Chapter 2

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In the morning I hear a message come in on my phone. It was Yuu messaging me telling me that he finally got to America. I scramble on my bed to grab my phone so I can reply back. "Hi. I just woke up." Is what I say and he tells me to go to school and he'll talk to me afterwards. Though when it's morning in America, it's night in Japan because we have like a 14 hour time difference. I got up and went to school. It's the first day at school without him. Everything looks so different now. I don't really have friends so there is no one anymore.

The day was just quiet, I sat alone at lunch at our normal table. It was weird being alone. I was thinking of how he acts at lunch and what we've talked about. The rest of the day went by slow too until finally I got home and messaged him, "I'm home."

He replied "Welcome back" as though we were living together. He said "I miss you" almost right after his first message.

"I miss you too..." I replied. I feel like these 2 years are going to go by so slow. Only 729 days until he returns. Days are only 24 hours. Not that long. Just stay busy. Talk to him everyday and the time will go by fast.

"Don't sound so sad." He said probably referring to the dots I put after 'I miss you."

"I'm not sad." I replied.

"You can't lie to me. Even through instant message." He said. I looked down at my phone. He can read me so well. It annoys me. I feel like he's reading my mind sometimes.

"I'm sorry..." I said. "I just can't help it. It's too lonely here without you."

"I love you Kazuki." He said.

"I love you too." I said.

"I have to go to bed because I have to wake up early and it's already like 5:00am. I was just waiting for you to get home." He said. It's only 3:00 here. I get off of school at 2:30pm.

"Ok. Good night." I said and threw my phone on my bed and laid down. I took about a 90 minute nap until I hear my mom call down to me for dinner. I wake up, and still feeling groggy I went downstairs and sat at the table.

"How have you been since Yuu left?" She asked.

"Fine.." I said laying down my head on the table and wanting to go back to sleep. I close my eyes and mom puts the plate on top of my head. I grabbed the plate and brought my head up so I could put the plate on the table.

"Where's your sister?" She asked.

"I don't know. I can check upstairs." I said and got up from the table. "Sammy!" I called my sister's name while walking up the stairs. "Sammy!" I called again walking in her room. She sat near her bed seeming frightened with her eyes wide.

She called out my name and clinged onto me. "I'm scared Kazuki." She said in a shaky voice.

"What's wrong?" I ask, hugging her.

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