Didn't I tell You? No Escape Princess

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Wonder how long has it been since I've updated this :/ Whatever, lel jk

Well, hope you guys enjoy :)

Serena's POV

I look around me and saw nothing but darkness, I know where I was and I know why. But, what I want to know is that why would this part of me try so hard to get out?

Why is it so annoyingly hard to fight it?!

I stand up and walk around the endless abyss trying to find just a tiny speck of light. Judging from the fact I haven't tripped or stopped on anything here in this pitch black void, I was alone.

I look up and saw nothing because it was too dark. I ran out of patience and yelled at the top of my lungs, I know she is here and I know she likes seeing me in this state.

But, there is no way I will let that thing get the best of me.

"Come out already! I know you're here and I know you like seeing me suffer!" I yelled, as I expected I heard a monotone giggle.

It disgusted me just by the tone and the fact it was my voice.

"You sure know how to yell like a manic princess, no wonder that dense block head likes you. You two are so perfect for each other it sickens me"

The voice was like venom to me, I felt pain in my heart just from listening to that awful monotone voice. Yes, the voice I heard was mine...but the one saying it is not.

"Come out and give me the reason why you are doing this! Calem never wanted this, nor did he have the will to! The stupid Malamar just happened to brainwash the guy and I for whatever reason got involved in it!" I exclaimed, the voice giggles again and yet again it disgusted me.

"I see, Calem. Yes, he was just nothing but a pawn for the two "masterminds" plan, but where are they now? Dead. Now, there is a new master. A master who despises dreams and would do anything to end it. A master who wants to bring this world back to its former glory it once was! The darkened king, Arithn."

Then suddenly she appeared having a dark purple aura around her. She looked identically like me, because she is me. But, the way she smiles and those eyes that shows bloodlust makes me consider it being another person.

"Dreams? What is the point on living if you have no ambition? Why does this so called "king" not want dreams fulfilling?" I asked, her smile soon disappeared and anger soon appeared on her face.

"Humans are weak! They need something to achieve in other to survive! It's nothing but a game to them, a way to live life is to achieve many goals! That is not master wants! It's making us weak! It's making you weak! Can you not see this world crumbling to pieces?! How can you just stand there having fun with your friends and trying to achieve those "dreams" of yours while the world grows weaker and weaker!?"

I stood my ground and chose not to waver, it was not the time to show fear. I look at dark me in the eyes, I felt pain when I did. I tried to touch her, but she backed away.

"This is not a movie nor a story, humans...yes we are weak. But, the reason we live is not to achieve our dreams. Heck, it's one of the reasons why we live on! Life would be pointless if you will be just a mindless zombie with no ambition or anything to do in life but just stand around and get surrounded by darkness. A strong heart and a strong will can defeat any darkness in ones paths, and I will defeat you!" I exclaimed, evil me smirks and a laugh escaped from her mouth.

"You really think so? Oh princess, didn't I tell you? There is no escape once I've fully captured you. Now, you can't do anything but just watch your friends die by your own two hands!"

"I won't kill them! I rather die than do that!"

"Oh really? If you did die, Ashy bear would blame himself and commit suicide. It's either my path or that pathetic path, choose or lose princess. Because in either way, you ain't escaping from my grasps anymore"

Her smirk grew wider and the aura around her began to spread around me, I couldn't fight back.

Why was I being led into this mess?

Why was I chosen to be in a path I never wanted..

Why did I try to fight back when I knew it was impossible?

??'s POV

The black horse stood beside me as I look at the town infront of me. The way people are talking with those smiles.

It makes me sick from how friendly they are.

The world I once knew was the world I now miss. Where nothing but darkness was around. A world where people were happy doing nothing.

A world so free that it could kill you! Now, where is that world? Gone. Because of them, the future generations that corrupted the world I was lived in.

A world where people like them can travel the world without a care. Care..

These humans, can they not see the world crumbling to pieces?! What has gotten into their minds that they don't want this world to stay into a world where true freedom can be kept?

"You all sicken me" I mumbled

"And you being emo sickens me, so what's the plan master?" I smirked and turned around to see a honey blonde girl with red blood eyes glowing immensely at me.

I grab her hand and points directly at the town infront.

"Tonight, we shall save this people. After that we will surround this world nothing but sorrow and hate! The dark ages will rule again! And there will be no dreams that achieve!" I laughed meniacly as I watch the girl walked forward and on the path I wish to see.

A world that no one has ever seen before! A world where there is nothing but a dark moon and no goals! A free world filled with darkness!

Dark Serena's POV

I burned the houses and made everyone run in fear. I brought a smile to my face, I can't believe I'm getting to use this body once more.

Never have I ever thought that mere incident with that Malamar could give me the greatest thing I could imagine! A world where there is nothing but freedom and sorrow! A world contaminated into despair!!

Children left and right cried from the sight of me and it and it made me laugh. The town was burning down and all they could do is watch.

I continued to do my duty until I felt a presence I knew I would see once again.

"Serena..." I turned around to face him and saw the fear and sorrow in his face. How cute, he actually cared about her to track her down.

But guess what? There is nothing good about caring someone or something..

Because that will kill you in the end.

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