Chapter 17

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I ended up pushing and he stumbled and fell onto his bed. I opened the door and walked out of the room. I went back downstairs and out of the house and back into my house. What was that? I put my hand over my heart. When I got into my room, I closed the door and slid down onto the ground. Why would he do something like that? And why won't my face cool off? I don't get this.

Soon after, I heard my mom call me, "Kazuki! Come down here! There's someone I want you to meet." I came down and went to mom, "This is Amber, she's a counselor from America. She can help you if you need it."

"I don't need a counselor mom." I said.

"It would still be better if you talk to her. Maybe you'll have stuff in common." I nodded and mom left the room so we would be alone.

"Hello Kazuki, your mom told me a lot about your situation. You're dating Yuu and he went to America for 2 years, but now he's back for break?"

I shook my head, "Yuu cheated on me while he was in America so we broke up. But there's this guy who kissed me earlier."

"How did you feel when he kissed you?"

"Scared I guess. I didn't know what to think. It happened so fast."

"I see. Do you have any feelings for him?" She asked.

"I don't know. I'm so confused. When he kissed me, my face was all red."

"Do you think you might like him more than you think?"

"I don't know. I might. But I wouldn't know how to express these feelings. What if I get betrayed and hurt again?" I said. Will this counseling actually help? Does counseling usually help?

"Well, I can't tell you what is in your heart. But I think you might just have to trust this guy. From the sounds of it, he actually loves you where Yuu didn't seem to love you."

"He seemed to love me before he went to America. I wonder what happened. He seemed like the dream guy. I loved him so much." I said. I started to get a little bit emotional thinking about the past.

"It's ok Kazuki. You need to follow your heart. Your heart knows what's best for you."

"But my heart fell in love with Yuu, and that's not what's best for me is it?" I asked.

"Well, who knows. It might have been a good experience. Not everyone is what they seem. He might have seemed nice and like a genuinely good person, but that's not what he is."

"He always helped me though. He was always there for me." I started to tear up. How can someone who is always there turn out to be a bad person? I don't understand.

"He might have been doing that for his own benefit. You probably have no idea what goes on in his head, do you?" She asked. "Sometimes you have to let people go even if they are the most important people in your life. Now, what do you think of this other guy? He might be the right one for you."

"Masaki might be the one? He has been there for me since I met him again. Always blurting out stuff like people shouldn't bully me for who I am."

"That's true." She said. "People really shouldn't bully at all though. But I have to leave to go to work. Thank you for talking to me Kazuki."

"Thanks," I replied, "you might have actually helped me."  She shook my hand and left. I went back into my room. I don't know if I do love Masaki yet, but it could be a possibility.

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