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"We'll be out by 3." Jeno said after his mom left the room and closed the door. He started smiling, looking over to a flustered Renjun.

"First the sneezing between kisses, and now your mom meets me because we were making out in your room."

"I mean, she's a mom so she needed to have se-"

"Stop right there, Mister."


"Jeno where are we going?" The boy mentioned was holding tightly to his boyfriend's hand, swinging it back and forth.

"It's a secret." He smiled, seeing Renjun roll his eyes. The older wasn't one for surprises, but he trusted Jeno.

"You know I hate surprises." Renjun whined, hearing laughter from besides him. He didn't hear what Jeno said since he only pouted and was being stubborn.

"Hey are you listening to me?" Jeno asked him, seeing how he huffed and turned away from him. Jeno sighed, a smile on his lips. "Do you really wanna know that bad where we're going?"

"Yes!" Renjun cheered, a smile on his lips.

"We're almost there so why not." Jeno smiled. "Well, even though it's windy today, I asked Yukhei what you liked and he said-"

"Ice cream!" Renjun yelled, a smile on his face. Jeno chuckled and nodded, leading him to the side.

The Ice Cream parlor was only active during the summertime, hence why it was an outdoor place. There was a small building with windows and a line of people patiently waiting.

Renjun smiled widely and Jeno loved seeing him happy.

"Junnie, you're so fucking cute when happy." Jeno smiled, kissing his cheeks. Renjun chuckled and pulled him into a line. Jeno back-hugged him while waiting for their turn to order.

They chatted about random things and started thinking about what to order. Renjun knew exactly what he wanted, but Jeno wasn't decided yet.

He was pretty indecisive half the time.

"Well what do you like?" Renjun asked him.

"Hm~ I dunno. I eat any kind of ice cream." Jeno responded, looking at the menu and wondered what he should get.

"What about something with fruits?" Renjun asked.

"Honestly, I want something really sweet today." Jeno chuckled.

"The Rocky Road flavor is good here." Renjun said.

"Yeah?" Jeno hummed, thinking about it. "Than I'll get two scoops on a waffle cone."

"I feel like a fatty now." Renjun chuckled. "I want three scoops and whipped cream."

"I'll love you even if you're chubby." Jeno chuckled, making Renjun flush up.

"Oh shut it, you." He bit his bottom lip, hearing his boyfriend laugh at him.

Jeno took out his wallet, taking out some cash and holding onto it.

"I'll pay." Renjun said, seeing Jeno shake his head.

"I invited you on a date. I'm gonna pay and you can't change my mind." Jeno said, handing the money to Renjun. The boy reluctantly held onto the bills, smiling a bit when he went to order their ice cream.

They waited on the side of the counter, waiting for the guy who took their order.

"Here you go, have a nice day!" He smiled at them both. They smiled back and held hands with the hands that weren't busy holding their ice cream.

"Let's sit down over there." Renjun pointed to a bench near the wall of the side of the building. The wall was covered in fairy lights shaped like mini ice cream cones. It was fitting for the retro ice cream shop.

"Is it good?" Jeno asked Renjun, who seemed overly excited about his ice cream.

"Hella good. You?"

"No ice cream will be as sweet as you." Jeno winked at him, seeing Renjun flush up yet again.

"Lee Jeno, where are you getting all these pick up lines? Off of Pinterest?" Renjun joked, hearing Jeno laugh.

"No, baby. I'm just that smooth." Jeno smiled teasingly, seeing how the boy only drowned himself in his ice cream. He didn't need anymore teasing to be done by Jeno. He was flustered enough.

"Okay, so what are we doing next?" Renjun diverted the topic, wiping a napkin across Jeno's mouth since it was all messy.

"Well, I didn't know what you'd like more, but I do know you're a sucker for free food." Jeno chuckled and Renjun nodded. He had a bright smile on while laughing at Jeno's statement.

My heart literally just went whoosh right now ugh this isn't healthy.

"So, let's go shopping and eat street food!" Jeno smiled, seeing Renjun's eyes light up immediately. "Before you say something, I'm buying you everything and I won't accept otherwise."

"Jeno! You spoil me too much." Renjun giggled, biting on the edges of his waffle cone. Jeno smiled, laying his head on Renjun's shoulder.

"It's because I love you so much." Jeno smiled.

"Aw~ I love you too, baby." Renjun giggled, almost done with his ice cream. Jeno had finished a couple of minutes ago, waiting for his boyfriend to be done before they go walking to the shopping center.

They walk away from the benches and tables filled with people with their hands interlocked. They laughed at anything and had a fun time just goofing around.

"What do you want to eat?" Jeno asked Renjun as the strolled through the different food carts.

"Hm... anything really. Let's go over there." Renjun pulled Jeno to a street cart where they ordered some food and walked while eating through the brightly lit street. There were a lot of people walking alongside them, having a great time.

They ate around at different places, ending up full after eating at around four or five different places.

"Let's go shopping." Jeno said to Renjun, walking out of the street food market and going towards a large street littered with different small stores.

Renjun pulled Jeno to so many different places, buying small things like hats, earrings, rings, etc.

"Jeno you can't buy everything for me." Renjun said to him, hearing him chuckle.

"Who said I can't?" Jeno tugged him to be closer to him, wrapping an arm around his thin shoulders.

"Me. You're gonna use up all of your money for me." Renjun warned him, feeling lips being pressed to his temple.

"I wouldn't mind." Jeno smiked, feeling Renjun scoff.

"Isn't it late enough? We should go home. You know we have school tomorrow, right." Renjun reminded him and Jeno groaned.

"I forgot it's Sunday today." Jeno mumbled, leading Renjun out of the shopping center, holding a couple of bags. He let Renjun lead the way out of the crowd and towards the quieter streets near his neighborhood. He lived fairly close to the busy center of the city.

"Shouldn't you go home?" Renjun asked his boyfriend. Jeno only smiled and lowered his arm to wrap around his waist. He pressed a light and feathery kiss to his cheek, seeing Renjun flinch a bit.

"I will after walking you home." Jeno smiled. Renjun groaned a little and glared at him.

"You need to go home. Now." Renjun tapped his cheek playfully. Jeno poked his side, a shriek leaving the smaller as he wriggled around.

"I will after I take you home. Tell you what, when you change into your pajamas, call me and we'll talk all the way until I get home." Jeno bargained with the shorter, barely seeing a small and timid nod. He smiled and laughed a little, his eyes closing the slightest bit.

"Okay... We're almost here anyways." Renjun said, seeing his house all the way down the street. They walked in silence, hands swinging and bright smiles on their faces. They didn't need to say anything because they knew how they both felt.


Jeno walked Renjun up to his porch, seeing the other turn around.

"Goodnight, Junnie." Jeno smiled. Renjun followed his actions, seeing Jeno hold both of his hands in his.

"Goodnight, Jen." He looked up at his boyfriend's face, seeing the bright smile the other wore. Neither of them moved and Jeno chuckled.

"I'm waiting for a goodnight kiss if you didn't know." Jeno chuckled. Renjun smiled and started laughing, feeling his hands being let go of. With arms around his waist, he changed his position with Jeno to wrap his arms around his neck and smile at him.

Jeno leaned in, feeling his lips latch with Renjun's. Their lips moved slowly with care and with love in the kiss. Jeno's hands gripped the fabric of Renjun's shirt, pulling his body even closer than he was.

Jeno swiped his tongue over Renjun's bottom lip, hearing the older gasp and let out an embarrassing moan when Jeno deepened the kiss. His cheeks flushed brightly, and he continued to move his lips a bit faster in their still sweet kiss. They pulled away soon enough from lack of breathing, panting heavily.

"That was pretty hot." Jeno said to him, seeing Renjun's cheeks flush.

"Shut up..." Renjun mumbled, truly embarrassed. He couldn't believe he had let out something like that. It was unlike him. Well, maybe unlike him before meeting Jeno.

"Goodnight, baby. I'll see you tomorrow at school, okay?" Jeno asked him. Renjun nodded and smiled, bringing him in one last time to kiss him. Jeno smiled against his lips, pulling away soon after.

"I love you, Lee Jeno." Jeno rested his forehead against Renjun's seeing the shorter look down and then close his eyes.

"I love you too, Lee Renjun." Jeno joked around.

"My last name's not Lee, it's Huang." Renjun giggled. Jeno brought their lips together in a quick peck, smiling cheekily afterwards.

"Not for long it won't."



ima b real with yall

the next chapter is gonna b the last one and then ima publish my other noren book

i already have a lot of chapters and ideas ready so... :D

also can we just admire the fact that reload broke records like crazy

my babies deserved it omg 🥺🥺🥺

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