❁ It's Official, You Got Issues ❁

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🎶I need a girl to ride, ride, ride
I need a girl to be my wife 🎶

Chapter Thirteen

What would have been a peaceful plane journey had turned into chaos and drama due to Severin and Serayah.

Right now, DeVante, Solana, Jordan Francis and Katari were on the same plane as each other, not talking to each other though because they didn't actually know each other like that.


DeVante had the window seat, Solana was in the middle and Jordan Francis being right next to her, with Katari being right in front of DeVante.

The flight attendant had announced that the plane to Paris was leaving in ten minutes, so if people hadn't arrived here now then they were literally going to leave without them.

DeVante was jamming to I Need A Girl Part 2 very quietly on his headphones.

Go 'head mommy make it hot now
I need me a love that's 'gon make my heart stop now
And what I need is simple
Five foot five with dimples
Potential wife credentials

"Baby, I'm so happy we could fly to Paris together," Solana had smiled, inserting her arm through Jordan Francis' and leaning on his shoulder.

Jordan Francis had wished the same thing and they kissed briefly because they were in public.

DeVante accidentally on purpose watched them as they did so.

He really needed to ask them something now.

Turning down his headphones, he had tapped Solana as she was the closest to him; and normally he wouldn't have talked to strangers.

But he really needed to know something.

When Solana had felt a tap on her shoulder, realising it wasn't Jordan Francis, she had jumped a little bit before turning to face DeVante.

DeVante figured that it would have been better if he had remove his sunglasses to actually look at her, which was exactly what he had done.

"Uhm... hi," he whispered, with Jordan Francis being involved too, both of them looking at him blankly. "Can I ask you guys something?"

They didn't say anything.

DeVante's face looked familiar but Solana didn't know why.

Then she gasped out loud after the longest time.

"No way! You're DeVante from—"

DeVante kindly told her to turn the volume down because he didn't want anyone knowing who he was.

"You're DeVante from Jodeci!" She beamed, even more quiet than before. "I'm a huge fan."

Then she started singing one of their songs—  Come And Talk To Me more specifically.

DeVante didn't say anything, and that was when he had realised who she was too.

"And you SZA!" He grinned. "I'm a huge fan of you too."

"Oh my gosh, like, we should totally trade autographs!" Solana beamed. "That would be so cool!"

DeVante didn't have anything against that, with both of them giving the other person their autograph, and then they moved on.

"You said you wanted to ask me something?"

DeVante nodded.

Her and Jordan Francis, without DeVante actually knowing his name of course, had seemed like such a happy couple.

He wanted to know how they knew that the other person was right for them.

He was struggling on finding a significant other, though he didn't exactly mention that, it was still true regardless.

Jordan Francis chuckled.

"We are a happy couple, don't get us wrong."

"But that doesn't mean that we don't fight, because we do," Solana continued. "You've probably heard this millions of times but it's true. No relationship is perfect. So don't be deceived, okay?"

He nodded.

Jordan Francis wanted to know why he had asked them that, and he had explained everything, even mentioning his age.

27 and single wasn't that bad apparently.

Mya the singer was currently in her 40s and she still didn't have a man (in real life).

Plus there were many other people out there that were older than DeVante that were probably even more successful than he was.

And they were single.

DeVante had been looking for a wife or girlfriend for three years, almost four.

"Don't sweat, that's nothing," Jordan Francis assured him. "It took me six years to find Solana. We were in courtship for seven."

Courtship? DeVante had thought to himself, then he realised.

Oh, they married!

No kidding.

"So it more or less took you 13 years to find SZA?"

Jordan Francis' parents wanted him to find a girlfriend as soon as he had turned 16.

He had argued against it but they had kept on pressuring him to do so because every other parent they knew had children in relationships at aged sixteen.

DeVante felt better knowing that some people had been looking for someone longer than he did. 

"Don't beat yourself up though. Loads of people out there in a relationship or married envy single people like you. You can do so many things they can't," Solana pointed out.

"So can you."

Their conversation was cut short though when Severin and Serayah had bursted into the plane when it was lowkey about to take off in 3 minutes.

And boy did they make a huge scene.


She had ignored him, as she was right in front of him.

She was currently mad at Severin for his credit card being declined yesterday, most especially how he told her that she could have had anything she wanted.

Because he could have afforded it.

Clearly not.

Otherwise none of this would have happened, that was for sure.

She didn't talk to him at all yesterday after the incident, because now people had known what had happened and they had pretty much gone from

#1 Couple Goals


#1 Infamous & Laughed At Couple


No thanks to Severin. 

This was exactly why they should have ordered takeaway.

Even better, actually have enough money for everything.

Serayah, how many damn times do I have to tell you I'm sorry?!

Serayah had ignored him once again, with someone screaming in happiness that it was Severin and Serayah.

They were happy because they didn't know what had happened at the restaurant yesterday. Their family didn't want to talk about it because it didn't really concern them.

It was a shock how they were still together, but then again they couldn't have exactly broken up as refunds didn't exist for this trip to Paris. 

Why's it Severin and Serayah, huh? Serayah shouted at the person who mentioned that. Why ain't it Serayah and Severin? Why's it always men first?!

That wasn't true.

She was just overreacting.

Plus Serayah and Severin just didn't have the same ring to it like Severin and Serayah kind of did.

There were two empty seats right next to Katari which Serayah had sat in first.

Severin had sat right next to her uninvitedly.


Leave. Me. Alone! She yelled, with everybody watching them.

Okay, now you're just overreacting.

I may be overreacting but hey, at least I don't flaunt money! Unlike some people I know.

Then they had started arguing with a lot of people being annoyed, including one of the flight attendants, there were five.

She was the person that had announced when the plane was leaving, now going over to Severin and Serayah.

Telling them that if they hadn't been quiet then she would have kicked them out and she meant it.

"You're saying that like that's a bad thing," Katari had scoffed under her breath, holding a fashion magazine and reading it with her legs crossed.

Even though that was under her breath?

Serayah had heard her. 

Turning to her.

"And who the hell invited you into this conversation?"

When Katari had heard that, she stared hard, then she rolled her eyes.

"I invited myself into this conversation, thank you very much. You got a problem with that?"

Serayah slapped her halfway.

So yes, she did have a problem with that.

Because none of this had concerned her.

Now these two were arguing, with Severin trying to stop them but it wasn't working.

DeVante, Solana and Jordan Francis behind these three troublemakers were so pissed off at the moment that it wasn't even funny.

And the worst thing was that they couldn't have moved seats either because all the seats were taken— the good ones anyway.

Jordan Francis had told them to be quiet kindly since they were really doing his head in as of right now.

Severin and Serayah had told him to shut up unconsciously.

Jordan Francis didn't want to start an argument so therefore he didn't say anything, with Solana defending him, telling Severin and Serayah off for what they did.

"Did you just say shut up to my husband? Okay, y'all have crossed the line! I don't even tell him to shut up."

She meant when they had an argument and when she really wanted to tell him to shut up.

She didn't.

Bickering had happened again, with the flight attendant coming back.

The only person that wasn't fighting or arguing with them was DeVante... not that this had mattered much because he had gotten into trouble either way.

"Okay, that's it! I've had enough! You six, off the plane. Right now!"

She had pointed to the direction of the door, with all of them except from DeVante trying to defend themselves.

The flight attendant didn't want to hear it.

She wanted them to leave, instantly.

Getting their things, the five of them had gone, with  DeVante explaining that he didn't actually do anything wrong, so therefore he should have stayed.

"I don't care."

"But I'm DeVante from Jodeci!"

"I hate Jodeci. Dalvin left me for another woman," the flight attendant explained.

Even when DeVante had tried defending himself, she didn't want to hear it.

If he stayed then the plane wasn't moving, end of story.

He was soooo mad as he had left.

"The troublemakers have gone!" Someone announced. "Hallelujah!"

They cheered.

And sadly?

These six weren't even teenagers or little children.

They were all 25-30 years old.

Strangely enough I really enjoyed writing this chapter

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