𝟝. What Caused Me to Be Like This...

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{warning: mental trauma}

Last chapter;
"You know Tom.. I care a lot about you and I will understand everything. So... can I ask how you can turn like this and why those guys were at the door..?" I asked him.

Toms pov

I sighed when I heard her say that. I did want to tell her but what happened to me is uncomfortable for myself to remember again. But I'll do it for her so at least someone knows.

"Those guys are from a army. A deadly one. Their leader was someone I never got along with but he was friends with the other people I was friends with. We were all roommates before he left for about 7 years before returning and blowing up the house... after that he kidnapped me because I am very different from other people, different blood, different eyes, so he experimented on me... for a very.. long time..." I sighed looking down. I tried to not tear up as I talked to her but I couldn't help but let more tears out. "Just all the pain they put me through, everything that I felt I can still remember. Just seeing those people fill me with so much anxiety because I escaped from that army. They are trying to get me back to use me for more experiments or as a 'super weapon' they call it," I said using air quotes, "but after a year or two of running from them that's when I moved in with you, to help myself be more hidden along with.. being with someone I loved for a long time.." I spoke.

I felt y/n wrap her arms around me and tightened around me. I hugged onto her back tightly and buried my face into her shoulder as I couldn't help but shed a couple of tears. It was very hard to think about that again. It just brings back so many memories. Being chained, needles constantly going into me, the pain of turning into whatever they wanted me to be, just everything was so traumatizing...

"I'm here for you Tom.. ok?" I heard y/n say. I felt her rub my back and gently sway. "Thank you for telling me this Tom.. just know, whatever happens, I will always be by your side to help you. No matter how difficult the situation is." She says as I then felt her other hand hold the back of my head.

Just hearing her soothing voice helped me calm down. I just kept my arms around her tightly as I honestly felt like I never wanted to let her go. She was the only person there for me, the only person who understands me and allows me to show my true feelings. If I did this around my other friends, one will hide while the other will not know what to do. The only time they have ever seen me cry is when I'm drunk or before I shot Tord out of the sky with my harpoon gun. Unfortunately that fucker survived.

"Hey.. want to go out tonight? Maybe for dinner, actual dinner instead of pizza or fending for ourself's?" Y/n suggested. I slowly pull away from her and felt her cup my cheeks and wipe away my tears. "Yeah.. that sounds nice." I said as I placed my hands on top of hers. She leans towards me to kiss my head, I let her as I closed my eyes while she did.

"How about we got around seven o'clock? Deal?" Y/n says to me. I nodded and I soon hugged her more tightly and lay down with her while holding her close. I just needed someone with me right now.

I felt y/n softly play with my hair as she let me rest my forehead on her chest. I curled around her to just hold her. "I love you Tom.." y/n whispers to me. "I love you too.." I quietly whisper back to her.

This was calming. But whenever I thought about or talked about what happened to me.. I just can't stop thinking about it. Over time I end up growing anxious and always keeping a sharp eye on my surroundings.

"Oh Tom... I wanted to ask you this earlier but don't find the right time to.. but.. did you actually eat those.. soldier guy people?" Y/n then asked me. I looked at her and chuckled, "well, in my different form I can digest things very easily. For example humans, they just disappear. I doesn't count if I'm in my full form.." I told her but let out another chuckle as she chuckles along with me. "Alright tommy, I was just wondering." I heard y/n in a small laugh.

I lay my head back onto her chest again with a smile. She always made me happy. I'm glad to have someone like her around. She makes it easy to forget whatever is going on. But this particular thing always bugs me. It takes a few ways just to forget about what happened.

It just hurts to know that other people who were like me are still stuck in there. Weak. Tired. Wounded.. so many words to describe that, the same pain I felt just like them. I closed my eyes tighter as I thought about it again. I held her closer to my body as I don't want to let go of her.

The scenarios began to pop into my head about that bastard taking y/n away from me. Doing all the torture he did to me to her. She wouldn't deserve it... but that man would do anything just to torture me in the worst ways possible. He's heartless and has no mercy for anyone he sees.

"Hey Tom... are you ok?" I then heard y/n ask me. Probably because I was squeezing her. "Oh.. yeah... sorry." I said as I loosen my grip on her. I didn't mean to. I just didn't want to let go as I thought of those things.


I felt Tom loosen his hug on me. I was worried about him more then ever. Some horrible guy did this to Tom... and I won't let him do it again.

I don't care what this guy does to me. I don't care how much it hurts, I just want Tom to be ok. I want him to feel safe and happy. But now with all of this going on, the Tom I used to know isn't showing. Now it's a more worried, tired, and upset version of him.

Now I'm contemplating about even going out to dinner with Tom. I don't want him to be worried the whole time we are there. I then decided to ask him, "hey Tom... are you still comfortable going out to dinner? I can fully understand if you aren't.. I just don't want you to feel so worried.." I says as I softly pet him and play with his hair.

"Yeah we can still go. Don't worry about me y/n, I'll tell you when to worry." I heard Tom way and felt him rub my back slightly. I had a more upset expression when he said that but he couldn't see it anyways. "Are you sure?" I asked just for a final clarification. "I'm positive. I love you y/n.. you know that.." Tom says as I felt him squeeze me a bit again. It didn't hurt. "I love you more Tom.." I said as I leaned my head down to kiss the top of his head. I continued to play with his hair as I lean my head back and closed my eyes. I just relaxed there while cuddling with Tom like this.

I wish he was more open to me with his emotions... I'm glad he told me what he has been through.. but I just want to know his thoughts now. How he feels about everything and his opinion on it.

I then start to hear Tom hum. He had an amazing sighing voice and him humming was just as good as well. I smiled as he was humming my favorite song. I'm not too much of a singer myself, I'm definitely not as good as Tom. I decided to hum along with Tom, in a bit more of a higher pitched hum as toms was lower. I felt Tom hold me closer as we continued to hum-sing together.

"God I love you so much.." Tom then muttered into my chest holding me even closer. I chuckled softly and gently pet and played with his hair, "I love you so much more tommy," I hummed and kissed his head.

I checked the time and wow time does fly by when you don't pay attention to it. "We should get ready Tom." I said softly as I slowly pull away from him to sit up. "But I still want to cuddle..." Tom says as he sounded tired. He probably would have fallen asleep if I didn't look at the time. "I do too.. but we can after dinner." I said and got up slowly and looked at him.

Tom looked up at me and sits up slowly. "So.. where are we going to eat?" Tom asked me as he moves to the edge of his bed. "Hmm.. I don't know," I said shrugging, "how about you pick." I said and I saw him grin.

"We should go to the restaurant by the ocean. Then we can walk on the beach for a bit afterwards." Tom says to me. He then reaches his arms out to me making a grabby hand motion. I chuckled going over and hugging him softly. "Sounds wonderful, now Tom we need to get ready." I chuckled as he just wanted to cuddle again. "Fine.." Tom says letting go of me and got up himself.

"I'll meet you downstairs when I'm ready Tom," I told him before leaving his room to go to mine. I had a bad feeling again... but I didn't know how to explain that feeling..

I'm sorry it took me a while to publish a new chapter. And it's a bit shorter then I wanted; Things have been slow, but I will not give up on this book. -LB

1,925 words

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