10 ~ You're Peace to My heart

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Hey peepzzz... Yesterday I should write a big chapter which includes this chapter too but after till there I slept. After waking I edited and published but in some places it's confusing so look at down...

And here

I hope now it's clear... Please do tell when you get doubt. Then only I can understand right. You can pm me if you don't understand anything.


Nanmaya's POV

"Mahi..." I screamed by rushing into the music room.

He got scared and staring at me as if he saw a ghost.

"Did you saw the notification on our college website?" I exclaimed in joy by jumping like a monkey.

He heaved a sigh by closing his eyes for a second."No, what notification?" He signed by looking at my enthusiasm.

"Oh, the biggest Musicano fest is back," I exclaimed happily, he smiled by nodding his head.

"This time we are going to rock like two years back as last year I got a fever and those six tunes won, made fun of us. This time we will show them what MaNan can do wonders with music," I said seriously by remembering those days.

He gave thumbs up and continuing to tune his guitar. God, this man how can he behave normally like this?

I went to him, took off the guitar by pulling him to stand. I hugged him tightly by squeezing him within a few seconds he will pull away for sure. His heartbeat is running fast like as usual and within seconds it will control, I know it. This is heaven listening to his heartbeat but it won't stay long which is a sad thing. Is it too long that his heartbeat is still running fast and didn't pull away from me. I raised my head and saw his face which is smiling happily with closed eyes.

"You didn't push me?" I asked him curiously.

He lowers his head by circling his hands around me. Those tantalizing eyes are adoring me with that dazzling smile, no smirk. His breath is fanning my skin which is making my knees weak. I softly left him by adjusting my hair without looking at him as his gaze is making me blush.

He whistled to 'look at him'. I closed my eyes by licking my lips, took a breathe and saw him. He pulled me closer and whistled to 'stay'. I stood there gulped hard by blinking my eyes.

"When you hug me, my heart beat thump fast, my hormones ditch me. So pull away as I'm scared to feel your love," he bent to my height.

My heart racing to get his crazy romantic comment. Our faces are closer than before. "But now I don't need to control and can feel you as much as possible. You are like a soft doll, damn, I need to carefully handle your soft body in future." He signed with a naughty smirk, wink by biting his lower lip.

I'm blinking my eyes furiously and ran away without a word. I know if I stay a little longer, I may lose control over myself to hug him.

He loves to hug me! The thought made him fly in the air.

It's been five days since we shared our heart out. The next day, I met Lipsika without Mahi but took Kushi. That bitch tried to talk bad about my Mahi. I beat the shit out of her even Kushi helped so we didn't get hurt. I threatened to leak the video in the social media which I shoot in the movie theatre. She got scared of her reputation as she is a youtuber, so begged me. I made her text to Mahi for seeking apologize for her odd behavior and words.

Later when I met Mahi, he hugged me tightly and gave a tight flying kiss. My heart skipped its beat but Kushi giggles brought me out. I scolded him and ran away from them.

But a question is bugging my brain which I'm not so sure to ask him. I just want him all by myself but still...

I heard the knock on the door. I opened the door, Mahi brought chips bowl along with our favorite ice-cream. I widened my eyes in happiness by pulling him, blabbing how much I missed them.

We sat back on the bed facing each other. I sat in Indian style by leaning onto the headboard, kept the pillow in my lap while he sat in Indian style. We started eating while chatting about the Musicano preparation. I started eating my favorite peanut butter fudge core ice cream while he is eating his favorite strawberry cheesecake.

"By the way, Mahi," I said by playing with the spoon.

He raised an eyebrow by keeping a spoonful of ice cream in his mouth.

I should ask him carefully without showing my desperation. "How many times did you kiss Lipsika? How is the feeling? Please tell me," I teased but my heart is scared to hear.

Immediately, his expression turned into a questioning one, I gestured as 'what'. He kept the ice cream bowl aside.

"What did you understand about my break up, Nanmu?" He questioned with a teasing expression.

I pouted by rolled my eyes in the process of thinking. "It means you didn't kiss her?" I exclaimed happily but immediately controlled.

He smirked by nodding negatively. I gulped and had a spoonful of ice cream. He too ate a spoon of ice cream without taking the bowl in his hands.

"Why didn't you kiss? She is beautiful right?" I asked in confusion

He gawked at me as if I said some stupid joke. He kept the ice cream bowl in my lap by pressing his lips hard. He started laughing like a manic by rolling on the bed. I got confused by looking at his reaction. Did I say anything wrong?

I hit on his leg. He sat up by holding his stomach, his face became all red with teary eyes. God, I didn't tell any joke but he is laughing like a maniac. He finally controlled sat closer to me in Indian style. Our knees are touching with each other. He was adjusting his hair while I'm watching his every move.

"Please never joke like this, my stomach hurts by laughing like this," he signed with a silly smile.

"Are you mad?" I snapped at him.

He covered his ears and whistled to relax. "She is not beautiful!" He stated.

I'm surprised with his statement by licking the spoon.

"I really didn't feel that she is beautiful. By the way, does she even have lips? so thin and small." He signed with a disgusting face.

I'm looking at him as he is some alien because people are gaga on her but Mahi... He wiped the corner of my lips with his thumb and licked it. I gasped by blinking my eyes.

"Look at your pouty thick lips, always invites me to taste them. I just want to pour this ice cream and..." he trailed off by biting his lower lip with a wink.

My heart started its marathon by giving me goosebumps all the while. I closed my lips inside my mouth. He smirked and started licking the spoon by staring at me intently. My body shivered as it feels like he is licking my lips. I controlled by taking a deep breath.

"Mahi, please stop," I whispered without looking at him.

He whistled to 'look at him'. I raised my shivering eyelashes. He smiled genuinely.

"You see here Doll," he signed towards his heart. "I just can't even imagine anyone in my life. I thought to divert myself from you so accepted her but not because of her so-called beauty. I thought she understands me but... Leave her." He caught my palm and gave a little squeeze which is assuring me.

"No one can come to your place, Doll. If you would have married someone I would happily stay single by seeing your happiness.

"This heart, body, soul, in fact, I, myself belong to you, baby.

"If I want to kiss then it's only you,

"If I want to love then it's only you,

"If I want to live or die then it's only for you, baby," he signed adorably with those tantalizing eyes, dazzling smile.

He wiped my tears and I realized that I'm crying. I kept the bowls aside and took off the pillow in my lap. I move closer to him as my knees came up on his knees. I cupped his cheeks by looking into his tantalizing eyes.

"Your love is unconditional but how did you pull those insecurities in between us, Mahi?" I questioned him with teary eyes.

He cupped my cheeks by wiping my tears with his thumb and whistled me to 'relax'. I took a deep breath by closing my eyes, he started blowing air on my face which made me relax. He whistled to 'understand him patiently'. I blinked my eyes, he left me.

"As you know when you don't have something how painful it can be? When I understood you are the one, I'm happy but the thought made me stop my feelings further. I can't praise you with my..." I cut him off by holding his hands.

"Mahi, you don't..." he cut me off but I hold his palm tightly. "Listen," I said, he blinked his eyes.

"Do you remember in the park you want me to imagine you whispering in my ear?" He nodded his head.

"I don't need to Mahi because you adore me with your eyes, smile, actions and what not. Am I right?" I said lovingly.

He nodded positively by biting his lower lip with a smiley face. I can see the happiness in his tantalizing eyes which made me happy.

"And..." I asked by leaving his hands, he gulped hard.

"My silence can make..." I cut him off. This time he took my palm in his.

"You always ask me how your voice would sound like, right?" He nodded with cute expressions.

I kept my right hand on his heart. "I hear your heartbeat which is the melodious voice in the world. You breath speaks all your unsaid words which you really don't know.

"After being in your beautiful silence, I got a headache with Varun. I just couldn't able to bear his nonsense. Being with you I can hear your melodious heartbeat, breath, whistle, music which I can't experience with anyone in the world, Mahi," I said my heart out by feeling his heart.

He is adoring me with those tantalizing eyes and the smile is making me float in the air with happiness. But his eyes became sad.

"This is what I feel bad about myself. You block everyone in your life and be with me..." again I cut him off by holding his hands.

"I will always be with my loved ones but with the people who want to time pass with me for their happiness. By the way, whom I block? Don't I spend time with Kushi and Vidya. We should spend our precious time with our loved ones but not with unwanted people.

"Mahi, you are peace to my heart. I don't have any dreams to achieve until you express to give the best music performance representing our nation, culture to the world. Till my last breath, I live for our dream though we are going to achieve soon in the coming years. See, I'm telling 'our' but not 'yours'. My heart, soul, body became yours before I realize my feelings towards you, Mahi." I said with love. He is adoring me lovingly.

"But what you did? SACRIFICE. I lost trust in our love, Mahi. I'm scared that you will leave me again. I'm scared," I said and moved back to my place.

He caught my hand but I jerked his hand. "Get lost, Mahi, please I'm getting sleep," I said without looking at him by taking off the bowls on the bed. He took the bowls and whistled 'good night' but it was sad.

After he left I started crying by burying my face into the pillow. My phone buzzed with the message.

"Please baby, don't cry and sleep well. You look so pale, again you may get sick for the Musicano," I read the message.

"Don't you think to divert me. Just sleep," I sent the message.

He sent a scared, crying emojis. I switch off the phone and cried my heart out.

         <~~~ CONTINUES ~~~>

So...? She lost trust, now what?

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Love 💕

April Melody 🎶

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