Chapter 3

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"I hope you like the food Teruhasi." Saiki's mother said happily, not seeming to notice the awkward tension between Saiki and her.

"It's delicious, thank you so much." Sam said, her head tilted to the side as she smiled brightly, still savouring the taste of her previous mouthful.

"I heard you came here looking for Kusuo." Saiki's dad said, the look on his face implying that he thought they had been having more than just a conversation. "Was there any specific reason?"

"Yes, I need help with something and I thought he might be able to help, but it turns out he can't. I'm sorry if I was an inconvenience." Sam said, avoiding making eye contact with any of the Saiki family.

"Oh, no, Teruhashi, don't worry, we're happy to have you here." Saiki's mum said, her voice squeaking. "I'm sorry that our Ku couldn't help you."

"Please don't apologise, I was pushing my luck anyway." Sam said, knowing that Saiki would probably be told to help her by his mother. "Actually, I heard Saiki has an older brother, would I be able to contact him to see if he could help? I heard he studied at Cambridge when he was 14."

"Yes, that's true, but he's not the easiest to get in contact with." Saiki's dad said, now having lost the rather insinuating look he had been wearing earlier.

"Oh, I understand, sorry. Thank you for the meal, it was delicious." Sam said, getting up to get her bag and shoes. "I should probably be going home now."

This time Sam's smile didn't manage to look as perfect as it had before, genuinely afraid to go back to Teruhashi's home. She was sure that Makoto would be more clingy than he had been before due to the amount of time she had spent out, and Teruhashi's parents were probably angry too, she had disappeared on them.

'Here's to hoping nothing happens. Maybe I should buy a knife or pepper spray on my way back?' Sam thought, pulling on her boots.

"Teruhashi, are you okay? Do you want us to give you a ride home?" Saiki's mother asked, making Sam genuinely smile at her kindness.

"No, that's fine, there's something I want to buy on my way home anyway, thanks for the offer though." Sam said, bowing slightly as she turned to face them, catching sight of Saiki's concerned face, although he was back to his normal overly neutral face the next time she looked at him.

"Okay, I hope to see you again Teruhashi." Saiki's parents said, waving her off.

Sam smiled and waved back until she was out of view, when her face fell. Pulling into a shop along the way, looking for anything she could use to defend herself against Makoto. As Sam she never really had to worry about these things, people tending to leave her alone for more than hair comments, and her family, while annoying were nothing compared to the Teruhashi family.

'You're actually looking for a weapon of sorts?' Saiki's thoughts suddenly entered her mind, almost making her shriek.

'I told you, didn't I? Teruhashi's family is the worst I've seen, I wouldn't kid about having to arm myself to face my, or at least my body's, parents or brother. I got in trouble for not letting him watch me change, for fuck's sake!' Sam thought, not wanting to give the pink haired psychic the time of day to face him if he really was standing behind her, or look like an idiot if he wasn't.

'I... didn't know her family was that bad.' Saiki's thoughts continued as she searched the entire store, giving friendly smiles and refusals to the people who offered to help her look, she needed to decide on it herself, she would be the one using it after all.

'Well of course you didn't Teruhashi is the perfect pretty girl, she would never let something like that on, it would ruin the illusion. Besides, people often don't notice home situations are toxic if they never experienced anything different.' Sam thought, seeing a few things she would be able to use, but nothing she would be able to legally buy yet.

'She didn't sound like she was suffering. Her thoughts were almost always self centred.' Saiki's thoughts echoed.

'I'm guessing that her parents told her it was for her own good? Either way it's an explanation for why she looks for money in partners, they can give her a safe, comfortable life. If they have power she may be able to never see her brother again.' Sam thought, finally finding a few things she could use as weapons, and was legally allowed to buy.

'Are you sure about going back there?' Saiki's thoughts sounded concerned for Sam, making her smile slightly, standing up with the hairspray she decided on.

'You sound concerned? Aww, you do care about me?' Sam thought, heading towards the till. 'I'll be fine, I'm Teruhashi, the perfect pretty girl, they won't to anything too bad, and need be I can run away. Teruhashi may not have, but I have had basic survival training, I can survive for a short while, especially when there are so many people who would be willing to help me.'

'If you feel you need to, don't stay on the street.' Saiki said, although it sounded like he was battling himself internally.

'Oh? Where should I go?' Sam asked, trying to stop half the people in the shop paying for the small bottle of hairspray she would be able to hide in her bra.

'My parents would let you stay.' Saiki said, Sam leaving the shop, not having paid a penny for the small bottle she currently held, along with a bag containing a plethora of other hair products.

'And what would you feel about that?' Sam asked, taking a breath before she headed back to the Teruhashi household.

'I'd rather have that than something bad happening to you.' Saiki added quietly, almost making Sam laugh.

'I knew you cared, and thanks, I'll keep that in mind. See you tomorrow at school, hopefully not before then.' Sam said, entering the Teruhashi household, hoping she could sneak in without being noticed.

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