Truth Or Laser Shark

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Chris McLane: italics

Sky's Point Of View
Last time on total drama revenge of the island, 13 new competitors were blown away
By this years challenges! They took an early morning swim, said hello to the animal wild live, and did some totem serving. Explosive! In the end, Stacy's team got so sick of her talking they sent her packing hearl of shame style. Who will go home next and how much pain can I put them through next. Find out on Total.....Drama.....Revenge of the Island!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Sky's Point Of View

I woke up at 5:00 am and went for a morning
nature walk. Then I gathered some food from the forest like berries and nuts because there's no way I'm eating Chefs food. Once I got back to camp I hear a air horn through the speakers. Up and Adam my little campers, it's time for today's challenge! I walked over next to Mike then Lighting started talking in the third person.
"What?! But Lightning hasn't had his DPA!" We all looked at him with puzzled faces.
"Daily Protein allotment duh!"
"And I haven't had enough beautiful sleep." You can catch up on your sleep AFTER the challenge, right this way to the Bay of Dismay. Dakota and Sam's electronics got taken away by Chris.
Come of your humiliation awaits. We all started walking and I started talking to Mike. "So what do you think the challenge is?"
"I don't know, I hope it's not embarrassing." "Don't worry you'll be fine." I gave him a smile and he smiled back. Once we got to the Bay of Dismay Chris had us strapped down by harnesses.
Welcome to the getting to know you trivia challenge! Everyone all strapped in all nice and snug?
"Uhh a little to snug. It's cutting into my shoulders." Scott tried to loosen the straps. Yeah children sized harnesses will do that Hahaha. I'll be asking embarrassing, personal questions and I mean majorly humiliating. If the player that I'm talking about hits the buzzer and own there humiliation before the time runs out there team gets a point. Fort team to five of part one ft a advantage in part two. But if no one owns up....this happens! Chris hits a button and our hole team went under water then there a two lag shark about to eat Cameron but Chris got us out of the water just in time. I looked over at Mike and see that he was also looked freaked out.
"T-there's some k-kind of Two legged shark monster down there!"
You mean Fang? Haha yeah it turns out toxic waste can mess with stuff under water two. Haha who knew! Any who, if the team gets dunked then the opponent can steal by guessing by which dunky is guilty, guess right then your team gets a point....guess wrong then then this happens! Chris pushed the button again and dunks the other team.
Now that we understand the rules, let's start the game. Of the Rats now listen carefully, who did this on there first and last date they ever had. We all laughed then Sam press the buzzer and they got a point.
Who wet their pants on the first and last day of school?
"Wow one of us is a pants wetter?" I looked around and see that bricks face was red. Then Joe said something.
"He who sweats it wets it. Team before pride maggot!" Then he needs the buzzer and we got a point.
Rats! Who's first name is really... Beverly? "That's not an embarrassing question! Who cares if a girls first name is Beverly." Then B pressed the buzzer.
Correct! Beverly. Rats get the point but I would of prefer a more verbal response. So as a quick punishment... then he dunks the Rats for about 15 seconds then Scott climbed out of the water.
"Thanks for leaving me behind team! You can win this stupid challenge with out me!"
"If he's not playing then I'm not ether!"
"Uhh sense I've already been embarrassed can I leave?"
Ok everyone guess settle down! I look over at Mike and he still looks a nervous but he has no idea how nervous I am. If he finds out that I have MPD then he will think I'm a freak! Then Mike started saying something.
"I'm with Maria, we should stop-Not that I have any secrets to hide! Hahaha." He laughed nervously then I decided to stand up.
"I agree! It's not like I have anything to hide hahaha." I laughed nervously as well but then Joe hit Mike making him sit down.
Hey host talking here! I decide when the challenge is over. I look over at Scott trying to leave but lightning is stopping him. Then out of nowhere Fang jumped out of the water and took a bite of the structure and we all screamed. We all began arguing but I went to sit next to Mike and try and make him fell better.
Alright enough! Thanks to that pathetic digression now we don't have enough time to finish this challenge! Happy. Well you won't be happy for long, come back from the brake for a hole new challenge from which there is no escape. And in the mean time.... Chris hit the button and we were all under water for about 20 seconds then we all dryer Of and started walking through a trial that leads to the next challenge. Joe was talking but I really wasn't listening I was really deep in my thoughts. My personalities haven't come out resonantly, I don't know if nothing triggering them or are they just hiding from me. While I was thinking, I heard Chris's voice on the megaphone.
Welcome Players! Now that you're all here, it's time for part Two of today's challenge. The mad skill obstacles courts! The rely race stars with a mad dash kick start, forget coffee if this thing doesn't get you going nothing will. Then it's off with the race against time with the the canon ball run. Over to my personal fav, recking ball alley. Hearts so good! And moving on we head to the gang planks, complete with rabbit mutant beavers followed by the bouncy agony of double trouble. And finally, the grand slam. Were you'll use the ropes to swing into the giant baseball mit. Wall avoiding those deadly bats. Piece of cake hahaha! Oh and as you my remember, I said that the winning team of part one would have a distinct advantage in part two....
"But there wasn't a winning!"
Yeah, don't remind me. The loading team would have to wear snazzy specs while competing, but sense we never had finished the competition I have decided that everyone has to wear them! Joe walks over and picks up a pear of glasses out of the box Chef was holding.
"Hey what's with the grandpa glasses? We won't be able to see anything in these?!" Goggles won't make part two easy, or attractive. But it can be done, in theory. Competitors, take your position! First up on the kick start is Lightning and Maria, then it's Dawn vs Brick vs the cannon balls, Scott faces Joe in wrecking ball ally, B is up against Sky in gang plank, Sam and Mike will battle double trouble, and Decota will fight Cameron for the grand slam. First team to finish wins the hole thing! And the other team loses a member tonight. Senses it's a rely race, you'll need something to pass....your mascots. Oh intern! Chris's intern hands lightning and Maria a mutant creatures. Then Chris blows the air horn I gasped and I went black.

Dash's Point Of View
All of the sudden I'm standing on a wooden planks in the air the I looked to my left and see that it's a rely race. I didn't really care what they were doing I just started warming up until it got to me. I saw that The dude next to me got the Rat I was angry and when I get angry I go full on Dash! I finally got the creature it felt like I was going 100 miles per hour across those planks. I did flips and jumped over one of the planks! Then I did a front flip and landed next to a boy with spikey hair then I gasped and everything went black.

Sky's Point Of View
"Wow Sky how did you do that!" I looked around and saw that I had the mutant in my hand and that I did the planks.
"Haha do what." I laughed nervously then handed him the mutant creature. Then he ran off to do his part in the challenge. I watched him and saw him gasped like I do and started doing these amazing flips. Then he gasped again and handed Cameron the mutant. I walked over to were Mike was and started talking to him.
"I saw you do those amazing tricks back there." "Uhh ticks?"
"Yeah at double trouble."
"Oh uh yeah tricks haha." He laughed nervously which caught my attention. I was about to say something when Chris yelled.
The Maggots win! We all began to cheer.
Rats see you at the elimination ceremony.

~Time Skip To After The Elimination

I grabbed my guitar and started heading towards the camp fire and saw that the fire is still lighted. I sat down and started playing. (Video Up Top) As I was playing one by one people came over and sat down around the camp fire. Mike was the first one to come and he sat down next to me. I gave him a smile and he gave one back. Once I finished my song everyone clapped and after a while everyone went back to there cabins except Mike.
"I have a secret...and I don't think I'm ready to tell you..."
"Really? Because I have one to but...."
"But what?"
".....Im afraid to tell you because you won't look at me the same way..."
"Sky..." I looked away from him but he forced me to look at him.
"Sky.... I will always look at you as the most beautiful, talented, amazing girl no matter what happens." He smiled and and I did the same then I gave him a huge. He was surprise for a second but then he huge me back. Then he whispered something in my ear.
"I will always be with you no matter what."

Words: 1,762
Thank you guys so much for reading this chapter. I know it took a while but now it's here. I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you next time.

~Shadow Bolt

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