❁ Start Actin' Your Darn Age ❁

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🎶 I need a girl who's mine oh mine
I need a girl in my life 🎶

Chapter Fourteen

None of them had talked to each other as they had left the plane, mainly because they were too ashamed to do so.

As they should have been.

Except from DeVante.

Right now, the five teenagers trapped in an adult's body, and DeVante, had gone back to the airport with their things, wanting to know what their next plan of action was going to be.

"Great. If it wasn't for Severin and Serayah, then maybe none of us would be here right now," Jordan Francis had hissed.

And truth be told, he hated blaming people for things although this was clearly on Severin and Serayah.

Severin accepted that, although Serayah didn't.

Just as she had bickered again on how they were all responsible really, that was when DeVante had shut them up by screaming.

Luckily, there weren't that many people at the airport right now, because if there were then the chances were, he would have received a lot of stares from people.

"You know what, that's enough!"

He was only saying something now?

He should have said something right from the start.

Poor DeVante, he really didn't deserve all of this at all, it wasn't fair.

"I'm sick and tired of you people arguing non stop!" DeVante screamed. "I'm not even supposed to be here right now but no thanks to y'all, I got kicked out of the plane even though I didn't do anything. And if I stayed, then I would have gotten into trouble!"

A lot of people must have not known who DeVante was on the plane or something because no one had seemed to have his back on this.

Or maybe they thought that all six of them had gotten involved in the constant arguing on the plane... instead of five of them.

"You know what? How old are you guys anyway? Sixteen? Seventeen?"

He was mainly referring to Severin, Serayah and Katari as he knew Jordan Francis and Solana were married.

Even though DeVante had known Severin and Serayah before today and vice versa (they went to the same university), he had forgotten their ages as they really weren't that close anymore.

They had even forgotten he was famous.

The five of them had muttered their ages under their breath, with DeVante becoming even more ticked off than before.

"Y'all are 25-30?!" He whispered. "This is utterly disgraceful. Especially coming from people your ages. Start acting your darn age."

They had apologised, especially to him as he didn't deserve any of this.

Then to each other.

"I mean, I think all six of us might as well stay together because I highly doubt that any other plane to Paris will take us. Most especially due to all the drama we just caused," Severin lamented, sitting down.

The next plane to Paris was in four hours.

San Diego to Paris or the other way around was a long flight to be fair.

Almost a day.

"No," Katari shook her head. "We're getting to Paris. And I have a way."

"How could you possibly have a way?" Solana deadpanned, folding her arms. "And even though we're all going to the same city, we might not be going to the same place in the same city."

That was when Katari had suggested that they should have all gone to the same place.

As in... together.

To get to know each other.

They never knew. Maybe it was a very huge serendipity that they had all met.

Despite the fact that the six of them being together didn't seem like such a bad idea?

They had all shook their heads, almost at the same time.

Jordan Francis and Solana were going on a honeymoon to this couple's retreat in Paris called Lovely Days.

As in Lovely Days Couple's Retreat.

Or in French:

Retraite pour couples Lovely Days.

If these four had followed them, then it kind of lost the purpose of their honeymoon.

They were supposed to be spending time with each other, not with the rest of them.

Severin and Serayah weren't on a honeymoon per say... most especially after what had just happened, but they did want to go to this five star hotel in Paris.

DeVante wanted to see one of his old friends.

Katari was really supposed to be with Lil Kim and her father right now for a tour, who didn't even know that she had gotten kicked out of the plane for making noise.

They were on first class on the same plane, and they had no idea on what had happened on the normal plane.

Solana and Jordan Francis were yet to pay a lot of money for this retreat.

Severin and Serayah had already paid a lot of money for their hotel.

DeVante didn't need to pay to visit one of his old friends, although he did have to pay for the trip in general— they all did.

What a waste of money.

"Either way, we can't get a refund for the trip," Katari continued. "But think about it. How many times have you two been on a honeymoon? And how many times have Severin and Serayah been on a trip together? As far as I'm concerned, didn't y'all go to Argentina just last month? And how many times have you visited your old friend?"

She was on to something.

"You keep talking about us. But what about you? What are you supposed to be doing?" Jordan Francis had enquired wisely, looking at Katari.

They all did.

Katari smiled.

She didn't need to say anything.

She had some leaflets from the tour she was supposed to be on with Lil Kim and Armani, showing it to them.

They gasped.

No waaaay, you Katari!

You work for Lil Kim!

Was pretty much everyone else's reaction.

Katari wasn't the only famous one in the group though, there were DeVante and SZA too.

And some pretty infamous people now, Severin and Serayah.

Jordan Francis.... sadly no one really knew him like that.

Because him and Solana didn't have social media, as they didn't want anyone to get in their business, no one had really heard of Jordan Francis.

"I told Lil Kim and my dad that I want a break. And I want to meet new people," Katari had explained. "God has answered my prayers."

"Yeah, but I promised my friend I'd visit him," DeVante frowned, he didn't want to break such a promise.

Katari asked him what his friend's name was.

DeVante was hesitant at first because she probably wouldn't have known him.

But she did.... and apparently?

He wasn't really  DeVante's friend.

DeVante's so called friend only liked DeVante because he was famous. 

He had no interest in him — Katari knew him and they were pretty close.

She even had evidence on social media.

They DMed each other on Instagram the other day.

DeVante wasn't visiting his friend anymore.

"We can go to the hotel we want to go to because we've already paid for it," Serayah grinned. "We can just tell whoever is taking us there where we want to go. And maybe they'll listen to us."

That was a good idea.

Katari had booked Lil Kim's private jet, and one and a half hours later it came.

It had taken them to Paris in 22 hours, with all of them sleeping on the jet.

Then they had taken a taxi.

And even though they were supposed to go the hotel that Severin and Serayah had already paid for?

It had taken them to the retreat that Solana and Jordan Francis were supposed to go to instead.

Serayah had realised that this was the wrong place when they had gotten off.

"Yeah, from the way some of y'all were arguing on the way here, y'all definitely need a retreat."

They were too tired to fight on the private jet, and when they were awake they had gotten along pretty well.

Trouble started on the taxi ride here.

What a waste of money again for Severin and Serayah... it was official.

Money was just not their friend.

At all.

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