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I want u to be there... For a little more than Always!!
Part 14:
"New feelings can be really dangerous for a person... These feelings can change a great deal about us. If we don't understand these feelings and the reason them then it irritates us, confuse us. If we do understand them it makes positive changes in us and make us happy. But what if we understand those feelings but still try to convince ourself that we don't.... What happens then?? In such cases these keep on growing inside us and we r not able to do anything about it"

The same was happening with both Manik and Nandini. Both of them knew that they had started feeling something different for each other but was it something which they could accept.

After finishing the breakfast, manik went to office while Nandini went to her room to rest for sometime. Later that day she started organising the party the next day. As it was a surprise party, all the arrangements were going to be done the next day itself. All she had to do was arrange everything properly. She did all her work in a couple of hours and then started to tally if anything was left when she remembered something. She picked up her phone and typed a msg,

"Just wanted to remind u about Dadi's gift... Have u thought of it yet??
Ps.: How did the meeting go Sir??"

She read it again and then sent it to Manik.
Almost instantly she recieved his reply.

Manik's text: Ohh yes i do remember that... But i hvn't got any idea yet. I think I'll need ur help. And in reference to ur PS, it went perfect Ms Moorthy...
Ps.: Plz plan the rest of the day... I might be home in an hour. Have got to practice and also prepare for the party. Inform Fab5 about the timings.

Nandini's text: We'll see what we can do about the gift. But i suggest u to keep on thinking!! I'll send u the timings in a few minutes. And don't worry about the party.. It's all sorted and finished! The work will all be done tmrw on time.

Manik's text: All done?? Seriously??
P.s.: I can guess that u didn't rest at all the entire day!! And i m not exactly fine with this. U really don't want to meet the old Manik any time soon I guess??

Nandini's text: yes sir it's all finished. Shall i invite Fab5 by 5 this evening for practice??
P.s.: I took a proper nap of two hours after u left... Plz stow ur increasing anger sir!! I really hope none of the staff has to go through it. They might not be quite ready for it.

Manik's text: And that reminds me. Many of the staff members are really missing u at work. I guess they were much more comfortable with ur unleashed anger attacks than my increasing anger.
P.s.: Yes 5 would be fine!!

Nandini's text: Excuse me did u just accuse me of unleashed anger attacks... Well i really think u should think about giving ur name in that category.
Ps.: I miss work too!!

Manik's text: oh really.. If u hv already forgotten them let me remind u of ur recent anger attack this morning... Well let's just say i m quite good at handling those, unlike the staff here!!
P.s.: I miss u at work as well!!😉😉
The moment Nandini read this text her face turned into the darkest shade of red.
Nandini's pov: "What's this?? Is this actually real?? Is Manik sir actually trying to flirt with me? Now what am i supposed to reply to this!! Ayiappa... "

After thinking for a few minutes she finally smiled a notorious smile and replied,
Nandini's text: Oh really... So would u rather the staff also to get used to handling my anger like u say u do!!
P.s.: Are u trying to flirt with me Mr. Malhotra??

Manik's text: NOT AT ALL!!! No one else should be able to handling that..
P.s.: No i m not trying Ms Moorthy... I m actually flirting with u..

Nandini's text: OMG.. Shouty capitals used!!
P.s.: Well.. I don't think that u should be doing so with a simple employee of ur company!!

Manik's text: Correction... I m not flirting with my employee... I m flirting with my friend who by chance happens to be working in my company...
P.s.: U r not just a simple employee!!! Remember that.

And for some unknown reason, the last part made her smile. She blushed reading it.

Nandini's text: Well i guess now I'll get back to my rest as a few ppl keep on asking me again and again to take proper rest. I hope u enjoy ur work!!
P.s: Fab 5 is informed...

Manik's text: In that case... Happy resting Ma'am!! Hope u get to see some dreams that make u happy😉😉

Nandini read that msg and smiled,
Nandini's pov: " Now what I m going to do with him.... Why has he sudddenly started talking like this?? Ayiappa with this i guess I'll hv to more carefull in his presence. U only know how some things I say can display such diverse variable meanings.... Urgh!! Why is all this so confusing!!"

She lied down on her bed and banged her head over the pillow a few times after which she lied down straight and again a blush crept over her face. "MANIK!!!" she whispered again before she hugged herself and slept.

On the other hand, Manik kept his phone aside after sending the msg, he waited for a reply from her but then thought that she must be tired. He smiled thinking about her and then got back to work. He was ready to go about an hour later. As he sat in his car, he smiled again remembering her, on usual days she travelled with him from home to office and back but this time she wasn't and he realsied how much he had got used to her being around. He felt a sudden urge to see her immediately,

Manik: Driver... Be fast!!

He opened up his phone to and checked her last seen, it was just after his last msg to her. Yes, The great Manik Malhotra was checking a girl's last seen coz he was dying to see her. She didn't hv any display picture uploaded and that again left him being even more restless.

Thankfully he reached back home in about 15 mins, but as soon as he entered he saw Dadi sitting in the living room.

Manik: And again it gets difficult... Now how am i going to go to her room when Dadi is here!!!

Dadi: Arey Manik... Why are u standing there son?? Come..

Manik went forward and sat by her side,
Manik: So Dadi... How was ur day??

Dadi: My day?? That was the usual... So u tell me... Anything knew?? U seem a lot more happy these days!!

Manik immediately looked up at her and said,
Manik: Happy?? Really.... I don't think so...

Dadi: And now my son thinks that I don't know him!!

Manik: Dadi... Its nothing like that okay!! Chalo I'll just freshen up and be back plz can u ask simi to fix me something to eat coz I'll soon go crazy of hunger...

Dadi laughed at it and caressed his face,
Dadi: Sure!! U go freshen up...

With this Manik got up and moved to his room only after stealing a few glances at the room on the corner, the place where he actually wanted to be. About fifteen minutes later he came down and finally saw her sitting with Dadi.

Manik: Hello beautiful ladies!!

Both of them looked up at him, at which Dadi smiled while Nandini tried her best to control her blush but Manik still got an hint of it.

Nandini: Good afternoon sir!!

Manik: Good afternoon Nandini... I hope u r feeling good after ur rest.

Nandini: Yes sir.. Thank u!!

Manik smiled at her and took his seat. While simi served him and the others with some snacks.
Dadi and Nandini got into some random talks while Manik simply sat there admiring them. Soon Dadi went out to go to the temple leaving Manik amd Nandini alone.

Both of them were silent as Manik concentrated on his food while Nandini looked everywhere but his side.

Manik: What's eating up ur head Nandini??

Nandini: Sir... Fab5 is due here in about 20 mins.

Manik: Hmn... I know!!

Nandini didn't say anything further.

Manik: Tmrw after the party we hv to go out. So be ready!!

Nandini: Huh??

Manik: What?? Any problem?

Nandini: No.. I mean... No!! But where??

Manik: Hospital... We hv to get an x-ray of ur leg. I don't want to delay. Day after tmrw... I'll be busy with all the event and all.

Nandini: Sir... U really don't need to do that!! I'll take the driver. I can manage it on my own.
Manik: Nandini... I know i don't need to do that but i wish to do it!!

Nandini didn't say anything at it as she looked straight at him. Manik looked deep into her eyes and said,
Manik: And yes... Stop thinking so much before asking things from me, or expecting help. Coz for the first and the last time i m telling u... U do mean a lot to me!!

Nandini heard him loud and clear but she didn't know how to react at it. All she could say was,
Nandini: ohk!!

She picked up her phone from the side and then looked up at him saying,
Nandini: I hv some work...

Saying so before Manik could say anything, she turned her wheel chair around and then moved towards her office. Manik saw her disappear into the room and thought to himself.

Manik's pov: "What was that?? Shit!! Why did I say so? God knows what happened to me, i actually lost my mind would looking at her. I hv to deal with this... I hv to find out what is this that I'm feeling for her, i just hv to"

His pov was broken by a laughing noise from the entrance. And he knew that his friends were there.

Manik: What's up guys!! What happened so happy today??

Cabir: Dhruv has lost his mind.

Manik: Why??

Mukti: Love had made him crazy dude!! He was just about to collide with a pillar out there coz he was busy staring at his lady love.

Aliya: Shut up you two... Don't trouble him..

Cabir: And here speaks the lady love herself defending this love lost Romeo!!

All three of them laughed at it while Dhruliya blushed.

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