Chapter 12

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Y/n: what?

Ra's: become my heir, you can do your own justice; do you think the league cares about what your results have created; Gotham is more peaceful now that the clown is dead, no more senseless violence and carnage just cause one man doesn't care what happens to others

Ra's lays his hands on the table

Ra's: with the league at your Beck and call the world can be rid of what you want to be rid of...... how many people have you seen suffered but you're only one man and you can't change everything

Y/n lays his head in his arms

Y/n: it's a very tempting offer, Mr Al Ghul but I'm afraid my answer is a no

Ra's didn't react but simply smiled

Ra's: other men would've taken an offer like that; I even offered both of my daughters and yet you still hold strong on that; I respect a man who knows never to let an offer tempt him; I'll see you later but I will keep the Offer, have a nice day Mr Morgan

Y/n turned around to take the cups as Ra's has disappeared

Y/n: you too, sir!

Locking the doors and windows Going back to his futon, Y/n grabbed a beretta hidden under the futon and tucks it under the pillow as he slept with one hand on it just in case someone else tried to make an unexpected visit as he dozed off

3 days after

Sonya: WHAT?

Y/n: I know but your my General and I owe you, I don't keep secrets unles it's needed

Sonya: so he just came into your apartment, just to chat and ask ya?

Y/n: seems so; hell I don't even know what he sees in me?

Sonya: if only you saw why, but forget that, I'm gonna....

Y/n: I don't need a protection detail; just wanted to tell you so no secrets are between us, i trust you too much to not let anything hurt our relationship general

Sonya simply sighs as she took off her hat

Sonya: ok, you're dismissed

Y/n: thanks for hearing me out, General

Y/n leaves as Sonya sighs

Johnny: you ok baby?

Johnny had come from behind and massaged her shoulders as Sonya appreciated it and sighs in content

Sonya: yeah, just the whole thing with Ra's has me concerned.....

Johnny: Y/n can handle himself but I would say it's best if someone can supervise him.....

Sonya: I'll put Cassie on it; better anyway

Johnny: you just gave her an early Christmas present

Sonya: that I did!

Y/n is seen relaxing on top of some boxes as he looks seeing the others who greeted him with waves and hellos as he simply smiled or waved back at them

Getting up he simply leaned back before bring out a knife and putting against other persons neck

???: nice reflexes there Y/n Morgan

Y/n looks at the man in question

Y/n: grandmaster Hasashi? I'm sorry I thought.....

Scorpion: it's alright; I've come with some of my friends to talk with General Blade; is she here? It's rather important

Y/n: she's in the command center sir

Scorpion: alright, thank you

Y/n put his knife away before someone covers his eyes with a giggle

Y/n: Cassie come on, I know it's you, I can smell the Chanel number 5 and the bubblegum

Cassie chuckles as she faces him

Cassie: hey handsome! How's everything, you meet grandmaster Hasashi it seems?

Y/n: yeah, he's quite the guy, more composed compared to what I've been told as his past as scorpion was

Cassie: he's a cool guy; but he's one of the best, the best has to be Bi han, one of the grandmasters of the Lin Kuei, guys really cool no pun intended of course

Y/n and Cassie chuckle at that before Johnny comes to them

Johnny: sorry to interrupt the date

Ignoring a "hey" from Cassie Johnny looks at Y/n

Johnny: suit it, we're going to outworld

Cassie: shit; I'll see ya then

Cassie goes to her team as Y/n goes to his room and begins to take off his clothes and put on his tactical attire

Now he's wearing a long sleeve gray shirt with dark green tactical pants tucked into boots as he then strapped on his holster for his pistol on his back and reached for his HK416 that was recently given and customized for him

Then he reached for the SF's new standard pistol a beretta 92 as he tucked that in to his back holster

He also grabbed the kabar and tucked it into his boot as he went and then stands among his colleagues and friends as Sonya stepped in with a serious look on her face

Sonya: at ease! Now we got an emergency one of bases down in South America was composed with serveral of our equipment stolen, many have died but have seen giant insects roaming the place which took a substantial amount of firepower to take down; the lin kuei and Shirai ryu were attacked with minimal damages but something of importance was stolen..... and we have to go to outworld!

Y/n: permission to speak, General

Sonya: yes Morgan?

Y/n: from what the accounts have said and by the files I've read, I believe DVORAH is behind the massacre and many more as well; what procedures will we have to take?

Sonya: you're actually right, and yes she's behind it, we'll be following tracks and have the lin Kuei and Shirai ryu as our backup and trackers

Y/n: but if I may inject; what about the current Kahn?

Sonya: that motherfucker broke the peace when he arrived on Earthrealm and nearly killed my daughter and Jacqui to satiate Shinnok's bloodlust instead of helping us; I won't take any shit from him. He broke the accords first and did nothing to help us; it if wasn't for Cassie we'll all be dead

Y/n: and if he tries anything, leave him to me

Sonya: not if I get to him first operator!

Sonya smiles briefly as she then looks at everyone

Sonya: pack light but carry your kits and your bottles filled, we move in 10!

Everyone begin to organize whatever things they needed as Y/n looked at the picture he always carried with him, and he rubs his hand slightly on the pic

Y/n: "wish me luck; I hope to see you soon"

Kissing the picture he lightly tucks it into his pocket as he begin to survey and double check his gear and ammunition

Sonya: let's go!

As they were able to use the portal to move into outworld; Y/n could see the distinct lin kuei/ Shirai ryu uniforms and weapons  that benefited their more ninja warrior like nature compared to the traditional tactical special forces

Putting on a face mask; Y/n is seen with the others leading as they're in a old temple of some sorts as they begin to fan out in groups, no one stays behind, no one is left alone

Cassie stayed close to Y/n as he sees the grandmaster's of the lin kuei, Kuai Liang and Bi han 2 brothers of cryomancy and of honor and skill

Cassie: that's them, the dual grandmasters. You ok cheeks?

Y/n: yeah, jsur a little worried; outworld seems to be backwards compared to every thing I've heard

Johnny: they are, they don't even respect acting here

Sonya: oh come on! Not again

Johnny: it's a respected career; mine was in the dumps before I was in Mortal Kombat and I of course before I met my beautiful wife

Sonya actually went red as they are able to go out of the temple and see several tracks Leading into a barren desert like area but with vegetation, but the tracks led In several different directions but something seems off about them

Y/n: ok, this is officially the weirdest place I've ever been to

Sonya: should we follow the tracks? Or should we send a scout party out?

Y/n: I don't think so, these aren't our tracks

Cassie: how could you tell?

Y/n knells down and begins to observe by lightly touching the tracks as his vision seems to glow blue as he remembered what he did to track and hunt down criminals and to hunt as well

Y/n: it's very slight but if you notice the indentations on the sand, it looks like it was driven, something that I doubt the bug bitch herself could do, compared to those tracks that I've seen, someone was working with her and the vehicles were used on a transport vehicle to help carry them; see how they're would've been deeper imprints from the stolen vehicles she had help from others no way someone can plainly move things like this easily, and they're using the vehicles stolen to sell here for something, and it's something that'll effect us all as well

Scorpion: great observation; but why would these be stolen here?

Sonya: red dragon or black from my guess but half of them were captured or dissolved...

Y/n: it's like trying to cut the head off a hydra, cut one off, 3 grows back in its place and with Kano gone, some upstart wants to move on up it seems

Kuai: so it seems, where should we go now, Y/n?

Y/n seems to think of a plan as he absentmindedly grabbed a bunch of sand

Y/n: Sonya, run point with your team and Cassie, scorpion you lead your clan to the side watching us from the shadows, grandmasters Kuai and bi han watch our flank, I'll be at the front, anticipate any ambush; this too uncertain for me

Sonya and the others agree as Y/n readies his Hk and begins to go in front as the others get into their positions

Cassie: is it me, or did someone turn on the heat, cause I'm hit from him taking Control like that?

???: you tell me, I'm already turned on more

Sonya: leave your hormones behind; we got a mission

The others apologized as Y/n didn't hear them as he began to track down the trail as he stops before picking up something, a knife of some sort bearing a dragon logo the black dragon logo

Y/n: like I said; another one took Kano's place

Sonya: I'm gonna wring that motherfucker's head off with a Godamn brick

Johnny: save some for me

As Johnny Walks Y/n instantly pushed Johnny as before everyone could say something a click was heard as Y/n steadies his feet

Y/n: oh fuck I knew it!

Sonya: landmine everyone get back!

Cassie instantly rushed to Johnnys side as Y/n stood carefully on the bomb

Sonya: we'll get ya out!

Y/n: should've warned ya but i didn't want you get hurt

Johnny: I owe ya kiddo! What do we do?

Sonya brought out a bomb expert as they dig around Y/n's foot seeing the land mine

Sonya: shit, we need to replace this with a similar weight, we set this off, we'll be in chunks

Y/n: ok, find a heavy rock and I'll slightly move my feet; I won't set it off but if I even take my foot off; I'll be dead

Cassie: ok! What the fuck guys, hurry!!!!!

They managed to come back with a large rock around the size of Y/n's legs as they set it down gently and quickly as y/n took his foot off the mine........ nothing happened....

Y/n: WHEW! Shit, I think that shaved some years off my life

Sonya: I think I'm getting gray hairs already and I'm 50 years old already

Johnny: you ok son?

Y/n: yeah...... I'm good, shit. Everyone keep close and stay tight look for any imperfections on the ground or else we'll be sending ya home for the incinerator for your ashes and I ain't picking up the pieces

Everyone had a laugh at that, despite that they have to be serious at times; a little bit of humor helps them calm down

As they begin to make their March around they each begin to hear machinery, heavy machinery

Sonya: get down, stay low!

Y/n and the others crouch down and begin to crawl with Y/n being the fastest as he made his way next to Sonya

Sonya: here take a look

She hands Y/n some binoculars. As Y/n looks through them he sees that they're was some black dragon amongst some weirdos with body paint and piercings

Y/n: what's with the body paint? Someone gonna start chanting to the sun now?

Sonya: that's the Osh-Teek kotal's own people

Y/n: they should've worn something else than those Loin clothes and weird piercings, how the hell can they eat and even shower and reapply all that crap?

Cassie: I've always wondered

Johnny: maybe kotal has video instructions? Or has buggy to do it for him?

Sonya: 10 black dragon, over dozens of Osh-Tekks; we got this. Y/n loud or silent

Y/n ponders this before he looks at Sonya

Y/n: silent then loud, we need to know who really wants these weapons; we can't take precaution if outworld was to try to invade Earthrealm again

Sonya: ok, Hanzo, Kuai, Bi han you heard the man

As the others see as they begin to make their way, several of the ninja dispatched any watchers or snipers

One man has his throat slit as Y/n snuck up from behind and outs his aid to his mouth as the other SF members did their stealth kills

???: what.....

Instantly reacting Y/n threw a throwing knife at a approaching patroller as the man fell down straight on the knife killing him

As Y/n emerges the osh-tekk are taken down easily as they begin to secure the vehicles

Johnny: you know this seems rather Easy

Y/n: oh Johnny... don't jinx.....

Suddenly everyone is surrounded by sand as everyone feels the ground shaking beneath them as they suddenly appear in a coliseum of sorts

Everyone scrambled to each other's sides as the sand still blinded them

Sonya; everyone ok? Call in!

Kuai: we're here

Bi han: same

Hanzo: we're good General Blade

Cassie: Y/n?

Y/n: I'm here.... What in the fuck?

Standing before them was kotal khan the ruler of outworld looking as shocked as they are

Kotal: what is this?

Y/n: none of your fucking business you painted Cunt!

???: watch how you speak to the empire, pretty!

Y/n: oh gargle my ballsack you ugly freak

Kotal: what are you doing here, General blade; you are violating my kingdom

Sonya: first thing I don't care, sexism you broke the accords, there's no more of us trying to be nice after you tried to kill my fucking daughter

Kotal then looks to another Groupas Y/n did a double take; he's only heard of them before, it was the contestants from the Mortal Kombat tournament from decades ago looking the same age, a lady wearing blue assassin attire with fans, he recalls her name is kitana, next was a beautiful lady in green with a staff attached to her, he knew her name was Jade

He also saw 2 monks and a man with a rather unique hat on him, liu kang, kung Lao, and Raiden if he recalled correctly

He even saw some other people well 2 women exactly, one was a dark skinned woman with a bobcut and white eyes, next to her Protectively is a woman wearing purple and has sais by her side; Y/n recognized them instantly, mileena and Tanya who the SF had taken down when they tried an alliance with Kotal

Kotal: this must be a trick?

Y/n: it ain't a trick fuckface!

Kotal: what is your problem with me, Earthrealmer!

Y/n instantly steps up as the group Tightens seeing the Sf, lin kuei and Shirai ryu readying themselves

Y/n: oh! My problem! Oh yes! It's you, you are nothing more than a racist, cold hearted bastard, a warlord general bent on vengeance!

???: what are you taking about?

Y/n saw it was Raiden if he believed so

Y/n: oh how about I tell them....

Kotal: you won't spew lies

Y/n: oh no! Unlike the shit you spew I tell the truth! Did he not tell you about the tribes he's massacred, how he obliterated the tarkatan people indiscriminately, men, women and FUCKING CHILDREN!

Y/n's words echoed around the coliseum as everyone began to chant calling kotal many names

Kotal: these are lies; I have been nothing but a just and compassionate... compared to that witch

He points to mileena as she growls

Y/n: STOP LYING, or maybe you should tell them about your little affair with DVORAH, hear that this man fucked a kytin! And DVORAH admits it herself

Y/n's eyes had turned instead of red a glowing bluish color which shocked the SF

Groans of disgust and disbelief are heard

Jade: kotal is all true?

Kotal: Jade please don't listen to this.....

Y/n: don't listen to the truth! Or don't listen to your secrets Kuntal, how about the execution of a bread.....


Jade: KOTAL!

Kotal swings his sword as Y/n briefly caught it with his hand shocking everyone



Y/n tosses kotal and his sword aside as the SF and their Allies exchanged fights with kotal's forces

Y/n ducks a osh- tekk swinging a sword at him before he shoots at him in the head instalty killing him as another one a female comes before Y/n kicks her away and shoots her

Kotal then tried to slash him only for Y/n then to roll as his sword struck one of his own nearly cleaving him halfand he just pushed him away not even caring that he hit one of his own People

Kotal: you certainly like to manipulate things don't ya?

Y/n: calling me a liar, pot look at kettle, btw you need to take a bath; you smell like you've been fucking dead Aninals with maggots

He then fired off some rounds into kotal who then transformed into his cat like form to swipe as Y/n then rolls to the side as he then raised his rifle to block kotal's weapon before it shattered as y/n backed away

Y/n: hand to hand it is then!

Y/n took off the straps as he gets into position before kotal is suddenly kicked from behind from the purple clad female..... mileena if he so believes

Y/n then grabs him and Rolls into a arm bar position

only for Kotal to use his height and strength to his advantage and pin Y/n underneath as his hands encircle his throat as Y/n begins to gasp for air

Cassie: Y/n!!!

Cassie instantly rushed to his side and kicks kotal away Woth her shadow kick but before anything else; the ugly duo attacks her

Ferra torr: no pretty girl won't interfere

Cassie: oh I'll interfere; after i fill out both with holes!

Y/n then looks as kotal growls

Kotal: I should've killed her years ago..... and that disgusting team of hers

Y/n: oh.... Now I'm gonna make you really suffer blue boy

Kotal roars as him and Y/n lock arms and try to overpower each other but as kotal headbutts Y/n and sends him down His arm went behind his back... as Kotal raised his hand for a punch; Y/n's hand flash as he swiped as kotal's face as he screams cradling his damaged face his eye now damaged as Y/n revealed that he had a Karambit tucked into his waistband

Kotal then tried to attack him again only for Y/n then to twist behind him and hold his neck with both arms

Kotal begins to struggle as Y/n's hands find his neck and a loud snap is heard as everyone stared at Y/n who now dropped kotal as everyone begins to see what had happened

Kotal: *GASP* ..... I can't move anything, I can't even feel my arms

Y/n: yeah.... And I don't give a fuck, suck it up

Y/n then walks as he sees the female Ferra lying down groaning before Y/n raised his boot and instantly stomped on her head as he smushed it smearing it into the ground as the other Osh-tekks go to kotal as The SF gather around Y/n with the lin Kuei and Shirai ryu helping them as Y/n was getting various stares, from anger, disbelief and lust....

Sonya: come on, let these assholes deal with that, especially.... kotal, fuck you and I hope you suffer....

Johnny: oh also, you might wanna stand up and give a speech; oh wait you can't...!

The others leave As Y/n remained silent as Cassie gently held his hand, noting that he was bruised from the fight but still 100% ok

Hanzo and the lin kuei grandmasters were looking at Y/n with respect and admiration in their eyes

SF Base  

After the whole thing with outworld, the monks, and Raiden had followed and talked to them mainly Sonya and Johnny; discussing other things that Y/n didn't care about, as Y/n was seen working out in the SF training room shirtless. The Shirai Ryu and Lin kuei's grandmasters were in the room as well to catch up the monks and Raiden

Several punches are heard as Y/n is seen obliterating a punching bag as it splits in half as he then goes to get another one

???: excuse me!

Y/n turned around seeing The woman he saw.... Jade if he believes so and she looks furious

Y/n: and how can I help you?

Jade: you! You actions were uncalled for!

Y/n: what actions, you mean the things I had to do to survive?!

Jade: no you just came into Kotal's coliseum and made up lies......

Y/n: HEY! I don't make yo lies and don't you fucking call me a liar, so you're calling Sonya, Johnny and Cassie liars, oh yeah? Well maybe he wasn't trying to help shinnok to appease him jsur to help outworld, falsely accused Earthrealm of treachery and violated the accords he so agreed on!

Jade: kotal made mistakes; we all do...!

Y/n: mistakes are something someone admits to being wrong; he never even admits he's wrong not even about the Bug bitch; he tried to deny cause we were right. And you so blindly believe him; you're more naive that I even thought you were

Jade was trembling In anger so much that she's gripping her staff hard

Jade: you have no right to judge others!

Y/n: and I don't care! He massacred entire tribes, innocent children, people that disagreed or even people that stole cause they were hungry, he did nothing for outworld; he did it for himself and I don't regret my decision because I had to do something! You know I thought you were supposed to be this beautiful, smart, and tactical woman, I don't see the edenian who's skills were recruited by shao khan himself, and to be kitana's bodyguard;  I don't see her, I only see a naive follower who doesn't accept fact from lies; you're either one thing, a follower or you're the edenian others have claimed you as. But as of now I don't see her, I see nothing, I see no one

Y/n then walks past her to the exit only for her tri-blade to suddenly hit the wall 6 feet from him as Y/n turns and sees Jade with an angry look on her face and shaking his head in disgust, Y/n leaves as Jade then threw her tri-blade to another wall as some tears were seen on her face

Y/n walks past many of the SF who Mainly stare at Y/n's sweating body

Sonya: Y/n....

Y/n: I'm sorry General, I need some time alone, I'm just gonna get drunk and leave my worries behind, is that ok?

Sonya: of course you're free to go; saw that Jade was looking for you!

Y/n: she and the others want to judge me fine; but they've never been in my shoes; so I want them to judge me cause I could care FUCKING less

Sonya could tell Y/n was about to erupt so she lets him go as he passes Johnny and Cassie as Cassie tried to follow only for Johnny to put a hand on her shoulder

Johnny: let him be, I have a feeling that Things didn't do well for him and he needs a break

Sonya: Jade and him got into a spat

Cassie: what's her fucking problem, Y/n did nothing wrong and kotal has been needing that years

Sonya; I agree; come on. We have to discuss things out with mileena herself and how the hell did everything just happen now

Johnny: this is gonna be a head spinner

Cassie: I'm gonna need a weeks rest after this

Since Mileena suddenly appeared the SF took action to put her and Tanya in cells but treat them better cause they knew that kotal would've wanted them both dead and They want things to be better and not cater to a madman's wish

Random Bar

Y/n wipes his rather long hair away from his face as he put away his 30th shot and not even feeling drunk leaves a rather sizeable tip as he grabs a bottle of whiskey and begins to down it as he leaves the bar and begins the long walk home

Unknown to Y/n a rather familiar bar figure is seen watching him as Y/n almost sees her but wipes his eyes and brushes it off

Back the at SF base

Sonya is seen rubbing her eyes as she was sleepy so was some of the other members as Cassie and Johnny brought it hot coffee for everyone

Johnny: enough excitement and now here comes the boredom

Sonya: I'll say cheers to that myself

As Sonya raised her coffee to her lips tue ground begins to shake as everyone then looks seeing a portal worh sand open up as the SF look on as Sonya preps herself for an attack and sees 4....... No 5 figures the smaller one bejnf carried by someone wearing a cowboy hat.......

Sonya's eyes widen and so does everyone else as the figures come into view

Johnny: oh my god!

Cassie: no way!

Sonya: what in the.....

Arthur: howdy!

A/n: oh yeah! Tell me what you all think and please comment down below

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