𝟞. Somethings Not Right

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"I'll meet you downstairs when I'm ready Tom," I told him before leaving his room to go to mine. I had a bad feeling again... but I didn't know how to explain that feeling..

Y/n's POV

As I got ready I sighed searching in my closet for something nice to wear. I don't usually go to fancy things or any dinner night with friends so of course I wouldn't have at least a nice dress to wear.

I then pulled out a box from my closet with some old clothing in there from when I moved it. I opened the box, and began to remove pieces of clothing in hopes to find a decent thing to wear. Eventually, after pulling out almost every piece of clothing from that box, I found a dress... I think I wore it in high school for a dance...

I stood up and went to my body mirror holding the dress up to just give me a idea of what it could possibly look on me. It looked small... but I will never know until I try it on.

After putting the dress on it was definitely a bit tight in my hip area and chest. But other then that, the rest of the dress fit quite well on me. I went to look in the mirror and smiled a bit as I remembered what it was like wearing this dress. Of course I fit into it better back then but it still looked very nice.

Finally picking that dress you began to do your hair, put only a bit of makeup on, and finally whatever else I felt needed to put on. I found some matching heals to the dress in that same box and put them on. Now I went back to the mirror to give one final look and I just smiled at myself as... I really liked how I looked.

I then opened the door of my room and headed out and downstairs. Tom was already down there and he was wearing a nice suit. I blushed a bit as he looked at me and it saw his blush.

"Wow y/n... I'd never thought I'd see you in that again.." Tom says as I caught him eyeing me up and down. I rolled my eyes walking over to him as my heals clicked on the wooden floor. "Well this is the only nice dress I had in my closet, I was tempted to just come down in jeans and a t-shirt." I let out a chuckle as it stoped in front of him.

"Ready to go?" Tom asked me and I nodded. I softly took his hand as he offered it to me and opened the door for me. I smiled walking out of the house to his car as I knew he was going to drive. "So where does my lovely lady want to eat?" Tom asked me as he made his way to his side of the car and got in.

"Umm... how about (nice restaurant {not fast food place})?" I suggested to him as it fixed my dress as I sat down and buckled in. "Ohh, that sounds nice. I know a few friends there so maybe they can sneak us in one of those fancier areas," Tom says chuckling as he began to drive.

I looked out the window with a smile. As I watched I noticed a car from one of the side mirrors behind us. It didn't see any cars in the street but.. I guess it is a neighbor who just got out. I didn't want to worry Tom so I didn't say anything about it... but I watched to see if it would follow us all the way to the restaurant.

I soon turned to look in the back window and saw a car farther down the street pull into Our house... I grew worried and Tom caught me off guard with saying, "everything alright y/n?" Tom asked me. I sat right and looked at him as I know I couldn't keep this back, "I think we are being followed Tom." I said.

I looked back seeing the same car from earlier was still following us, "this car behind us keeps taking the same turns we are and before we turned away from our block a car pulled into our drive way..." I said then looking at him.

Third person POV

Tom looked at y/n before he gripped the steering wheel. "Tom..." y/n said seeing this. "I'm going to lose them." Tom responded before he then began to go really fast. Y/n gasped as she held onto the armrest and the door handle, "Tom!!" Y/n says as she panicked.

"Hold on!" Tom says as he then made a sharp turn and another. He made many sharp turns turning many corners. Y/n squealed a bit as her eyes were wide. Eventually Tom slammed into the breaks.

"Tom! What the hell!" Y/n says looking at him quickly. "Sorry... I knew it was them and I did the only think I know that will lose them.." Tom says looking at y/n. Tom pulled to the side of the road and waited to see if the car will show up again.

Y/n watched with Tom until fifteen minutes go by. "Alright... I think we are good.." tom says as he drove again. "If this ever happens again please don't serve around like that again.." y/n says as she got scared when he did that. "I know.. but, it was the only way of not getting caught," Tom says as he gets back on the road.

Y/n just lets out a sigh and leans her head back onto the seat. "So... if we are getting followed can we ask some of your buddy's to not let people near us? Doesn't that place have private dinning? Like some asian restaurants? Maybe we can get one of those? I'll pay the extra costs for that booth, I just don't want you to feel uncomfortable while we are there," y/n told Tom as Tom looked at her giving her a look. "I'll be fine y/n.. if they find us, they find us, we can always escape them because all of the soldiers are Dumbass's." Tom says as he spoke in a tone that y/n knew he was nervous.

"Hey Tom.. I'm going to ask this one last time.. do you want to go back home? If you feel uncomfortable we can.." y/n says... but they may not have a home since she saw a car pull into their driveway.

Tom tried to think of something to say. "Well..." Tom paused before saying, "let's just not worry about what happened....I know we are going to be ok," Tom says to her. Tom began to drive which it wasn't too far. He eventually pulled up to the restaurant and got out of the car with y/n.

Y/n walks next to Tom and gave him a worried look. Y/n saw a different expression, it wasn't his usual expression. His brows were raised and showed more worry.

Toms POV

I felt y/n place her hand on my arm. I sighed looking down before looking back up and then at her. "Let's just try to enjoy our night.. if anything happens I promise I will never leave your side." I told her. Who knows what would happen. I can't straight up tell her that I have been found.

The car following us was probably the first step of catching me. They probably put a tracker in the car... Damnit we should have stopped half way and walked the rest. I probably just lead them closer to us!!

I don't think we are going home tonight... but I kept my promise to y/n. I will not let that goddamn bastard hurt her...

As we were getting seated... we were seated right by a window facing the parking lot. God that gave me anxiety. The place was packed so I couldn't have asked for a different spot...


They are going to see me when they find the car if there is a tracker.. what if they are already here?!


I looked away from the window checking everyone around.


I finally snapped out of my panic and looked at y/n. I sighed as I had a bit of sweat. "Y-yes y/n...?" I asked her as I rest my head upon my hand. "Tom... please tell me what is going on.. I can tell you are freaking out.." y/n says to me. I sighed as I knew I was acting weird.

"I'm sorry y/n... I don't know... I just..." I let out a sigh as I put my fingers over my lips as I still rested my head in my hand. "Y/n.... we may not go back home tonight... and! Please.. don't freak out... I promised you that I will not leave you side with whatever happens..." I told her as I then held her hand softly.

Y/n looked at me with a look that just made me feel so upset. I could tell she was scared.. I could not only sense it.. I can see it in her expression and a bit in her voice before I told her this. "Tom... we need to call the police... we can't let them do this." Y/n says as she reached to grab her phone. I stoped her as I knew the police couldn't help us. A guy as powerful as that bastard, nothing can protect us other then me.

"Y/n... the police can't help.. this guy has a whole army.. one of the largest out there actually but also very secretive.. y/n I'll get us out of there.. if I did it once I will do it again.." I told her holding her hand a bit tighter as I honestly was holding back tears. I didn't want to go back there... god just all the memories I'll get when I'm back in there.

"Tom.... that happened years ago... what if they fixed things up and we can't escape..?" Y/n asked and then stood up. "Tom we should go.." she says to me as she moved over.

"N-no y/n wait! Don't get up! We need to sit and just wait! Please y/n you can give us a high risk of getting caught..!" I told her as I grabbed her hand. I felt her jerk it away, "Tom if you knew this was going to happen why did we come out in the first place?!" Y/n then said slightly yelling at me. "Y/n... I didn't know... as soon as you saw those cars I knew I have been found. Those people who went to our house? Yeah, they are most likely in there messing the place up so if we go back they have a better chance of catching us in our own home..." Tom says to her.

Y/n sighed starting at me and soon sat back down. "Tom... if only you told me this sooner..." y/n sighed out putting her forehead in her hand. I sighed looking off to the side. I saw a waiter come up to us.

"Welcome! My name is pat... pa-..paton! Thank you for coming tonight, may I get you guys started off with a drink?" The waiter asked. They sounded so familiar.. I couldn't put my finger on it.

"I'll get a water please.." y/n says. I looked at her before looking at 'Paton' "me too.." I said as I watched him leave.

"He seemed weird.." y/n says looking back up at me. I nodded in agreement and checked out the window again. "Hey Tom.. maybe he is one of those.. guys you've talked about.." y/n says as I still tried to figure out why the waiter looked familiar. "No... I don't think so... I think I've known him before he just looks so familiar.." I said as I tapped my cheek looking back at the people. I noticed how a lot of people where wearing red tonight.. red is supposedly a romantic color so I didn't really put any mind onto it... in fact... everyone had a red like color on...

Y/n's POV

I watched Tom as he looked stressed after what I said. I didn't want to panic him.. but after he saw the waiter and the waiter talked to Tom... I just don't know or know what to do...

The waiter comes back giving us our waters before heading off again. I took my drink and took a sip out of it before setting it down. Tom did the same thing as I did and we both let out a sigh. "Let's pick something to eat shall we?" I suggested to try and keep his mind off of it.

I took another sip of my water... and started to feel very.. dizzy...

I rest my head in my hand as I closed my eyes. "Tom... I don't feel good..." I said. "You know.. I don't really either.. I think... it's.. uh.." I saw Tom then black out.

My eyes widened as I gasped. "T-Tom..!" I said. I looked at the people as they all were looking at us.. I tried to fight falling asleep but the exhaustion was too much.

I soon blacked out as well..

I apologize for this chapter being so late. I've become very busy these past few weeks and with online starting it's going to make it more difficult for me to post chapters. I hope you enjoyed the chapter! -LB

2,306 words

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