Ice Ice Baby

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Previously on Total Drama Revenge of the Island, we learned although our campers are here to win, their all losers one way or another. Really really big was a psychological butt kicking that quickly turned literal and comical and hysterical hahah! But in the end, Dakota got the biggest boot of all. I love my job! Stay tuned for more things blow up, more contents throw up and suddenly try to hook up. Right here on Total....Drama....Revenge Of The Island!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Sky's Point Of View
I sat down next to Mike at the cafeteria or whatever it's called. "Hey Sky!" "Hey." "So are you going to eat?" "No way I'm eating chefs cooking." "I know right." "I rather have waffles with strawberry syrup." "I like waffles too." Then out of nowhere a spoon hit Mike in the head then he gasped. "Darn kids! Back in my day we ate with our hands like decent folks!" "Ha nice impression." Then he gasped again and Joe started talking. "Loose the old man impression, but your Spent Lana how do you summon such strength?" "I uh..rehearsal a lot in front of my mirror Da! Hahaha" there he goes again with his nervous laugh I tried to say something but Joe interrupted me. "And your athlete, Dash, is the fastest person here! How do you run so fast?" "Well uh I um practice um for 3 hours a day yeah! hahaha." Uh way did I laugh nervous! I can tell that Mike is getting suspicious so I need to keep my personalitys on the down low. Then all of the sudden a mouse is trashing the place so we all ran out the door. But once I got out I looked around and I didn't see Mike. "Has anyone seen Mike?!" Then he got tossed out and landed on the ground. "Found him." I walked over to help him up when I hear Chris on the megaphone. Attention players! Please head directly to the looming tragedy at is now looming tragedy. Your race begins....Now! We all started running and I ended up running next to Mike again and some how Dash didn't come out. This is very strange because this never happens before. One we got there I looked up and saw a huge cliff and all I could do was stare at it. "Please don't tell me we have to climb that." Heights make me nervous and when I get nervous Kyle comes out. Then Chris came and got my attention. Alright mutant food, on with the challenge. Part one is a up hill battle you have to climb all the way up to that cliff first team to reach the top get an advantage in part two. You can climb with your hands or whatever you find in the pile, don't worry this juck yard doesn't have a dog it has a giant mutated beetle! Haha this guy if a bit of a hoarder. Then Chef was at the top of the hill and blow into a weird looking hone. It is on! Once Chris said that I blacked out.

Kyle's Point Of View
All of the sudden I appear to be in front of a huge...scary...cliff. I froze and then I hear a voice. "What are you waiting for Sky?" I looked at him and I can see why Sky likes him. His spikey dark brown hair and his beautiful smile. "Sky?" "I-I'm uh d-don't l-li-like...h-heights." "Sky it's going to be ok. I'll be by your side the hole time and if you fall then I'll catch you." He smiled at me. "W-well Ok t-then." He grabbed my hand then everything went black.

Sky's Point Of View
I opened my eyes and I was back and when I looked down at my hand I saw that Mike was holding it. I blush the second I saw it. I started climbing the mountain and Mike was in front of me, I grabbed onto a branch when I saw Camron was having a hard time so I started encouraging him. "You can do it Cam I believe in you!" But once I said that I looked down and saw that I was really high up and I started to get dizzy then all of the sudden my right hand slipped and I was screaming. Then my left hand started to slip but Mike grabbed my hand right before I fell. "Thanks Mike. You saved me!" "Any time." We both looked into each other's eyes and smiled. As Mike was pulling me up, Lightning kicked a bunch of rocks which caused us to fall on Camron then all the way back to the start. "Uhh is everyone ok?" "Yeah what about you Cam?" "Uhh." Me and Mike helped Camron up when the Rats caught our attention. They were getting things out of the juck pile and maybe they had the right idea.  "Hey guys maybe there's something out of the trash pile we can use." We walked over and started looking through. As I was looking I saw Chef throw a brick of ice which landed onto Lightning then Scott. I kept on searching until I found a grappling hook then Mike found two plungers and Cam found a bunch of gum. "Come on guys I want to win this challenge." We all started heading up the mountain until the Rats flew passed us and landed at the top of the mountain. Who else is heading for a fall literally, find out After the brake.

~Time Skip to Next Challenge

Chris brought us to a vary cold part of the island and we were all shaking. Greetings Ice Teens! Cold enough for yeah? Hahaha I'll tack that as a yes. Time for part two of today's challenge, capture the snow fort. To win you have to either demo the enemies fort or capture there flag and bring it back to your pin fort. Rats won the first part so they get first dibs on forts. "Sha-easy c-c-Castle." "No g-got to be a trick. Nice on the out side means nasty on the inside. W-will take the s-shack." "Yeah!" Listen up players, here how it works. Use the shovel in each for to fire your collection of mystery snow balls. Which you can fire at each other's fort, careful there are weapons in each ball but some will damage you, so choose wisely. Each team has to elect a captain to command in concur Then Joe and Brick started speaking at the same time. "As team captain I say we-" they both looked at each other then started to thumb wrestle and of course Joe wins by a landslide. "Never met a girl stronger then me captain. Not even my Mom." Then Joe smiled. "Brick, Lazy, We need you on offense your mission is to capture the enemies flag. The rest of us will defend the fort and fire the snow balls. And Sky we need you to do your Dash thing and get out there." "I uh can't my personal- uh I mean talents are hard to um-" "And first up on the field 5 years champion" I gasped then everything went black.

Dash's Point Of View
"Make way losers here comes Dash!" I started running until I saw uhh what's was his name....ah Mike flew right above me. Once I got to the fort I see him with no shirt on the I gasped and was back inside Sky's brain.

Janna's Point Of View
I was in a vary cold place but all I can stare at is the hunk right in front of me. "Oh My!" I said while looking at his six pack. Then he started pushing the enemy away from a flag. Then a guy walked over. "Mike the plays over you win best actor now give me the flag." "Over my tan body." Then all three of they started fighting each other. Then all of the sudden the fort melted. Maggots win! And here's your reword, McLane brand hot chocolate. "Yeah!" Then at that time I gasped.

Sky's Point Of View
Once I opened my eyes I was in the confessional. "Ok did Jenna come out? Uhh Dash is all ready a hand full now her? Uhh sometimes I wish there was someone out there who understands me."

~Time Skip

I was in my cabin trying to fall asleep but Joe will not stop snoring. So I got up grabbed my guitar and headed out into the woods and I can hear someone following me and I know exactly who it was. "You can come on out Cam." "Oh um hey Sky I wasn't-" "Its alright Cam what is it?" "It's nothing I just want to hear you play." "Well alright then. Follow me." I brought him to my favorite place on the forest and started singing. (Video Up Top). "Wow anyone in mind while you were singing that?" He raised an eyebrow and I rolled my eyes. "He doesn't fell the same way." I looked down at the ground  and frowned. "Sky I think he dose." "How do you know?" "I think you two are meant to be." "What do you mean?" "Let's just say you both have something in common." "What?" "You'll see." Then he walked away. Well it's getting late I better get some sleep.

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