Chapter 2

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Sam managed to survive school relatively well. She was not enjoying all the attention she got from guys, and she wasn't too sure how she felt about the old men giving them lunch giving her enough food to feed 5 students with the expensive ingredients they could have fed 10 students with, but it tasted okay.

She was pretty sure she slipped up a few times, flirting with some girls, but nobody seemed to notice. Then again, if everyone thinks you're straight, it can be very hard to give lesbian vibes, and she probably shouldn't if she wanted Teruhashi to be Teruhashi again.

It was after school now, and Sam was looking around, desperately trying to find Saiki's house, she knew the general direction, but not the specifics.

Having felt very uncomfortable in the miniskirt that was the school uniform, Sam had gone back to Teruhashi's house to see if she owned anything Sam would consider comfortable, making sure to lock and barricade the door before doing so.

Unfortunately for Sam, all Teruhashi owned were skirts with matching tops, dresses, uniforms, PE clothes, or swimwear. None of which Sam would count as comfortable.

Deciding to suck it up, Sam grabbed the nicest top skirt combo with a long skirt she could see, quickly changing into it and waiting for the sounds of Makoto to disappear, she left again, not bothering to say goodbye to anyone.

Once at the school building, the only good starting point she had, Sam got a text from Kokomi's father, telling her off for pushing Makoto away and not letting him see his baby sister when she gets home from school. Feeling disgusted, Sam put Kokomi's phone back in her pocket, completely turned off.

'No wonder he's so bad.' Sam thought, starting off in the direction of Saiki's house. 'Their parents actively encourage it.'

Walking around with no success, Sam was about to give up, deciding she would have to just corner him at school at some point, when she had the great fortune of running into Saiki's mother.

"Dear, are you alright, you look lost?" A high pitched but kind voice asked from behind Sam.

Thanking Teruhashi's luck, Sam turned around with a smile to face the woman. "Ah, you see, I have something I need to discuss with my classmate Saiki, but I don't know where he lives." She said, trying her best to mimick the posture she thought Teruhashi would have at that time.

"Oh, that wouldn't happen to be Saiki Kusuo, would it?" She asked, her voice squeaking with building excitement.

"Yes! That's him. You wouldn't happen to know where I could find his house, would you?" Sam asked, with a bright smile.

"Of course, he's my son, I was just on my way home." Saiki's mother said, gesturing for Sam to follow her. Sam may not be a psychic, but she could tell what she was thinking, something about Sam being in love with Saiki, which would be true if she was Teruhashi, but she wasn't.

"Thank you so much. I really need to talk to him about this." Sam said, not knowing if that would help the misunderstanding, but she didn't really mind too much.

"Oh, don't mention it." Saiki's mum said, opening the door to their house. "Ku, there's a visitor for you!"

Sam almost laughed as she saw Saiki reluctantly come downstairs. She could tell by the look on his face that he was not looking forward to their conversation.

"Do you mind if we talk upstairs?" Sam asked, knowing that the only person Saiki obayed was his mother.

'Fine.' Saiki thought, leading her back to his room and sitting on the chair by his desk expectantly.

"Saiki, I need your help. I'm sure you probably already know this as a psychic-" Sam began, only to be cut off.

'How do you know I'm a psychic!?' He asked, practically looming over her.

"Let me finish and you'll get your answers." Sam answered coolly. "As I was saying, while it's true that this is Teruhashi's body, I'm not Teruhashi, my name is Sam and I need your help to get back to my world."

'How does that answer my question?' Saiki asked, glaring at Sam.

"Because I'm from another world where this is a manga and two anime series. The first three things I knew about you were how you look, your name, and that you're a psychic." Sam said, annoyed. "Are you going to help me?"

'How long have you been Teruhashi?' Saiki asked, rubbing his temples in frustration.

"I woke up as her this morning." Sam said, trying and failing to brush her fringe behind her ear. "I would have skipped school, but I didn't know where you live and I didn't want what happened in the anime when she missed school for one day."

'What happened?' Saiki asked, looking at Sam with his eyebrows raised.

"Everyone thought she was going to die and Hairo offered to sacrifice himself in her place. She had a cold." Sam said, remembering the chaotic energy of that episode.

'I don't know how to help you.' Saiki said blankly. 

"Well, maybe your brother can help?" Sam pressed, not wanting to be stuck as Teruhashi in this mostly straight populated world.

'I don't even know why you wouldn't want to be Teruhashi, every girl in the class wants to be her.' Saiki said, looking pointedly at his door.

"You think I want to be Teruhashi?" Sam asked, getting to her feet, rage in her eyes. "Do you want to be Teruhashi, because I'll tell you I hate being the centre of attention as much you do, especially when it's guys who are giving me the attention! She doesn't even have what I liked most about myself! All the clothes she owns make me feel uncomfortabe! Her brother is the biggest creep ever, and her parents encourage him!! I literally can't do anything without being the centre of attention! Even when I was lost I could see people looking at me through their curtains!" Tears had started to form in Sam's eyes from the anger bubbling inside her.

'Yare yare.' Saiki thought, before his mum entered the room.

"Hello, oh no, Teruhashi, why are you crying? Ku, did you do something?" His mother asked, seeing the tears welled in Sam's eyes, fixing her son which made him pale.

"No, don't worry, I just got a bit emotional." Sam said, wiping her tears and smiling at the woman.

"That's good, I was about to put dinner on, would you like to eat with us?" She asked, smiling warmly at Sam.

'No, go home.' Saiki said into Sam's mind, she could tell that it was only to her and his mother couldn't hear.

"I would love to have dinner with you, thank you so much for the offer." Sam said with a bright smile, willing to do almost anything that would let her stay away from that nightmare of a house.

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