Chapter 18

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When he pushed me away, I wasn't really shocked but I was a bit sad. I stumbled and fell on my bed and he just left without saying anything else. I just laid there on my bed for a while. I hope he doesn't hate me now. It would really make me sad if he hated me. It's not fair. Why did someone like Yuu get him, but I can't. It really is not fair. I love him more than Yuu ever did. I sighed and pulled the blanket over me and covered my face. I kept repeating the word 'Why?' quietly under my blanket.

I pushed my blanket off of me when I heard my mom call me for dinner. I wiped my face before heading downstairs. I can't show mom that I'm upset because I'm someone who is always calm and seems like a pretty happy person. I ate my dinner quickly and told mom that I'm going out for a walk. As I was walking to the beach I noticed Yuu sitting on a bench. He noticed me and got up and walked towards me. I quickly turned around and started walking away.

He started walking faster and I started walking even faster. Why is he following me? Get out of here, I don't want to talk to you. "Masaki!" He said and ran to catch up to me.

"Leave me alone! I don't want to talk to you Yuu!"

"You got heartbroken didn't you? I knew he wouldn't fall for you. He will always only love me. It's like a spell. I can get anyone I want and I chose Kazuki because he didn't have any friends at school so I thought he would be an easy target."

That snapped me, "How dare you! How dare you use him. You don't deserve him Yuu! Get out of here. Go back to America."

"What if I don't want to? Plus, I can't for another week. How dare you Masaki. For convincing him to go to the airport even though I told him not to!"

"Stop bringing that up! Are you a total idiot Yuu! He loved you! Of course he would want to see you right when you came back. You really don't care about anyone but yourself, do you?"

It was silent for 2 or 3 minutes before he said something else. "I loved him too. But something in America changed me."

"You're such a liar!" I said. "Now leave me alone. You might have been there for Kazuki in the past, but I'm going to be there for him now. And I will always be there for him, no matter what. I love him."

"You love him!? Don't make me laugh. Yea right! He's always been hated by everyone except his mother and the librarian. No one loves him."

I was getting really mad at what he was saying. "You don't know anything about love! Nothing! I wouldn't be surprised if you've never been in love your whole life!" I yelled and ran away into my house. He doesn't know anything. How dare he be so conceited. He thinks that Kazuki will love him even after everything that has happened? I really hate this guy. I really hate him.

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