The Fight

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[A/N - I know this picture was on a previous chapter, that was by mistake, it was meant for this one. Whoops :/]

Unknown person's POV:

Ugh, it's six pm already and theres nothing to do. I have my computer systems hacked into every camera possible in the city. I stare at the screens longing for something to come up. Nothing.

I decide I need some fresh air. I put on my white tank top, a black hooded jacket, a pair of running leggings and some white pumps. I run around central park a few times before coming back to my apartment. It wasn't anything wow, decent enough to live a decent life I guess.

As I get back I hear a beeping noise. Finally!!! Something to do! It's starting to get dark now, perfect. That's what Emerald Nightstar is all about, the night. I have a shower and prepare myself for action. As I make my way to my bedroom, I knock over a cup of coffee tripping over the leg of my glass dining table by accident. I cut my knee somehow too.

Frustrated I clean up the mess as quick as I can,as it's only slowing me down,

I mutter to myself, "Way to go Angelov".

Steve's POV:

Everyone gathers in the Quinjet ready to go. "Guys we got this" I say enthusiastically.

"Yeah!" Agrees everyone else.

We get to the warehouse and start searching for the children. "Guys, I think I hear something". Nat whispers into her earpiece.

As we enter the abandoned warehouse we split up to try and find the children. We make it to the door of the main hall together and and on my mark we barge in.

"1,2...3!" I count everybody in.

All at once we're shot at by at least a dozen HYDRA soldiers. We take cover and start firing back, careful not to hit the children.

We had taken out roughly a half of the soldiers when I noticed a black figure in the shadows. I am about to go and take it out when it defeats a HYDRA soldier near by. It soon starts to do the same to more HYDRA soldiers, (well whoever this is they seem to be on our side anyway and he/she is amazing!) and then goes to the children. I'm a bit wary at first until I realise that he (or she for that matter) was untying the children and getting them to safety. I change my attention to the remaining HYDRA soldiers and the others do the same.

"Who is that?" Natasha and Tony ask over the earpieces at the same time.

"I do not know but I know that is a true warrior" replied Thor.

I look back towards the mysterious person and notice it's a woman. I can tell by the way she moves. A bit like Natasha actually.

We finish off all the HYDRA soldiers and I'm about to confront the mysterious woman, all of a sudden she walks towards me quickly. I want to know who she is.

"Ma'am wh--" I'm cut off as she pushes me to the floor and hear a gunshot at the same time. There was a remaining HYDRA soldier who had somehow survived as I reach for my shield, the Hulk starts throwing the soldier around like a rag doll.

I look towards the mysterious figure, who was now holding her abdomen. She removes a crimson red hand as she looks down. I notice her body go limp as she starts to fall. I get to her as quickly as I can, leaving my shield on the floor. I catch her just in time and say, "You saved me. Why?"
I look into her eyes as she looks into mine.
She's about to reply, but she drifts away, out of consciousness. I carry her back to the Quinn Jet so we could get to S.H.I.E.LD medical ward as fast as we could. I strap myself in a seat. I keep the mystery woman in my lap. I'm about to take her mask off when I realise I shouldn't. Not if I want her to trust me.

Skye's POV:

I had just finished freeing the captured children. It felt good to be in action again after so long. I'm kind of glad The Avengers came to help. I've been out of action for too long to have done it all by myself. I start to walk over to their team leader, Captain America aka. Steve Rogers. (Yes I know all of them, even the ones with secret identities. How? I hacked into S.H.I.E.LD quite a while ago.) I'm about to thank him and his team for the help.

When I see a remaining soldier who had already prepared his gun and was aiming at the Captain. I run over to him and he says, "Ma'am wh--" but I cut him off as I push him to the ground. There's a gun shot and piercing pain in the side of my abdomen. Immediately my hand goes to where I'm shot. I look towards the remaining soldier only to see him be thrown around by The Hulk. I look down and remove my now crimson red hand from my wound. My vision starts to go blurry as I feel my body go limp. I start to fall, I feel a pair of strong arms around my body, breaking my fall. He is saying something but I can't hear him. All I see are a pair of deep blue eyes before everything goes black.


[A/N - so thats that! Tell me what tou think please! If you want me to add in anything you think would be good please let me know and I'll try to include them. :)]


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