Prologue: The birth of the Unchained

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3rd person  Pov

This story begins as a boy stands in a door way. His face faced the ground as the sounds of moaning causes him to clench his fist.

???: So this is what loyalty gets in this town? I give you everything I can give and you fuck those whores behind my back?

??? 2:*Smirks* Why would I waste my fucking time on a pussy like you?

??? 3:  A bitch like you doesn't deserve anything but dying on the streets alone.

??? 4: You should never have been born into our family. We should of had everything but you took what we deserve. Your nothing but mistake that no one ever wanted, poor little Y/n the nobody.~

The body named Y/n gritted his teeth then ran towards his naked sisters with a punch. His older sister fell to ground with blood dripping down her face. His younger sister tried to punch him but Y/n kneed her in the stomach. Stunned Y/n then grabbed her by her hair and punched her with enough force to break her nose. Y/n kept on punching her when his older sister got up. She tried to grab Y/n but the boy slammed his other sister into her. The girl Y/n once called his girlfriend tried to intervene but was met with a backhand from Y/n. Y/n stomped on his older sisters ribs breaking them. The sound of her screams aswell as the crushing of her bones filled the room causing Y/n to silence her. Y/n stomped on her skull then turned to his younger sister who looked at his pissed off face in fear. Y/n got on top of her then began to beat her without mercy. Y/n ignored her screams as he punched her until his hands were bloodied. When his ex finally got up trying to stop him, he knocked her into the wall then stood up and glared at her.

Y/n: Touch me again and I'll fucking send you to the goddamn Morgue. I never want to see your slutty excuse of a face again. I gave you my heart, my loyalty, and my trust and you ripped them apart. I'm tired of this bullshit, I'm tired of being a punching bag three cum dumpsters like you. If everyone is just going to sit their and watch me suffer then I'm  going to leave this city of Scum. 

Y/n wiped away the blood then left the girls without another word.  While Y/n walked through the rain filled street he was stopped by a group of men. Y/n looked at them when 2 more came from between them.

???: So this is the guy huh looks like shit if you ask  me.

??? 2:Looks can be deceiving Nico you of all people should know that.

Y/n: Just who the hell are you and what do you want? If your here to pick a fight with me then got lost because i'm not in the mood.

???: Now calm down we aren't here for a fight. I just saw a man in need so I came to lend a helping hand.

Y/n looked in confusion at the  man's words. The man knew nothing about Y/n but even so chose to offer his help.

Y/n: Oh really now and what exactly compelled you to do that?

???: Simple I know  what it's like to be powerless and have everything taken by others. I know this sounds like a something from  fan fiction  but, from the moment I saw you I felt a connection with you. I felt like you and I are not so different and we both share a dislike for the status of this world. You see I have a personal belief that  the strong should protect. The idea of all men are created equal is nothing but a lie. In this world those who are attacked should be protected and helped. That's why I wanted to offer you something.

Y/n: What is this offer of yours?

???: I want you to join me and leave this place behind. Together we can bring order and help others who share our pain. Life can be taken away at anytime and when we die we need to leave this world a better place than it was before. So what do you say will you join my cause or will you go back to a life of pain?

Y/n stood quietly thinking about the man's words. After a minute pasted Y/n looked at the guy then nodded before the man spoke.

Ryo: I knew you would see things the same way I do. My name is Ryo Maxwell and if it's not to much trouble could I ask for the name of our new brother in this quest of mine?

Y/n: Y/n...Y/n L/n.

Ryo: Well then Y/n welcome to our family of the free.

 This story is of the legacy Y/n's left behind. When others pushed around powerless people, Y/n would push them back in their place.  Y/n's lived having all he had taken away but, now he helps others take back what they lost. This is the story of  Y/n the unchained and of those who's lives he changed.

To be continued

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