Perfect Date?

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Ash's POV

Operation: get Serena to tell you everything and ask her one big question

Is now at go!

I took her to the park where the others organised it with lights and other decoration that made it like we were in some kind of Wonderland.

Serena stared in awe and I smile from her reaction, she's really cute I'm lucky to have her. I kneeled before her and everyone in the park were watching us.

"Serena, I promise to be there forever. Will you be the strength of my light and enjoy this date with me?" The crowd aweed from the sight, Serena smiles at me and said "Of course!" I got up and embraced her into a hug, but Serena then felt a painful feeling on her chest.

Enjoy it while it last princess, you can't escape it this time..

No one's POV

The two walked along the path their friends built to lead them to the first destination. Of course Ash knew what it was, and he knew how much she would love it.

He quickly covered her eyes with both of his hands and lead her infront of a big poster. He removed both of his hands infront of her eyes and Serena gasped from the big poster infront of the two.

it was him and Serena kissing each other under the sun set. Tears of joy from the happy memory flowed down the young performer's face as she stared at it.

Ash smiles at Serena, it was a success.

But then another uneasy feeling in her heart suddenly occured, Serena places her hand on her chest trying to stop the feeling to get stronger. She knew who it was, and she knew it wanted to ruin this date.

"You can't escape faith princess, I will be you in the future. Enjoy it while it last" an image of the evil her popped in her mind smirking widely and evily.

Serena looked away from the poster and Ash causing the boy to be concerned "Serena?"

'This isn't the time to feel scared Serena! This is for Ash' She thought and slapped her self firmly and looked back at Ash with a smile.

"I'm fine! I just felt someone was watching us" She said as she pointed towards the kids that have been following the two the whole entire time.

The two youngsters bolted away from the couple leaving the two with the awkward silence.



"Let's move on" he grabbed her wrist and lead her to the next destination, Serena couldn't help but smile. He may be dense, but he can pull surprises like these so easily.

It was like he wasn't even trying, but she knew he wanted this date to be perfect after all the problems that happened. They deserved a little day off before something bad will happen.

He lead her to a fancy picnic table set up around a gorgeous fountain that were decorated with different water ornaments.

"This is beautiful Ash, how come it only took you a day to get this all setup with lout me having a clue?" Serena asked, Ash scratches his cheek "I uh, kinda got helped by our friends" he chuckled in embarrassment, Serena chuckles and kisses him on the cheek.

"I'll thank them after this date, Ash I love you so much" the two kissed for awhile and after that they ate happily while looking around the area.

Different kinds of Kalosian Pokémon roamed around the area, playing happily without a care.

The two couple watched all of them play with a smile, Serena was obviously happy with how this date was going and Ash knew it.

Ash's POV

Yes! Everything is going exactly as planned! After this date, I can ask her what's been bugging her. For now, I'll enjoy this date with her.

After all, I did this for her.

Just to see a smile that wasn't forced or...troubled.

I tap her shoulder to get her attention, Serena turns her gaze back at me.

"Yes?" She asked "Serena, do you think that my dream is impossible?" Why did I say that? Why did I say that?

"Of course not!! That dream of yours is NOT impossible!! I know you will become a Pokemon Master!!" I smiled at her comment, she never cease to encourage me. She would never give up on me either, after everything that have happened to her.

Getting brainwashed, having a darkened heart, and sacrificing herself to end Lysandre's plan.

But I just can't shake the feeling off that she's hiding something..

What could it be?

I look back at Serena who had a hurt look, she then began hyperventilating. The next thing I knew was that I was back at the Pokecenter along with Gary and the others.

I look around to see if Serena was there, but there only but a note saying..

"Dreams are useless, your princess is no more"

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