Chapter 10

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4 Weeks later

Y/n Is seen washing his face as he observed the new scars he got from Colm, his body healed relativity quick, but the pain and trauma still have an effect on him

Y/n: box cutter on stomach, Sjambok scars good thing he missed my organs by chance and...... the screwdriver to the back

He also noticed that his beard and hair have grown longer forming an undercut with his sides Slightly short

Y/n: I need to cut my hair soon, it's a shame mom always cut my hair the best. *sighs* I miss you guys, please forgive me for being stupid

As he looks into the mirror something in seen in the mirror as it materializes and a fiery skull and hand grabs his neck

???: become my champion, BECOME THE RIDER! Y/n Morgan!

Y/n yells back as he looks seeing it was normal but feels his neck slightly burning


???: Y/n, are you okay?

Y/n: I'm good, General. Just a little shaving nick

Sonya: ok, come on out asap, it's time for you and Cassie to spar

Y/n: yes ma'am

He shakes the nerves as he puts on his special forces shirt, which is a form fitting army green t shirt that compliments his olive pants and black nylon boots, he goes out as he sees Sonya. Giving himself a look over as he stands still

Sonya: you sure it's not the nightmares again? You've been waking up screaming as of late

Y/n: no, it's...... nothing, I'm good Sonya.... General Blade

Sonya: if there is a problem, don't be afraid to talk to me or Cassie, understood?

Y/n: yes ma'am!

Sonya: good, come on. It's sparring time between you and Commander Cage

They make it out as Y/n sees Cassie there as she gives him a flirty wink, she's wearing bike shorts, a sports bra and a jacket over it with running sneakers

Sonya: alright, commander Cage and Y/n will now be sparring, rookies pay attention and get ready!

They get into a ring as Cassie ditched her jacket revealing her sports bra as some people wolf whistled, raising an eyebrow Y/n sees Sonya simple shrug her shoulders as Y/n takes off his shirt as more wolf whistles and claps are heard as Y/n simply brings his hands up in a boxing stance

Sonya: ready......? FIGHT!

Cassie charges at Y/n as he ducks her side kick, only for her to turn around deliver a back kick sending Y/n sprawling back on his side, with that Cassie jumps on him and locks in an arm bar, twisting around Y/n began to struggle, until he picks himslef and Cassie up and slams her as she lets go as Y/n held his arm in pain as they faced each other sizing themselves up

Cassie then Tries to tackle Y/n as he switches them around and throws her back, he then does a kip up style kick as Cassie lays down.

Growling and a little turned on feeling her panties getting wet, Cassie and Y/n began to exchange hits and kicks as Y/n tries to do an aerial spin kick but misses as Cassie smirks

Cassie then began to follow his movements as they fight with Cassie landing some impressive kicks and punches as both parties are fighting it out exchanging powerful blows

The rookies and the rest of the SF are impressive to say the least, never has anyone lasted more than a minute against Cassie cage, and Y/n and her looked to be not down for the count yet

Cassie then tries to spin kick Y/n but he grabs her and throws them both to the ground

Y/n stands up as he looks at Cassie holding her up with one hand before delivering a quick punch before locking her into a arm bar that he learned from Daikon personally

Cassie frantically tried looking for Leverage. Finding none she frantically taps out as she is let go instantly

Sonya: WINNER! Y/n Morgan!

Y/n offers a hand as Cassie accepts and they hug as everyone is cheering, Someone tapped his shoulder as Johnny Cage is smiling down at them

Johnny: intense fight you two, I might have to take that for my next movie!!!!!?

Sonya: Johnny seriously?

Johnny: I'm sorry, I'll pay ya both for the fight scene

Y/n: it's no problem, Mr Cage....

Johnny slaps Y/n's head lightly

Johnny: don't call me mr cage makes me feel too old, just call me Johnny, Y/n I like ya too much already anyway

Y/n simply shakes his head yes as Cassie and Sonya smile and chuckle a little at Y/n and Johnny's interactions

Sonya: ok, Y/n Morgan, Cassie cage great show of strength, skill and speed, hit the showers both of you. After that we got an important meeting and it'll have something concerning you Y/n

Y/n and Cassie walk alongside one another as they head to their own showers

Cassie: you know my place has enough room for one person, you can scrub my back and front...

Y/n: I appreciate it, Cassie. But not now I'm afraid........... I better go

Cassie watches his ass sway as she licks her lips, while unconsciously rubbing her thighs

Cassie: "I was hoping maybe you'll pin me down and ravage me like an animal, Fuck me I gotta rein in my hormones, and I need a cold shower after I'm done with my own pleasure......."

Shower room

Y/n is washing his hair as the hot water cascades down his body moving his longer hair out of the way as his eyes open revealing a slight orange glow to them as they disappear as he begins to soap and rinse off the remaining suds from his body

Y/n: "what is it with me and women. I'm not a good man nor am I a man many women want"?

As he ponders that he shuts off the water and grabs a towel wrapping it around his waist as he makes sure to grab some things as Sonya told them on something that was important

Y/n now wore a long sleeve gray denim shirt and khaki cargo pants tucked into magnum boots

Cassie was dressed in her SF attire as they both walked side by side into the briefing room, where Sonya was with Jacqui and others

Sonya: you both are quick as expected, now Y/n you remember your time in Gotham?

Y/n: my first visit? Oh yeah I became infamous for blowing off the Bokers head off

Sonya: joker....

Y/n: Doker..... sorry I could care less about that piece of shit or his name

Sonya and the others had to chuckle as they get back to the briefing

Sonya: since the jokers death, they're has been a influx of black dragon activity, and now there's rumors of an underground fight club going on, many of which various villains have attended, including Kano, his right hand Kabal and now Bane..... there's also rumors of an undefeated champion sId to be the most dangerous person on this planet, genders unknown at this point

Sonya shows the photos as Y/n couldn't help but focus on bane, limited knowledge but he knew that Bane broke batwoman's back a long time ago and is considered extremely powerful and skilled despite his reliance on venom at times. But hearing kabal's name made him stiffen up, this was an alternative/ Kabal but he hoped this one was as honorable or as compassionate as the one he knew back home. Same with Kano cept this Kano had one eye. The Kano he knew back home had both eyes

Sonya: and now we come to you, Y/n it's been in circulation that you left the league after you killed the joker and many people would want to see you. Especially an illegal underground fight ring, where they'll be many people in attendance many with warrants and arrest on sights from many organizations including us

Y/n: so you want me to go undercover and participate in the fight, acting as bait just so we can round up the bad guys and arrest them? Sounds good to me when can we get started!?

Sonya: tomorrow night at 10 pm, and you're not going alone. You'll be accompanied by Cassie...

Cassie flirtatiously bumps Y/n's hips with her own with a smirk

Y/n: I don't mean to put a damper on this but doesn't Kano and many others know what Cassie cage the daughter of Sonya and Johnny cage looks like

Sonya: I was actually about to get to that...... she'll be in disguise as a date of sorts, we made up an identity for her and have an informant that's close to Kano that can vouch for you too, Guy will fall for anything, he's not exactly the smartest person in tue black dragon but he does rule with intimidation

Y/n: sounds good to me, anything else, Sonya?

Sonya: just be careful, Kano is as slimy and rude as they come and Bane was or is a part of the league of assassins, kabal is one tricky bastard as well

Y/n: don't worry Sonya, I won't let you down

Sonya: I know you won't *puts hand on shoulder reassuringly* get some rest you'll need it and go causal, we have to prep Cassie, just act like yourself

Y/n: no problem

Next Day, Gotham city. 10:29 pm

The roar of a Harley is heard as one Harley Davidson Softtail Slim S with ape hangers being driven by Y/n with Cassie in disguise as he revs the engine going faster as Cassie casually hangs onto Y/n's stomach subtly feeling his abs

Cassie: where'd you get this?

Y/n: I found it a while ago, Guy was selling it for a good price and I did some repairs, I used to ride a Harley Dyna lowrider but the softtail with these ape hangers are what I love

Cassie: why'd you stop riding a motorcycle?

Y/n: years ago I was going down a mountain road and going dangerously fast, suddenly I had to avoid a deer on the road so I swerved off the road and down a ravine, was knocked out for 2 hours and had to call the others for help, I suffered some broken bones, mainly my ribs from the rocks and trees, a hairline fracture to my skull and a twisted leg, worst was my mom Sadie, she gave me an earful for that incident and since then I kinda stopped driving motorcycles for a while......

Cassie: oh shit! That's just.....

Y/n: yeah I know..... I recovered in less than 2 weeks after that

Cassie: that's not unexpected..... just after 1 week you're doing way better than if anyone else was in your condition

Y/n: that's cause they're not me

Cassie: ain't that the truth!

She lays her head on his back as five minutes later they're outside a rather derelict building, there was quite a few cars and even bikes around, with a large old bakery truck parked just across from the building

Cassie: shitty place!

Y/n: meaning it's perfect for a fight club

Y/n and her go around seeing a steel door with a peek hole slot as Y/n knocks

???: who is it?

Y/n: take a look outside, junior and you'll know who the fuck I am?

The man grumbled as he looks seeing y/n before his eyes widen

???: what're you doing here?

Y/n: I thought everyone knew I quit the league, I want some fucking excitement and I got an entrance fee

Y/n casually holds up the bundle of money as the man accepts it

???: alright you and your sliver haired broad can come in

Cassie grumbles lowly with her currently wearing a short sliver wig, tight leather pants tucked into knee high boots and a red tank top underneath a denim vest with a bandana circling her neck

Y/n was wearing a split neck white tee shirt, a watch and black jeans tucked into some boots

????: come on in

Y/n and Cassie enter as they see people gathering before they are meet with Kabal...... kano's right hand

Kabal: you must be Y/n?

Y/n: and you must be kabal....

Kabal: that's right...... come with me

Y/n and Cassie are led around as Y/n's appearance seems to garner some looks as they recognize the former Justice league member that killed the joker

Cassie squeezed Y/n's hand reassuring him as they made it to a bar where they found Kano chugging on some beer as he loudly belched

Before he singled out Kabal and his company waving them over as he downs another bottle

Kano: well lookie here, ex league member Y/n Morgan, now this is getting better

Y/n: sure has, it's a nice setup you got. Better have some good beer

Kano: of course on the house for you and the broad

Y/n is thrown one as he catches it without looking while Cassie catches hers with 2 hands

Kano: also no hands to open

Y/n simply uses his arm and bicep to open the bottle much to kanos amusement, while Cassie uses the table and her palm to open it

Y/n chugs his down quickly before Kano throws his arm around him and starts to lead him around

Kano: you know you leaving the league and all did stir up a pot, lots of people wanted you to join them, Intergang could've used you as muscle, injustice league has been looking, the black dragon as well, you don't look league of assassins material though.....

Y/n: I'm full of surprises......

Kano feels something on his side only to have Y/n holding his own knife to his chest piece

Y/n: and I can be better than anyone

Kano simply laughs as he takes his knife back and thumps Y/n's chest

Kano: I like ya, already you little bitch! Come on!

Cassie was behind them wearing contact lenses that are showing the whole thing

A woman with red hair, wearing a black leather jacket, gray t shirt, dark jeans and heeled boots is watching as her eyes seem to widen seeing Y/n


Inside the bakery truck outside we see that it's a surveillance truck with mane people in it. Sonya, Johnny, Jacqui and many others are monitoring the situation through the contact lenses as many others are prepping their weapons

Johnny: damn, he'll make a great actor one day

Sonya: maybe even better than you?

Johnny: hey I resent..... okay yeah he'll be better than me

Jacqui and the others couldn't help but laugh at the situation

Sonya: although I think I should ask Cassie not to focus too much on Y/n's ass at the moment

???: I don't mind!

Several of the female SF members pip up as Johnny rubs his head whike chuckling

Johnny: this guy certainly is catnip for women even lesbians.....

???: he can turn me on all day.....

Sonya: alright that's enough ladies we got a mission here to do..... Jesus this man!

Johnny: I don't doubt this will be the most troublesome thing with him and women

Sonya simply sighs as Kano is leading Y/n and Cassie as they reach the cages seeing various fighters

Back to Y/n, Cassie and Kano

Y/n is seen looking as a woman uses a rocket to glide around a woman wearing white clothes

Kano: roxy rocket and Jaina Hudson "white rabbit". Those 2 are a hoot, certainly easy on the eyes though

Roxy managed to hit Jaina and seeing Y/n gives him a wink and a flying kiss as they leave

Next is a man being knocked around by a man wearing electro shock gloves

As they keep on walking Y/n is getting eyes on him as people keep patting him on the back and such

Kano: you're our number one celebrity here kid, you deserve the best fighter and today she's here, come with me, your slut can stay here!!!

Cassie growls and so did Johnny and Sonya hearing that, while Y/n remains calm but his fist is clenched momentarily as he faces him without any emotions

Giving Cassie a nod, Y/n follows Kano as they made it to an office overlooking things as Y/n then sees 2 figures a lady cleaning her nails with a file and a large man with a tank of something on his back wearing a mask that resembles a luchadors own

Kano: let me introduce 2 of my associates, this here is Roulette

Roulette: finally some entertainment, hey there sexy!

She gives Y/n a look that doesn't bode too well with him

Kane: and this here is.....

Y/n: Bane...... yeah I heard of you and your drug of choice..... venom

Bane: is that a problem?

Y/n: it is to me...... I hate druggies and addicts

Bane marches your straight to him and while Y/n was talk Bane was nearly 7 feet tall. As Y/n looks up Bane seems to smile

Bane: haha , you have balls Hermano! But do you have the skills to fight our strongest and undefeated champion yet?

Y/n: I'm more than up to it

Roulette: I love a man with confidence just the right package for a good night!

Kano: alright then........ shirt off pretty boy!

Y/n simply looks at him with a "what" face

As Cassie is waiting Y/n simply walks out as everyone seems to gather, with catcalls, shouting and wolf whistles Aplenty

"What a hunk"

"Let me ride that face of yours"

"Look this way, beautiful"

Cassie: what happened to your shirt?

Y/n gives a hell if I know look, Kano then begins to speak as he comes behind Y/n holding a microphone

Kano: alright you bunch of twats, time for the main event for the night!

Whoops, claps and cheers are heard

Kano: from this corner, Y/n Morgan will be taking on the undefeated CHAMPION!

Cheers and more comments are thrown at Y/n's body and what they want to do with him

Kano: and here she is........

The ground then rises as one woman in darkness comes up as she's revealed slowly

Kano: our undefeated champion...... the beautiful and deadly LADY SHIVA!

Cassie: "OH SHIT"!

Intel van

Johnny: HOLY FUCK!

Sonya: SHIT!

Jacqui: This isn't good, THIS ISN'T GOOD! She's with the league of assassins and the worlds most deadliest woman, we need to get in there before Y/n becomes her next victim

Sonya: we can't comprise it! I have faith in Y/n!!!!

Johnny: it's hard to say but I think the same as well

Jacqui: but.....

Sonya: Cassie will give the signal and So will Y/n, we can't jeopardize this mission..... Y/n won't let us down...

Jacqui: ok

Back to Y/n

Kano exits out of the cage

Kano: give us a good show!

Lady shiva stares at Y/n before she crosses her arms with a arrogant smile on her face

Lady shiva: this will be over in less than 30 seconds, you won't last long

Y/n: don't underestimate me, shiva! You might've just meet your Match

Lady shiva actually chuckles

Lady shiva: maybe if you can, but if someone can defeat me, I'll pleadge my body and soul for them.... But you don't be able to make me

Lady shiva then tries to attack him as Y/n has to back away quickly she was precious and very agile, As Shiva gets in close Y/n to sweep his legs. He retaliated by kicking her away in midair

Shiva growls at little as Y/n has to back away minding the caged arena to make sure he's able to have space

Meanwhile the red headed woman from before is seen dialing a number

Wayne Manor

Inside the illustrious manor owned by Briana Wayne sole heir of Wayne industries, a phone is ringing as one man goes to answer

???: hello.... This....

???: Alfred it's me, Kate!

Alfred, Briana's butler and father figure looks quite interested after hearing Y/n's name mentioned

Alfred: is everything ok?

Kate: it's an emergency, you know Y/n Morgan?

Alfred: ah yes! The young man who do Gotham a true service, what's wrong?

Kate: he's at the fight club.....

Alfred; I'm sure it's nothing, from what mistress Briana has told me.....

Kate: Alfred, he's fighting lady shiva.....

Alfred's eyes widen as he rushes up to the master bedroom

Inside the master bedroom of Brianas own is 2 figures both ladies

???: stop.... That tickles.......

???: maybe I should go lower......?

Alfred knocks as the noises slow down as Brianas own head pops up from the covers

Briana: yes Alfred....?

Alfred: sorry to bother you and Miss Kyle,  but it's regarding Mr Y/n Morgan........

???: didn't he seem to disappear after he.....

Briana: continue please

Alfred: he's at the black dragon's fight club..... he's fighting the champion herself lady shiva

Briana's face turns to worry before her face hardens, she straightens herself up and gets out revealing she's wearing a red bra and a matching thong as the other wonan in bed, short haired with green eyes looks on. This is Selina Kyle an occasion lover of Briana aka catwoman a notorious jewel thief of Gotham

Selina: ah baby, we're just getting to the good part, isn't that the guy you love...?

Briana: it ain't that, I feel he needs to be kept an eye on, he's too dangerous.....

Selina; because he stole your heart and you can't take it, can't you?

Briana glares before Selina gets out, wearing only a black pair of panties her breasts free and are slightly red from Briana's own lipstick

Briana: what're you doing?

Selina: to meet this man, I wanna see how handsome he is up close and you can't stop me

Briana simply sighs and gets a robe on

Briana: what trouble have you brought to my city this time......?

Although Briana said that...... in her heart she thought of a different thing concerning the outlaw turned SF operative Y/n Morgan

Lady Shiva jabs a finger into Y/n's chest as he screams in pain, kicking her away as both of them were bruised and bloody, shiva sporting a black eye, and a bloody lip. Y/n was sporting a bloody nose and some bruises on his body

Shiva with a bloodthirsty smile on her face begins to attack Y/n rapidly as he avoids her strikes and kicks, ducking around Y/n backflips over shiva, who then kicks his stomach in midair as he falls down

Y/n coughs you blood as he begins to stagger blindly, the pain making his body cry out and throb, Shiva has been hitting pressure points and joints to make Y/n weaker

Lady shiva: you've given me the best fight of my life. But now you fail..... just like everyone else has!!!!

She sends a three finger strike at Y/n's chest only for him to catch it as shiva sees a glimmer of red in his eyes

Y/n: I won't..... die today

Hitting her with a quick jab, Y/n then retaliated by hitting her stomach and face causing her to spit blood for her mouth and performs a double tornado kick as Lady shiva falls down unconscious

The silence stuns everyone as Y/n stands with blood dripping down his chest and face before LOUD CHEERS... Erupted

Kano: MY GOD! Lady Shiva has just been defeated in a fair fight. BEHOLD OUR NEW CHAMPION, Y/N MORGAN

Everyone is cheering as Y/n sees Cassie give him a thumbs up with a relived smile as Y/n grins through some bloody teeth

A/n: crazy that's for sure took me a while to do this but thanks everyone and there's more to come especially from Y/n Morgan and his family

Also tell me what else you guys like about this story and the characters?

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