Chapter 4

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"And where have you been Kokomi?" Makoto's voice came from the chair in her room.

'Shit!' Sam thought, annoyed that she wouldn't be able to get him out of her room. "I had a school project with one of my friends, and I bought some hair products on my way home. Why are you in my room?"

"I haven't been able to see my baby sister all day, why wouldn't I be waiting for you?" Makoto asked, Sam having to stop herself from gagging.

"You saw me this morning and I need to change. Get out." Sam said, putting the bag on her bed, keeping the bottle in her sleeve so she could use it quickly if she deemed it needed.

"You think that was enough time for me to spend with you? I can close my eyes when you change." Makoto said, holding his eyes open wider as he started directly at her.

"Do you really think I believe you? I can see you're opening your eyes wider! Get out!" Sam yelled, pointing to her door.

"What's going on in here?" A deep voice asked from her door. Sam gulped before turning around to face her door. She had never seen Teruhashi's parents on the show, and she knew there were theories she was a literal Goddess, although she found it extremely doubtful as she was clearly born as a baby and why would a Goddess have such a horrible brother?

"Kokomi is saying I'm not worthy of her attention." Makoto said immediately.

"Is this true, young lady?" A woman with long, black hair asked, glaring at Sam.

"Of course not, I asked him to leave because I want to change, and I was out at a friend's house for a school project. The project is being kept at their house." Sam said, pulling out any angelic qualities she had.

"He's your brother, what's so wrong about him watching you change?" The initial, tall man with blue tinted dark hair. He was tall, and well built, definitely not someone it would be easy for her to fight, get out of her room, or get past.

"What's wrong- Him watching me makes me feel uncomfortable! I'm a teenager, I'm going through puberty, I'd rather not have boys watch me change, regardless of who they are." Sam said, trying to stop tears forming in her eyes.

"Young lady, you do not have the authority of telling your brother what do do, he deserves to have time with you." The woman Sam assumed was their mother.

"So I can't feel comfortable in my own room?" Sam asked, trying to swallow the lump in her throat and trying to stop the tears forming in her eyes, hating the idea of crying in front of the people who were attacking her.

"You can't talk to your betters as though you're above us." Their mother said, walking over to Sam, her face softening.

Sam moved away from the woman, seething internally, but not wanting to let her emotions be easily visible. Being too close to the bed, Sam had very little room to move to get away from the woman, so she just came up to her again, stroking her cheek in a way that made her feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Kokomi, you know we only want the best for you. If you can learn the proper way to act while you're at home, then you'll be able to be the perfect wife someday. We're training you to be the perfect pretty girl, something that will help you so much." She said, her words and tone making Sam want to throw up.

"Get your hand off of my face." Sam said quietly, trying to keep her voice as level as possible.

"Kokomi, That is not how you talk to your mother." Their father said, looming his way towards the young girl.

Finally having enough, glad her phone had been recording the whole time, starting the recording when she was putting the bags down, she grabbed the bag with her left hand, slipping the hairspray out in her right hand.

Sam sprayed the bottle in the general direction of Kokomi's mother's face, rushing towards the window which had been left slightly ajar from some time previously. Not paying attention to the sudden increase of sound behind her, Sam was glad for the fact that Teruhashi was a fast runner from being highly competitive. Pushing the window open with the same momentum she had just built up, Sam jumped out.

Hitting the ground hard, Sam kept running, ignoring the pain in her ankles and legs, wanting to put as much space between her and the Teruhashi's. Breathing heavily, her hair now a mess, Sam hid in an alleyway to catch her breath.

'Saiki!' Sam thought, trying to get the attention of the pink haired psychic.

'What?' Saiki's voice asked, Sam looking up to see the stoic faced teen.

"I... I'm sorry, can.. can we go to yours?" She asked, her voice shaking as she looked up at him, her emotion starting to spill out.

Saiki didn't say anything, or at least, didn't project any thoughts into her mind, but he offered her his hand, which she took. She didn't know what she was expecting, but the teleportation was more discombobulating than she had thought it would be, and it was a drastic change in lighting from the shaded alleyway to Saiki's brightly lit room.

'Sit on the bed.' Saiki said, gesturing for Sam to sit down.

"Thank you. Sorry." Sam said as Saiki used his restore ability on her.

'It's fine.' Saiki sent her way, making Sam smile. Kusuo may be stoic and hate showing emotion, but he was a still caring, even though he would never admit he even liked anyone but his mother.

"I can sleep on the sofa if that would be easier?" Sam suggested, knowing that as there had been no way of confirming she would be coming over they wouldn't have prepared a room for her.

'No need, I told my mum you were asking if it was okay to stay over for a while, so she's preparing you a room now.' Saiki told her.

"Thank you so much." Sam said, smiling warmly at him.

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