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"Goodnight, baby. I'll see you tomorrow at school, okay?" Jeno asked him. Renjun nodded and smiled, bringing him in one last time to kiss him. Jeno smiled against his lips, pulling away soon after.

"I love you, Lee Jeno." Jeno rested his forehead against Renjun's seeing the shorter look down and then close his eyes.

"I love you too, Lee Renjun." Jeno joked around.

"My last name's not Lee, it's Huang." Renjun giggled. Jeno brought their lips together in a quick peck, smiling cheekily afterwards.

"Not for long it won't."



"Ugh I forgot how annoying it is to wake up for school." Jeno sighed, walking down the stairs with puffy eyes. He barely slept a wink last night, too happy inside after his date with Renjun. He kept thinking about the boy, calling him late at night and talking with him until he fell asleep at around 2 am. Today he had to wake up at 5:30 am to get ready for school before the bus would pick him up. On the bright side, he would see Jisung this morning on the bus. The two were one of the first stops, securing them a seat in the back together before the annoying kids would get on.

"You'll be fine, honey." His mom laughed at him. "Besides, you look great and I'm sure you'll be happy once you see your boyfriend this morning."

"You know me too well, mom." Jeno chuckled, giving his mom a kiss on the cheek. He grabs a mug, serving himself a bit of coffee just to wake up. He wasn't a coffee lover like Jaemin, though it looked like he drank the souls of the dead rather than coffee. He gulped the hot liquid quickly, going to sit down with his mom for breakfast.

He knew a lot of people made breakfast a thing where they just grabbed something and left. He always woke up at 5:30 and was ready at 6 to have breakfast with his mom until around 6:30 when the bus would arrive. He had everything packed and ready in his bag, waiting at the front door with his shoes next to it.

He sat down, having a wonderful time with his mother. They ate the wonderful food she had prepared that morning, seeing the sun rise from their nearby window. It felt nice to do these small little things after a while. It seemed like forever since Jeno got to sit down with his mom and just eat some nice homemade breakfast while the sun rose.

"When you bring Renjun over and if he sleeps over, we'll need to take out the other chair we use for when Johnny's here." His mother giggled, taking a bit of the warm breakfast that was still steaming on her plate. Jeno smiled, fork still in his mouth. He was glad his mom thought about that. It meant that she really accepted him and Renjun.

"I'm surprised you even said that. I imagined I would be the one to ask you if he could sleep over here sometime." Jeno's grin was big and childish, giving him a carefree vibe.

"Well he's pretty cute. I never would have thought you would take an interest in boys like him." His mom chuckled.

"What do you mean?" Jeno asked confused.

"Well, fist of all, I knew you liked boys, I was just waiting for you to come out." His mom giggled. Jeno laughed a bit at that and saw his mom take a sip of her water. "Second of all, Renjun is very nice and gentle. I would have imagined you would like somebody more extroverted like Jaemin or Donghyuck."

"Nah, it's a pain in the ass to be around them for too long. Which, by the way. Jaemin and Hyuck started going out as well." Jeno's mom hummed and scoffed a laugh afterwards.

"Not surprised." She smiled. Jeno had gotten up to put both of their dishes in the sink and walked over to the front door to put on his shoes.

"I'll see you later, mom. Bye." He gave her on elast kiss on the cheek, slipping on his bag ariund his shoulders. He could see the bright light of the bus headlights from down his street. He grabbed the other set of house keys, shoving them in his pants pocket and waiting for the bus to arrive quickly.

Opening his phone, he smiled at the sight of Renjun sending him a text.

i just woke up and i think i'm barely on time

junnie :(
ugh i shouldnt of called u last night
it was probably too late...

no no
its okay
i woke up late bc i forgot to set my alarm to the right time
i put pm instead of am

poor baobei XD

dont laugh at me
and can you wait for me at the school gates?

of course
we can head to the auditorium after

oh yeah bc of the entrance ceremony or whatever

its the last year
we gotta make it count :)

well i'll head out in a couple of minutes to walk there
i'll be there maybe by 7:20

i just got on the bus
i'll be there by 7:15
the entrance ceremony begins at 7:30

ill see you later nono~

see ya junnie~
love you

love ya too

"Hey man." He heard a voice say to him. Looking up, it's Jisung who took a seat right next to him. Jeno did their small little handshake routine and they both laughed a bit after. "It's good to be back after Camp Death, but I kinda miss it."

"Camp Death?" Jeno laughed. "Well yeah. Almost for a bunch of us."

"I really thought I would be the one to almost die in the woods. Out of all people, it was you, Jaemin and Renjun." Jisung laughed a bit, hearing Jeno scoff playfully.

"You and Chenle got lucky." He wrapped an arm around Jisung's shoulders, bringing him close and ruffling his hair. Jisung laughed and pushed Jeno away.

"Speaking of Camp Death, you gonna volunteer next year?" Jisung asked him.

"Hell yeah. You?" Jeno asked him. Although Jisung was a year younger, he had skipped a grade and was in Jeno's grade.

"Probably. I don't see why not." Jisung smiled. "Besides, it'll be way easier for us since we don't have to do any crazy bullsit like we went through."

"Crazy bullshit as in me, Jaemin and Renjunnie almost dying?" Jeno asked him, a small smile on his face.

"Hey, don't forget me." They heard a voice say. Looking at the seat across from them, Hyuck had sat down all the way down, leaning his head on the window and resting his feet across the seat.

"What? Your almost broken nose?" Jeno chuckled. Hyuck rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Yeah, which by the way, You gusy are some crazy ass motherfuckers for wanting to go back to that place." Hyuck shook his head in dissapointment at the two. How the hell would they want to go back to that deathtrap.

"So if we all volunteer, you're not going?" Jisung asked the melaning boy.

"Uh, of course I'll head back. What am I supposed to do on a summer without any of y'all? Starve to death?" Hyuck exaggerated. Jeno rolled his eyes and looked at his friend.

"You'd only starve because I wouldn't be able to bring you food from Burger Bar." Jeno scoffed.

"Which by the way, I'll need to know when you work so I can get my discount." Hyuck pointed his index finger at him, seeing his friend act annoyed. The bus jerked forward a lot, causing Hyuck to almost fly off his seat, his head collifing with the seat that was in front of hik. Hearing the obnoxious laughter from his friends made his cheeks heat up a lot, and he threw a gum wrapper at them.

"You know I only give you like 10% off right?" Jeno asked him. The boy shrugged and didn't care.

"10% off is still something. I could be saving $5 sometimes and it's still worth it." Hyuck shrugged.

"Anyways, dorks. We're here at fucking school." Jeno grumbled. They all sighed, not wanting to be there. It would be just another day of having a headache in a place where they feel locked. It was like being forced to jail.

"Where's Renjun?" Jisung asked Jeno, wondering where the boy was.

"Ah, he's running late. He set his alarm to 6PM instead of 6AM." Jeno chuckled. The other guys snorted a laugh, seeing a certain pink haired boy approach them.

"Hey guys." He smiled at them. Donghyuck smiled brightly, giving him a tight hug. The other two marveled at the change in hair color.

"So basically, you've gone like, full on gay." Jisung said, hearing Jeno laugh besides him.

"I'm bisexual chill." Jaemin put his hand up, telling them to stop. He had a bright smile afterwards and slung his arm ariund Donghyuck's shoulders.

"When did ya do it?" Jeno asked him. Jaemin's face contorted as he thought deeply. 

"Hmm... Saturday afternoon?" He questioned and then nodded, confirmimg the time. Jeno widened his eyes and nodded, surprised he didn't see anything on the other's Instagram. "I'll put the Snap story soon on how freaked out I was after I did it." 

Hyuck started laughing loudly at that, remembering Jaemin's breakdown.

"He started crying and hitting himself with a pillow." Hyuck remembered and everyone laughed at him. Jaemin poked at his own boyfriend's side and glared playfully at him. Hyuck didn't take too much offense, continuing to smile brightly. 

im almost there
two more minutes
my legs are hurting from walking omg

i'll carry you inside the school ;)

omg stop


"Damn I wanna get a snack." Hyuck sighed, seeing his watch. They had about fifteen-ish minutes until the bell rang and they would go to the auditorium in their assigned section of the auditorium.

"If you guys want, go ahead. Renjun's almost here. I'll wait for him and you guys save us seats afterwards." Jeno told them and they shrugged, nodding and heading inside the door where he saw Yukhei and Chenle waiting around.

Jeno waited against the side of the building, his back hitting the brick walls, scrolling through his phone. He couldn't wait to see Renjun arrive. 

"Jeno-oppa?" He heard somebody ask. Glancing up he saw a small group of girls standing there. He imagined they might be second years or something since they looked pretty young and still somewhat baby-faced. He smiled nervously and heard them talking to him, asking him questions.

I'm gay as fuck, leave me alone please.

"Oppa? Are you the soccer team captain now?" One of them asked him. He nodded and gulped, wondering what they were gonna do.

"Wah! As expected!" One of them squealed, making Jeno a bit uncomfortable. He only laughed nervously, not paying much attention to the girls. He just wanted Renjun to come by faster so he could leave. 

"Jeno?" He heard a soft-spoken voice call out for him. He turned around to see Renjun's golden hair sitting nicely atop his head, looking as cute as always. 

"Oppa? Is that your friend?" One of the girls asked, pouting a bit to look cute. Jeno ignored it and smiled brightly at Renjun.

"Nope." Jeno smiled. Renjun tilted his head, confused at what Jeno was saying. "That is my boyfriend."

The girls gasped and looked shocked. Their eyes widened and staring at each other, wondering what the hell their long time crush had just said. 

"Boyfriend?" One of them whispered, not believing her ears. 

"Jeno you're so funny." One of the girls started laughing, knowing damn well taht Jeno wasn't into that stuff. 

Spoiler alert, she was wrong.

"Hi, baby." Jeno smiled at Renjun, holding both his hands and leaning down to peck his lips. To say that anybody around them were shook was an understatement. Everybody was still talking and chatting, just not believing what they saw. Yes, indeed Lee Jeno had fallen so hard for a small Chinese boy named Huang Renjun.

"Everybody's staring, let's go somewhere else." Renjun murmured, glancing at his surroundings. He saw people who looked shocked, some were slightly disgusted while others were a bit angry. Like teh group of girls that surrounded Jeno earlier that day.

"Okay." Jeno smiled fondly at the boy, being tugged aside to the other side of the building where there was nobody around. There was still a few minutes left until the bell rang so that they had to go inside to the first day assembly. 

"Damn, I didn't think everybody would stare." Renjun sighed. Jeno chuckled and hugged him close, kissing his lips softly. They were at the place they liked to call Senior Plaza since all the seniors of the school would tend to have lunch on the benches outside when the weather got nice. 

Renjun let himself be taken away by the kiss, arms around Jeno's neck. He took a deep breath, going back in for a deeper kiss. His back hit the brick wall of the school as their lips remained connected. Once again, Jeno swept his tonge on Renjun's bottom lip. The boy parted his lips even more, letting Jeno take control of the kiss. 

The deepened kiss was only shared between the two of them. Jeno felt eyes watching him. When he opened them quickly, he glanced to the side to see the group of girls staring a bit. He glared at them and disconnected his and Renjun's lips, only to whisper in his ear something. That playful smile tugging at his lips made the girls blush red and leave the site immediately. 

"You know, I think those girls are just jealous of you. Baby you look way hotter than any girl I've ever seen. Not that I've ever paid much attention to them." Jeno mumbled into Renjun's ear, going to nibble on his ear. Renjun's hands gripped Jeno's shoulders a bit from wriggling at the sensation.

"Stop that." Renjun wriggled, he felt a little shy that Jeno had this sort of effect on him. Jeno's lips slowly left butterfly kisses on his neck, not giving hima hickey because he knew the school and kids would question it. 

"You know I'm doing this out of love, right?" Jeno whispered to him. Renjun hummed, hands running through Jeno's soft hair. He knew Jeno meant no harm, but Renjun was still shy about all this.

"I know, but I'm just..." Renjun trailed off, not knowing what the right words were.

"Insecure?" Jeno asked him, standing up straight and staring at the boy. Renjun looked down and nodded shyly. Jeno raised his chin for him to look at him, sending him a soft smile. "Don't be. I love you too much for you to feel insecure about yourself."

"I love you too, Nono~" Renjun smiled, giggling afterwards. Jeno smiled brightly, hugging him tightly. He closed his eyes, head resting atop Renjun's who only hugged him tightly, head burriend in his chest.

"Those girlse are staring at us again." Jeno sighed, whispering it so Renjun only understood what he was saying.

"Who cares." Renjun chuckled, Jeno hummed, pressing yet another quick kiss to the boy's head.

"I love you so much, Junnie." Jeno smiled.

"I love you too, Nono." Renjun smiled.

"Oh so now it's Nono and not puppy?" Jeno asked Renjun, feeling the smaller chuckle.

"You tell me what you wanna be called." Renjun told him.

"Call me your husband because we're getting amrried in the future." Jeno smoothly said, smirking and seeing Renjun playfully punch his arm, pushing Jeno away.

"You're always teasing me!" Renjun yelled at him, acting angry when Jeno knew he really wasn't.

"I am your boyfriend after all. I need to tease you and love you for the rest of my life." Jeno smiled. Renjun glared at him, hearing Jeno giggle and press a quick kiss to his forhead. "Let's go, those girls are really getting on my nerves." 

"Okay. Don't scare them away." Renjun reminded Jeno. They were walking close to the group of girls, seeing them acting normal as if nothing happened. They were hearing Jeno and Renjun's conversation, pretending to not be.

"Oh I will if they dare lay a finger on you." Jeno said, seeing the girls tense a bit. Renjun hit his arm and turned to the girls bowing down a bit and scolding Jeno afterwards.

The girls sighed out of relief, holding a hand to their chests.

"Well... you can't really hate Renjun-oppa." One of them said, looking down at the floor.

"Yeah... he's nice and he's pretty." One of them said. Yeeun had been standing nearby the girls, chuckling a bit at their conversation. 

"Jeno and Renjun are practically soulmates. And it's not platonic." She said, seeing the girls turn to her. They all sighed, wishing they could be as pretty as Renjun or as luck as him tl have Jeno.

"They belong together, huh." One of them sighed sadly.

"I wish I found somebody like that." One of them sighed.

"I guess we're all jumping on the NoRen ship now."

"They're cute..."

"I wish I was in a relationship like that." One of them sighed.

"Yeah well, I don't think anybody right now is that serious as those two. We can keep on dreaming but Jeno and Renjun are meant to be for each other."


last chapter before the epilogue :((((

ima miss this book concept. it was cute and fluffy but for my other book i want a bit more plot and story to the whole book. it'll probably be my most detailed book yet lol

i'll probably post it sometime next week

epilogue might be uploaded later today or tomorrow so watch out for that :D

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