The Unchained Saints : New life

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3rd person pov

2 months had past since Y/n left his old life behind with Ryo. In that small time Y/n and Ryo had manage to gain a great deal of control over the city of Saint's Mercy.  Y/n gave his loyalty to Ryo and the Maxwell family and in return that Loyalty was met with the same. Ryo had promised Y/n the chance at a new life and to help others, to which he delivered. Y/n and Ryo had gained a bond like brothers in arms that no one could break. Y/n  fought for Ryo's dream and Ryo fought for Y/n's neither giving up on it. After a month Ryo had given Y/n the chance to create his own gang to which he accepted. Y/n's group formed quickly and Ryo gifted Y/n with their territories shared. What Ryo had was Y/n and Ryo was more than willing to give Y/n more of his support. Soon Y/n earned the nickname "Unchained" for the freedom that he possessed. Y/n helped free others from the abuse they suffered and never hurt those who were innocent. While he did things that were by all means against the law, he had granted respect. He was both feared and respected  by all walks of life from the poor,the rich,the underworld,Those in the police, and even those political standing . Y/n was truly unchained  and even so were those who followed him.The name of  Y/n's gang  the "Unchained Saints" we re known by all.  In one of Y/n's buildings the sounds of someone screaming can be heard. Each screamed followed the echo of chains rattling. In the room the sounds in question came from Y/n's interrogator Jade Kali stood. She punched a bloodied man as he screamed followed by the sounds of bones breaking.

Jade: That leaves  3 more ribs left in one piece for me to shatter. I hope whatever your boss is paying you is worth your life.


Jade cut him off by ripping off 2 of his finger nails before cutting off a finger. As the man screamed even louder she  forced him to look into her eyes before she spoke.

Jade: And I already told you that we know your lying. Your partner confessed that you were the one in charge of the drug dealing this time around.  So for lying how about I take one of these how about that?

Jade grabbed pliers then ripped out one his teeth before she gagged him to muffle his screams. The doors to the room opened to reveal Y/n who looked at Jade as she took off the gag. Y/n pulled a chair over and sat infront of the man and spoke.

Y/n: So your the one who's left huh that's unfortunate for you. At least your partner got to be killed quick. You are trapped here all alone with Jade, nothing more than a sad soul that she is free to torture.


Y/n: That's where your wrong you chose to deal to children. Because of your actions many of parents are without children and that is something I won't forgive from a piece of shit like you.  Now let this sink into that head of yours . what Jade is doing to you is just finger painting to her. Unless you want to see want to see levels of pain that can only be seen in hell I suggest you tell us everything right now.


Y/n turned to Jade then signaled her to  continue before she pulled out a knife and aimed it at his balls. 


Y/n stopped her then turned to the guy and spoke.

Y/n: Now then spill everything.

Y/n listened as the man told him everything after he did Y/n stood up with a smirk before walking away.


Y/n: Your right for your help i'll your journey to Hell be of unbearable pain. Rot for your crimes scumbag.

Y/n closed the door as the man screamed followed by the sounds of flesh being ripped from his body. Y/n walked into another room where a group of his people stood. One of them bowed then greeted Y/n when Y/n spoke to him.

Y/n: Tell me Ryan do we have any word from  Ryo?

Ryan: Yes Mr. Maxwell has told me that he should arrive here in about 5 minutes.  He also had his mean send you a gift which is out front.

Y/n: I see thank you Ryan.

Y/n went outside to see the face of Nico waiting by a car with a smirk on his face.

Nico: Long time no see "Mr. Unchained". How's been treating ya you son of a bitch?

Y/n: Nico everything has been great get over here you asshole!

The two gave each other a bro hug before grinning at each other. Nico pulled out a letter than handed it over to Y/n.

Nico: This is from Ryo aswell as the car.

Y/n:*Reads it* "A gift to my brother  for a life of good fortune. Take good care of her and enjoy"

Y/n looked at the car in amazement knowing that Ryo's gift was more than likely from a new part of his territory.

Y/n:(mind) You always love to impress don't you Ryo?

Y/n turned to Nico who chuckled before turning to Y/n smoking.

Nico: So I heard you caught 2 of those North town jackass's selling to kids? 

Y/n: Yep we just got info out of him and left him with Jade.

Nico: That sorry bastard should have just talked. Could have spared himself a long death. Welp if you ask me that fucker deserves nothing more than a death from agonizing pain. He fucked with both you and the Maxwell family. 

Y/n:  Everyone should know damn well what the laws of the territory are. If there is one thing that is unforgivable it's selling to children and Neither the Unchained Saints or the Maxwell family will let those who do walk away.

Nico: Damn straight Y/n never forget that when your a part of the Maxwell territory your family. If family betrays their own then they will get no mercy.

Jade soon walked out with Y/n's right hand Nina Blackheart while Nico stared.

Nina: We disposed of the body and everyone's ready all you need to do is give us the order. Just say the word and we'll go and wipe those North town scumbags off the face of the planet Y/n.

Y/n: When Ryo arrives we will move out on his command understood?

Nina: Yeah got it.

Nico:*To Jade* So I take it you went full Hellraiser on the guy Sis?

Jade: Well let's just say even if the body would be found not a single forensics team alive would stomach what's left.

Nico: Your a terrifying girl you know that?

Jade: I'm only terrifying if you make me.

After everyone let out a laugh a car pulled up infront of the building. Y/n and the others stood as Ryo came out of the car. Ryo walked over to Y/n and the two shook each other's hand before Ryo spoke to Y/n.

Ryo: So Y/n do we know where those traitors are?

Y/n: Yeah their hideout is in  the ghetto right by Saint's Mercy Catholic church. All we need is the word and everyone will be leave right now.

Ryo: I see then tell your group to move out. The Maxwell's have but one unbreakable rule " When your in Maxwell territory your family" Those of North town  have turned their back on our family. They have betrayed us and have committed the unforgivable sin of selling to children and for that we will kill them all without mercy. The moment they betrayed us they were no longer apart of our family is that understood?

Y/n: Yes sir.

Ryo: Then let's go everyone it's time for their judgment to passed by our hands!

Y/n and the others gathered then made their way off to North town. All prepared for the blood bath about to occur with no fear.

To be continued

A/n: That's it for this chapter tell me what you all think? What do you guys wanna see happen next? until next time I hope ya enjoyed it!

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