Chapter 1

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I lay in my bed late at night and think of him. Think of everything we've been through together. But he left. He had to move far away. Long-distance relationships are never the same as having him here with me. Holding me tightly when I'm scared, and just being near me and talking to me. If you live across the seas you can't really hold each other anymore. The thing is, he's always helped me. Before he came into my life I was depressed, my parents were even worried about me. After he came into my life everything changed, and everyone noticed it too. They all said that I began to seem happier. It was because of him. Though, one day he came up to me. He looked a bit sadder than usual, and he said "I'm moving over-seas."

When I heard that my heart instantly cracked open. Like I just wanted to break down and cry, but I didn't want him to see me cry. "When?" I finally said. My voice cracked a bit and I sounded like I wanted to cry. He noticed and hugged me tightly.

"It will be alright. I'm going to America in a week. But don't worry. He will keep in touch and I'll be back in 2 years time. When I turn 18, I'll be back. I love you Kazuki." He said. I still couldn't believe he was leaving. But I'll be fine. I can't be selfish and tell him to stay. It would be impossible for him to stay anyway.

"I love you too." I said. Tears started coming out of my eyes. I really didn't want to cry. I tried to hurry up and wipe my tears, but he noticed something wrong and pulled away from me. When he saw my tears, he kissed me lightly.

"Don't cry." He said. "It will be fine. You'll be fine. I'll be fine. I'll try my hardest to come back for Christmas." It's August now.  Christmas seems so far away.

"Yuu..." I said. "I'm really glad I met you. We made so many wonderful memories together. My life was nothing before I met you. Thank you." I said trying not to cry. I tried so hard. But my eyes closed and tears came out.

"Kazuki...There's no need to cry. Two years will be over in a blink of an eye. As we get older, the years start going by faster. We can both keep track of the days until I come back. There are 7 days until I leave. And after I leave there are 730 days until I come back. It may seem like a lot. But if you keep busy, and if we talk a lot then the time will go by fast. Days aren't long." He said. I nodded. Only 2 years. On his 18th birthday he'll be back. He's leaving on his 16th birthday too.

"Does this mean I have to give you your birthday present the day before you leave?" He chuckled.

"Don't worry. You don't have to get me a present. A good enough present would be if you were there to wish me a safe flight and hug and kiss me good bye on the day I leave." I nodded and hugged him tight.

"I'm going to miss you so much!" I said.

He nodded. "I'll miss you even more."

"Not a chance!" I said and he chased me all the way home where we had to split up. "I love you."

"I love you too." He said. "Now, when you get inside, don't you dare cry." He said and laughed a bit.

"I won't." I said, and that was the last day I saw him because we were both busy, until the day he had to leave.

"Good bye..." I said and looked down so he doesn't see that I want to cry. But I won't. I won't.

"Look at me." He said and lifted my chin up until I was looking into his eyes. "I'm going to miss you so much Kazuki." He said and hugged me very tightly.

"I'm going to miss you too Yuu. So much." I said, and his kissed me lightly  just like always.

"I'll skype you when I get there." He said and as he left me he waved good bye. "Stay in good spirits! I'll always be there, right in your heart, and you will always be in mine!"

"Good bye." I said quietly while waving too, and I watched him get on the plane and the plane flied off, so I left and went home.

That's how he left. I still miss him, and I think about him all the time. I love him. I love him so much.

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