!

We were then interrupted when we saw them appear from the bushes.

Summer: Y/N! What're you doing?! Get away from that thing!

I just hop off and stand next to Luna.

Y/N: nah I think I'm good.

Yang: if you don't move, it'll Kill you!!!

Luna: why would I want to do that?

They all went wide eyed and looked at Luna who reverted back to her little Beowulf form.

Tai: d-did that thing just talk?

Y/N: that "thing," is called Luna, and she's my new friend, and she's just like me and she also hates you for what you did.

Qrow: oh please, come on kid, Grimm don't have emotions, they can't "hate," they're just emotionless beasts.

Luna: oh I'll show you a beast.

She was about to shapeshift but I pick her up and pet her, making her calm down.

Raven: come back to us Y/N, we miss you so much, we're so sorry.

Y/N: pfft, you're sorry, none of you are sorry, I mean ask yang, she isn't sorry.

Yang: I am sorry!!

Luna: you weren't sorry when you attempted to punch him.

Yang: how did yo-

Y/N: I may or may not have shown her my memories, but back to what we were talking about, what do you guys say after hearing this hmm?

Yang: I didn't mea-

Y/N: you say that but you still did it, none of you deserve my forgiveness.

Ruby: you can say that all you want, but we won't stop until you forgive us, we miss you so much!

They then started walking up to me and I started to back up while holding luna until I was at the very edge.

Luna: (whisper) aim for the bushes.

I look at Luna, then all the way down and then back at the others.

Y/N: fuck it... YOLO SWAG!!!

I jump off the cliff and land in the bushes and run a short distance and hide by a tree.

Luna: why did you stop?!

Y/N: so they can go past us and then we can leave.

I activate my heat vision to see where they were and I could see them running so I hid behind the tree and waited until they passed, once they did, I jumped up to the cliff and put Luna down.

Luna: sooo..... now what?

Y/N: I don't know.... wanna go meet the others and get settled in my dorm?

Luna: sure! I'd love to meet the others and then I can have a nice nap in a warm bed.

Y/N: (Chuckles) come on, I'll race ya.

Just as I say that, Luna turns into an Alpha Beowulf.

Luna: don't blame me if you lose.

Y/N: I was gonna say the same thing.... on your marks....

Luna: get set.....

Luna/ Y/N: go!!!

We then started running back to beacon to introduce Luna and get her settled in.

Y/N (in head): this is going to be one hectic year, if something new keeps popping up every now and then.

A/N: so guys, you told pyrrha your past, ran into a Beowulf pup and found out she can speak English and she's kinda like you, your family chased you and kept trying to get your forgiveness but you jumped of the cliff and ran past them and you are now racing Luna back to beacon, anyway thanks for reading "prototype - talking about the past and annoying family," and as always... PEACE✌✌

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