11 ~ He Promised Me

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Hey peepzzz... Surprise... A very small chapter but... I'm sure you'll love it.

I added the next part here itself. Yesterday, Im curious and posted but not fully. Thought to post another chapter but I modified this part a lot so I request you all to read from starting. You can even skip but you will miss something for sure so please its a humble request you all to read from starting.


Nanmaya's POV

Finally, we came to the final round which for sure but this song is making me sad. I still remember the day I read this song.

After that night, I didn't talk to him for two days but the third day, he showed it to me before we start our practicing session. I was literally in tears and ready to kiss him.

"How is the song?" He whistled.

But the whistle is not so enthusiasts like always. He is curious but those tantalizing eyes are not showing any emotion that this song is for me. I just don't want to show my curiousness.

"Did you write for anyone?" I asked casually but dying to see his expression as yes.

He simply nodded negatively. "You know depth songs are always hit one. So..." he trailed off by focusing on the guitar chords.

This is not for me? Usually, I beg him to write in the male version as he always writes female, random versions because of me. I love to sing male versions that too his songs but today he, himself wrote and not admitting the fact. But I'm feeling that this song is for me. Later I tried a lot to find but he never expressed it for me.

His whistle brought me bad for the land. He is looking dashing in that black and black suite. He is staring at me intently with those dazzling eyes.

"Looking like a lost Angel," he signed with a mesmerizing smile.

I wore a punch color long frock, my hair is curled a little as he likes. The diamond flower buds are dangling to my ears, along with a thin platinum chain with locket MaNan. I wore this chair for our every performance as it's lucky for me.

Uncle gifted me this chain while Dad gifted him MaNan lettered brooch where pearls will dangle to the coat. But he never wears it, wait... I touched his brooch with unshed tears.

I smiled. "You are looking like King, Mahi," complimented him with tears.

He cupped my cheeks by wiping my tears with his thumb and blew air on my face. I closed my eyes by feeling him. He whistled to 'open my eyes' tune. I slowly opened my eyes, which my heart skipped its beat by looking at his dazzling smile. He turned us towards the mirror which is perfectly reflecting us. We are looking like those perfect couple who are going to get married within a couple of hours.

"I want a help," he requested. I was just looking at him to continue.

"This performance is something special to me. The lyrics perfectly match my situation. You always say 'I'm your voice', right?" I nodded my head by looking at him through the mirror.

I took a deep breath. "But today can you please feel that I'm singing this song only for you but not for any audience or this competition?" He signed lovingly by looking at my reflection.

My heart melted to this gesture. He wants to convey his feelings in front of thousands of audience.

"I always sing for you Mahi but today I'm going to sing for myself," I said with happy tears by looking into his eyes.

He smiled with unshed tears. Smitha ma'am called us by disturbing our moment. We mouthed 'all the best' to each other.

I sat on the long stool along with mike to my left ear, a guitar. He is standing to my left side in front of the mike with the symphony. This song is only with two instruments but he always use minimum two instruments and in maximum times I play guitar. Now I understood why he chose to play the only symphony for this particular song. The curtains are ready to raise.

After relaxing ourselves, we saw each other. His handsome face is skipping my heartbeat, his eyes are depicting love while his confident smile is assuring me. My heart is beating fast not only because of him and even for his wish. I don't know how I'm going to perform as this is a very new feeling to me. But always my dream is to fulfill his wishes, so I will do it for him.

I gave an assurance smile by mouthing 'for me'. He smiled but those tantalizing eyes are showing all his unsaid words which are depicting pain yet a time love. The curtains raise while the audience cheered MaNan.

By looking at the huge audience we smiled. I started the soothing guitar chord by humming the tune. After fifteen seconds, he started his melodious symphony which made my heart skip its beat with the intensity of the sound. By playing the chords I started in a husky voice.

I'm lucky to see her,

I'm lucky to feel her,

I'm lucky to have her,

But I lost her trust with my insecurities.

I felt each and every word with heart and sang. I'm playing the chords softly while he increased the pitch of the symphony tune. The intensity will surely increase the audience heart like mine. He slowly reduced the intensity while I started increasing my guitar intensity.

I'm lucky to see her smile,

I'm lucky to feel her friendship,

I'm lucky to have her as my voice,

But I lost her trust with my insecurities.

I can feel the pain he felt all these years. He again increased the intensity of the symphony by changing its tune to the highly melodious rhythm. I'm softly humming the tune with the soft guitar chords which can mesmerize the audience with the music we are creating. Slowly he reduced the symphony pitch while I increased the guitar pitch along with my voice.

I thought I'm inefficient for her,

I thought I can't make her happy,

I thought to sacrifice our love for her happiness,

But forgot that her happiness lies in US.

I tried hard to control my tears which I'm successful as I don't want to create any scene. He played the symphony with the medium pitch as my guitar chord match to it. The sound is shooting which can make the audience cry with the intensity of the music. I started with a low pitch husky voice.

Oh baby, hoo hoo, I promise to be your happiness,

Oh baby, hoo hoo, I promise to be your love,

Oh baby, hoo hoo, I promise to be your soul,

And will never leave you till my last breath.

My heart felt immense happiness with these last lines. He increased the intensity of the symphony while I slowly reduced my pitch with a hum. The audience is mesmerized with the intensity of the symphony while my eyes are not leaving him. He ended the symphony tune by slowly reducing the pitch.

Oh baby, hoo hoo... I hummed with ending the guitar chord.

He took a very long breath by looking at the audience. For a few seconds, the auditorium been pin-drop silence while my eyes are not leaving him. I came back to the world by hearing the audience claps, hoots, screaming MaNan. I stood up by taking off the guitar. He took the guitar from me, we bow to the audience at a time.

Today, the audience hootings are not making me happy but the feel of the song makes my heart immensely happy.

We came to the backstage as everyone is praising us. We stood aside along with other contestants with my thumping heart. He caught my right palm with his left. I'm really nervous not because of the competition but for his reaction.

His touch is assuring me, I stood by leaning onto his left shoulder. Till now I didn't saw his face but I can feel his shivering figure because playing a symphony for continues three minutes in front of the huge audience at that intensity is not a small thing. I creased his heart to come down while he softly pressed my palm.

Rithik congratulated us with that I came back to the world. We are announced for the first price. Everyone is congratulating us while we started thanking them.

Today his happiness has no boundaries as he always shows constant emotions for every performance. Today he took my behaved like me by jumping here and there in joy. Even our parents are damn happy and asked about the lyrics but he just shrugs his shoulders.

Till now we didn't get a chance to talk but the feel in our music room is soothing my heart. I don't know what to talk with him but literally dying to talk to him. I was looking at our picture where we are taking the Musicano award two years back. That is the biggest competition which we first participated.

I felt someone is watching me, so I turned back and saw him watching me by leaning onto the door, folding hands to his chest. His tantalizing eyes are adoring me with that dazzling smile. My heart started its marathon.

"What a surprising thing? Today you are happy like never before?" I asked by looking at him.

He came to me by looking at the same picture which is dangling to the wall. He stood to my right side, for a few seconds, we both saw the picture in silence.

He turned towards me. "You are the reason," he signed with that dazzling smile.

My heart is bursting with happiness. I took his palm in mine. "Mahi, mark my words, you will become the best musician in the world," I said happily by looking into his eyes which are adoring me with a lovely smile.

I softly pressed his palm. "Mahi, in future you will get the wonderful singers when you become a big musician. But please make me sing minimum a song per a year please," I asked with my puppy eyes.

He was just adoring me without moving. I'm not so sure he heard me or not. Today, he is really happy, we can talk about this later. So I left his hands and turned back but he caught my right hand. I smiled and turned back towards him but he sat on his knee by holding my left hand with his right.

"Mahi," I gasped softly.

He softly squeezed my palm, left it. He whistled me to 'stay'. I stood there by looking at him surprisingly.

"You are my voice. But you think that anyone can sing better than me. Your voice holds the exact intensity, feel, depth, huskiness and what not. I God grants me a voice, I want the same voice in the male version," I smiled.

"You are the only one who can sing my songs because as you always say 'I'm Your Voice'. That's my promise baby," he said by taking my right hand in his.

I'm crying happily by closing my mouth with my left hand. He left my hand and the next thing he expressed made my heart beats with melodious rhythms.

"Will you be my voice till my last breath?" He signed by stretching his right hand.

Immediately, I caught his hand by bending to his face level. "I'm Your Voice forever, Mahi," I said with tears and hugged him tightly by burying my face in his neck.

He hugged me back by standing up. In this process by face rolled to his heart while he softly yet tightly hugged me. His heart is beating fast while his breath is heavy. I felt peace by listening to his fast beating heart.

He softly left me but my hands are still on his waist. He cupped my cheeks by softly caressing them with his thumb. His breath is fanning my skin which is making my knees weak. His lips are slowly coming towards mine. I closed my eyes, I can feel his breath on my face nearing every single second. I can feel his lips are close to mine. I'm waiting to become his but he softly left me. Immediately, I opened my eyes.

"You didn't accept me yet," he signed with a sad smile and left.

I'm in shock and couldn't able to understand anything. I stood there for a long time but he didn't come back.

           <~~~ CONTINUES ~~~>

I'm sorry for the trouble but as I said I'm curious and posted like that.

Now why Mahi avoided her?

Howzz it? For the first time I wrote a song so is it nice.

Thank to my dear friend Sandy to help in editing the song. 😘😘

Please vote and do share your lovely comments with your Melody.

Love 💕

April Melody 🎶

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