Chapter 11

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Y/n is now being treated by Roulette as she was gently caressing him going lower on his body not even treating his wounds

Y/n: WOMAN! Can you stop feeling my dick and get the treatment done!

Roulette: fine! So pushy! But so big?!

Y/n: "fuck me sideways"!

Kano and Bane come in as roulette moves off him

Kano: congratulations you piece of crap, you beat lady shiva, the deadliest woman in the world!

Y/n: and what's my prize? I need a private doctor and not a pervert who keeps grinding on my sausage....

Roulette: I can do more than just grind on it!

Bane: well actually, I was surprised to see miss Cassie cage there with ya

Y/n's eyes widen before he sees roulette smirking and Kano with a arrogant look

Bane: it's way too easy ya know.....

Y/n had flipped a table as he withdrew a beretta and began to shoot at Kano and Bane before kano's laser could shoot as he fired 3 shots one hitting Kano's laser eye as it sparks and he yells in pain

Kano: fucking cunt!


Before Y/n could fire off another shot, Bane grabs him and slams him through a desk as Y/n yells feeling his leg break slightly from the strength of banes brute strength itself

Bane: your good, Hermano! Let's see how you do against me?

Roulette: just keep him somewhat Alive, I want his cock in my pussy later!

Y/n: fucking psycho bitch!

Bane: now then...... let's show them a party!

Throwing Y/n through the glass overlooking the arena he was in, Y/n falls down some glass on his leg  even some cutting into his back, as bane jumps down as everyone is eagerly watching seeing these new turn of events


Cassie instant radios in the SF

Cassie: BREACH!

On command the doors and windows are shattered as The SF come in gunshots, screams and many others ring out as Bane smirks

Bane: now this! THIS IS A PARTY!

Cassie instantly tries to rush the cage as it sparks nearly shocking her as Sonya held her back, as a smirking Kano is looking down at them

Kano: you saved your girl, too bad you couldn't save your twin brother! Now your new little operative will die by Bane's hands, don't worry Sweetie. I'll keep his pretty little head intact!

(In the original MK comics Sonya had a twin brother that was dead and it's been presumed that he was killed by Kano and that's why she's been on this long quest to kill him and I wanted to explore that!

Sonya: just for that, I'm gonna give you a fucking break!

Kano: come on then, luv!

Bane: they'll be occupied now!

Y/n stands up unsteadily, putting pressure on his leg made it flare up, as he looks at bane going into a boxing stance

Y/n: "I need to be smart, I can't move as quickly, but I'll need to get in closer, he has the range, but I have the speed"

Bane hits him quickly as Y/n hits the fence and yells in absolute pain as he falls down before bane then jumps on him and using a double overhead fist pound as Y/n's mouth sprays blood

Cassie: Y/n!

Sonya: Cassie, we have to concentrate!

Bane throws Y/n to the middle of the arena as the fight from shiva wore Y/n out immensely, and bane is new and fresh compared to the battered and bruised Y/n Morgan, bane smirks as he walks slowly to him as Y/n lays unresponsive

Hina: daddy!

Y/n's eyes widen as he saw a brief memory of his daughter smiling and remembers what he promised to her and that he will see her again

Y/n grits his teeth as he gets up blood dripping down his mouth as he wipes it off smearing it across his face

Bane: you want more? You're more of a macochist than I thought!

Bane tries a right hook, only for Y/n to duck under it as he begins to breath heavily, almost growling as his punch sends bane back a bit as his eyes glowed orange.......

Bane then grabs Y/n by his face


Y/n had bitten on 3 of Bane's fingers as the crunching sound of bone being bitten is heard alongside the snap of his bones being broken by Y/n's sheer jaw strength alone


Bane drops Y/n down As he turned around holding his fingers in absolute pain, Y/n reached for something In his boot as he began to almost growl and grunt like a wolf almost

Bane is trying to move his fingers to try and reset them, only for a stab in his ankle via his Achilles' tendon sends him down as Y/n was holding the SF'S knife a standard issue Kabar a gift from Sonya

Bane then crumbled down as Y/n then goes for a ground and pound as his eye color fluctuates from red to orange to even a bright blue as his punches seem to come in full force as bane's blood begins to spurt on The ground and Y/n's fist as he yells his hand going faster blood coming out as as everything seemed to be a blur as the noise is drowned out around him


Cassie: Y/n..... stop!

Y/n looks up as his eyes return to normal Cassie is there as is Johnny as everyone is being arrested or rounded up by the other Sf members

Y/n looks seeing a grinning but beat up Bane who's breathing heavily before Y/n let's him go

Bane: good job........!

Bane blacks out as Y/n tried to get up only for him to stumble feeling his leg sear up in pain

Johnny: I gotcha kid.... It's ok!!!

Johnny helps support him as Cassie does the same with his other side as Y/n looks seeing Kano with a broken neck and Roulette in handcuffs who stares at him with lust, while she looks  Cassie with anger in her eyes her face being bruised a little bit especially her lip and right eye

Cassie: who's better bitch.....?

Roulette doesn't say anything but until Cassie holds up her hand

Roulette: you..... *cassie curls her hand into a fist Roulette flinches* YOU!

Y/n is being lead away as he looks at Johnny

Johnny: she said something involving you and Cassie went apeshit on her

Y/n: alright, what about him....?

Johnny: kano's finally dead now, she can sleep better knowing that her brothers killer ain't gonna live anymore

Y/n: I don't doubt that.... What about kabal?

Johnny: undercover agent, he's been working with interpol and us to help take down Kano, he's a former member and a police officer working with Jim Gordon and some guy named Styker

Y/n: sure as hell didn't expect that

Unknown to either of everyone there a pair of snakelike eyes are seen as they slither back into the darkness as the mysterious female figure slinks back

Later on

Sonya is seeing talking with Commissioner James Gordon of the Gotham police department

Gordon: I am surprised you haven't contacted us yet....

Sonya: I do apologize commissioner but the Special forces missions are classified to me and my squad and any undercover agents, can't share after what has happened.... to your own department 

Gordon: don't apologize I understand..... the bat won't.

Sonya: Kano is not her problem, not anymore..... and I don't care what she.......


Gordon and Sonya hear a commotion between Harvey Bullock and Y/n Morgan in the back of an ambulance

Harvey: no listen here kid, I appreciate what you've done but you need to understand.....


Harvey: Fine, this kids out of control anyway

Y/n is at the back of the ambulance as he's being treated before he's approached by a detective Reneé Montoya

Renee: mr Morgan....?

Y/n: yeah, listen I've had quite the day and tell detective Bullock my apologies his comments on me didn't resonate per say......

Reneé simply shakes her head before she hands Y/n something before she leaves with a wink and a sway of her hips

Y/n looks seeing her phone number with a red kiss mark on it, he sighs putting in his pocket with several others that were given to him, as his body was wrapped in bandages before he tried to leave as the female paramedic tried to stop him

Paramedic: sir please your leg.....

With a simple sigh and a sharp twist of his leg the bone is set back with a loud snap as everyone flinches

Y/n: ain't the first time, I actually reset my jaw twice and even my ribs

Y/n gets out as he goes to his bike before

???: mr Morgan.....

Y/n turns seeing the woman he saved from the joker weeks ago, the infamous Gotham reporter Vicki Vale

Y/n: Miss Vale! So good to see your okay!

Vicki: I should be asking you how're you doing cause you look.....

Y/n: like a chewed up wad of bubblegum....?

Vicki: *chuckles* yes indeed

Up on the rooftops well above where Y/n and the SF are, Batwoman, Red Bat (Kate Kane) and Catwoman are situated seeing the events unfold

Catwoman: ain't that some walking eye candy, I really want to sink my claws into him and my tongue on that body

Kate: hey I called dibs first..... long before you even saw him

Catwoman: awwww that's a shame, I would still share him, especially with you darling...... you can have him to Kathy just later

Briana in her Batwoman disguise simply doesn't reply as her stare is still fixated on Y/n

Kate: come on, you have the hots for him and I see it, but I'm still taking my claim and his lips on mine......

Briana levels a glare at her at Kate simply doesn't mind it

Kate: oh is that's how it's always been, you drove him away and now he's unattainable isn't he to you....?

Briana: enough!

Selina: Bri, sweetie, just tell him....

Briana: he's dangerous, a danger to everyone and everything..... that's all!!!

Kate: why do you keep finding an excuse to....... Oh now I get it. That's how you always are, and you never change, you're quite infamous for being stubborn and I should know it!!!!!

Briana doesn't respond as her gaze is still fixated on Y/n Morgan

Unknown location.........

A legion of assassins are seen training as one man in the shadows is seen on a throne of some sorts

The mysterious figure from the Gotham fight club is now seen revealing her to be a blonde haired woman with a tight brown leather outfit and snakelike eyes alongside a snakelike tongue

This is Larissa Davis aka copperhead, a meta human, one of the stealthiest members of the league of shadows or assassins as they're known to many organizations including the justice league, as she approached the figure on the throne

Copperhead: Ra's Al ghul I have some news my lord......

The figure on the throne then looks at her

Ra's: what is it....?

Copperhead: the fight club has been attacked by the SF, lady shiva and bane have been defeated.....

Ra's: by the bat right.....?

Copperhead: no sir. It wasn't Batwoman

Ra's seems to sit straighter in his throne

Ra's: tell me more!

Copperhead: lady shiva was beaten in a fair fight, and so was bane after the man was revealed to be an undercover SF operative..... that man is Y/n Morgan

Ra's then stands up revealing himself in the moonlight

Ra's: this Y/n Morgan tell me more about this man

Copperhead: he was a former member of the justice league sir, he left after the incident in Gotham, he killed the joker after he shot at him, only that.....

Copperhead began to list off more of Y/n's accomplishments from him defeating Circe, killer frost and even Colm O'Driscoll's grisly death

Ra's then looks in the shadows at another figure

Ra's: is that the man you've been following....? Taila?

Another figure emerged a woman with brown hair, striking green eyes and skintight leather outfit this is taila al ghul, one of Ra's biological daughter

Taila: indeed father, I used my white glove to find him after a robbery gone wrong-in metropolis, not only that before he joined the league he battled the JL and nearly won, managed to crack batwoman's ribs a little, stopped superwoman's own punch and even broke the lanterns own shield through his own brute strength alone, it's very impressive, there's no other records of him not even through Nyssa's own black glove's investigation

Ra's simply seems to smirk a little bit

Ra's: get Ubbe for me, I want to pay this Y/n Morgan a visit myself "have I finally found the man, the man to lead my assassins, have I finally gotten a glimmer of hope"?

Back to Y/n 

Y/n is seen talking to Jim Gordon as he leans on his bike

Gordon: what you did son, with the joker......?

Y/n: if you're gonna hate or arrest me for that, commissioner I won't cause a fight.....

Gordon: no son, thank you, thank you for everything! You did us a service

Y/n looked surprised as Jim offered his hand and Y/n shakes it, Jim simply leans against the wall next to Y/n's bike

Gordon: you know...... I never thought I see the day he gets his just deserts, he's caused so much pain to me, he shot my daughter leaving her In a wheelchair, she's starting to walk and get better now, the countless killings, he once threatened to bomb a bunch of infant children......

Y/n: you can only put a rabid dog away so much before someone takes its life whether you want too or not, I know the others like Harley were manipulated by the joker, poison Ivy is a rare specimen, killer frost.... Well I don't have to say anymore, in those ladies I see redemption. The joker all I saw was a monster, not a man but a monster that took many lives and never paid for his sins, I know it's not easy to look the other way sir, but sometimes it's better to be on the right side of wrong....

Jim: *chuckles* son, you have a lot of potential around you, a lot of potential. If only I had you as a detective.....

Y/n: hehe, police work and police don't agree with me commissioner. But I do appreciate the kind works but I have to go.....

Y/n gets on his bike before just
held out his hand with a card on it

Jim: here it's my card in case you need anything...... no need to call me commissioner, call me Jim son!

Y/n: thank you, Jim, I'll see ya when the opportunity comes

Starting the Harley Y/n waves goodbye to Jim for now as he goes out of Gotham fast, as Y/n's eyes glow a slight orange color to them as he speeds away from batwoman's city, having a pit in his stomach about everything especially since their last interaction was a few weeks ago and it didn't end all that well

10 Days later

Inside of Y/n's new apartment bought by the SF. We sees lying down Y/n on a futon as he didn't need a bed as the tv in the living room was showing a report with Lois lane infamous reporter of the daily planet

Lois: after intergang's robbery of metropolis first bank, we have officially announced that no casualties or anyone was seriously hurt Thanks to the justice league and coming up an exclusive interview from the League's former member Deadeye from gothams very own Vicki.......

The tv was shut off as Y/n rubbed his eyes

Y/n: she's very convincing in asking for an interview that's for sure, damn my throats parched.......

Y/n got up revealing that he was shirtless again wearing black sleep pants as he turns around revealing some new scars from the falling down glass on his back adding to the variety of scars he already has

He sighs before he goes to grab a gallon of water and chugs it down as he wipes his mouth as he saw something in the reflection of a pot......

Y/n grabs the pot and instantly smashes it into the assassins face before grabbing a butter knife and stabbing him multiple times as the mans life fades away-as Y/n sees someone else there before he reached for a gun hidden in the drawer

???: I'm sorry for that, Mr Y/n Morgan. That particular assassin was always a dumb muscle head, was gonna dispatch him myself but you took care of that really well.....

Y/n: who the hell are you and why are you in my apartment....?

???: forward...... I like that, let me introduce myself

The man came out into the light as Y/n's grip on his gun tightened....

Ra's: hello Y/n I'm Henri Ducard

Y/n: don't BS me, I know who you are I've looked at your profile, Ra's Al ghul the leader of the league of shadows

Ra's: I'm sorry, but I would love to talk to you, I have no Ill will towards you, I just want to other plans I promise

Y/n looks at him and doesn't sense any other assassins or no threats from Ra's as he lowers his gun

Y/n: but what about......

Y/n turns seeing the body of the dead assassin gone, as Ra's looks at him

Y/n: *sighs* coffee or tea?

Ra's: some Tea would be nice

Y/n: give me a few minutes to get the water hot, please sit down

Ra's: manners, I love that. Most young men don't have that anymore.

Y/n: thanks

As Y/n sets down the tea Ra's simply looks at him as he swirled his spoon in his cup

Ra's: let's have that conversation shall we?

A/n: OH YEAH! This is definitely getting crazier and crazier as soon we'll be meeting more MK Kharacters

Please comment and tell me what y'all think?

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