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I want u to be there..... For a little more than Always!!
Part 15:
Fab 5 were in the jam room, practising hard as they knew this was their final practise before the event as the next day it was Dadi's party. After about an hour of continue practise,

Mukti: Guys... I m sure!! This event is gonna be rocking...

Cabir: Yeah... I know i feel so too!! This is the kind of thing that we love the most.

Dhruv: U guys are right... Lets just get it out a few more times, u knw practise makes a man perfect.

Manik: Yeah.. Dhruv has a point. Lets get going guys!!

They started again with this. After about 15 minutes Manik's phone started ringing, he always hated disturbance during practise and that's why he always gave his phone to Nandini but since she was ill he kept it with himself. He didn't see the caller's name and disconnected the call.
Manik: Guys lets take it from the top.

But before they could start, Manik's phone started ringing again. No one could see his face except Cabir and looking at him, he could garantee the caller was gonna die in a few minutes. He saw Manik pick up the phone from the table but to his surprise, manik calmed down immediately.

Manik recieved the call and said slowly,
Manik: Hello!!

Nandini: I m so sorry sir.. To be disturbing ur practise. I really am sorry!!

Manik: Hey hey... Chill!! It's fine.. What happened??

Nandini: Actually sir.. It's about the event!! There is a representative from the press here along with the event manager for confirmation. They needed it signatures as a confirmation. I tried to get them by my sign, but they wanted urs along with all the other members of Fab5.

Manik: Are they already here??

Nandini: Yes... They called office and someone told them u all are here!! They didn't get an appointment from me otherwise i would hv told u..

Manik: I know that.... U would hv told me. I don't doubt that a bit. We'll be downstairs.

Nandini: Ok sir!!

Manik disconnected the call and said to the others,
Manik: Guys.. We hv to take a break!! There are some papers we need to sign for the press as a confirmation for the event. They are waiting downstairs.

Cabir: The only thing i like about being in this field is making music... Rest all really is a bull shit.

Aliya: Well thanks to Nandini.. All we get of that bull shit is a few signatures!! And the rest she handles. I hv a friend who is in the same field and believe me she came to me and asked how do i manage fashion designing along with music coz half of the time she is busy arranging meetings, discussing stuff, attending calls and handling media.

Mukti: Yeah right!! She really is very hardworking... I also don't think any of us would hv been able to do our other work had it not been bcoz of her. Even my NGO thing would hv floped in the first place, if i hadn't given time to it.

All this while one pair of eyes was continuously staring at Manik who had a proud smile on his face, well yes that was new coz coming from aliya is a big deal. And yes that was our one and only cupid Cabira!!!

They all moved down to hall to see two men sitting on the sofa while Nandini sitting on that other end on her wheel chair, studying a file in her hand.

Nandini: I need changes in this... I don't think this is what should be expected over here!! Don't forget u r talking about Fab5 over here... U should be grateful that we hv chosen u otherwise there are a no. of event management companies out there. Everything is unique for Fab5, i don't want anything cliche out there. From the entry to the exit everything should be the best.

There manager who by now was quite scared of loosing his deal somehow opened up his mouth and stammered,
Manager: Okay Ma'am.... I'll... I'll contact u... With all the changes.

Nandini: Good!!

Fab5 stood there and Manik smirked,
Aliya: I must say... Along with handling them well, she does hv Fab5's attitude in her.

Mukti: I m sure... That helps her a lot!!

Cabir: Along with her... I think that helps our public image as well!! If she is representing us everywhere, she needs ppl to know who we are.

Manik: Come on guys!!

All of them moved ahead and the manager noticed them, both the men immediately stood up.
Manik: Hello gentlemen... Plz take ur seats!

Fab5 sat while both the guests were still to intimidated by Nandini to be confident now.
Manik noticed it and smirked,
Manik: So i think u need some signatures.

The press guy spoke for the first time,
"Yes sir... It's just a confirmation for the event."

Manik: Well Ms. Moorthy here works as the manager for Fab5. U could hv taken hers.

"Sorry sir... But since a lot of passes hv already been sold, we are seeing a large event out there. And for that we needed u all here.."

Though all them were happy listening to the news but none of them pretended to be bothered.
Manik: Ok then... Give!!
As he said so, Nandini took the other file which was on her lap and passed it to him.
Manik knew she might hv read the entire file in detail before asking for his signatures so he simply smiled and continued,
Mukti: Manik at least...

Manik: Mukti chill.... Nandini is here.

Mukti understood his meaning and smiled at Nandini. All of them signed the papers and gave it back.

Manager: Ohk.. So we'll take ur leave.

They stood up and shook hands with Manik, and the others. At last they turned to Nandini and shook hands with her.
Manager: Ma'am... I'll mail u the changes in an hour for ur agreement.

Nandini: Okay!! Make sure all the arrangements are proper. On the day of the event two hours before the timings I'll be there to check on-

Saying so Nandini immediately stopped. Manik could see a change in her eyes but nothing was visible on her face. And she continued,

Nandini: I'll send someone to check on all the details... But i want u to personally contact me and inform me.

Manager: Sure ma'am...

Manik immediately knew she was damn pissed for not being able to jacket things her way.

As the two men got out of the door, Mukti said,
Mukti: Poor souls... Even i m intimidated by this girl now...

All of them laughed slowly and Nandini smiled.

Aliya: Nandini u really should be taking rest.

Nandini: Thanks for ur concern ma'am... But i m really fine and moreover I like doing this.

Mukti: Tell me one thing... How do u manage this split personality?? One minute so stern and the other minute so sweet. It's good that we heard u today, otherwise i seriously was in an expression that u are always this sweet and docile.

Nandini: Ma'am... Lets just say it's something my work requires out of me.

Dhruv: Still good job... BTW guys let's get back to practise now!!

All of them nodded at him and were about to get up when Nandini said,
Nandini: Excuse me... Wait!!

All of them moved at her when she motioned something to the servant standing at a side. And the very next minute, Simi called out with some snacks and drinks for them.

Mukti: Food... Nandini u r a saviour!! I don't know of the all time hungry cabir, but today i really needed this.

Nandini smiled at them and slowly moved her chair backwards.

Cabir: Arey wait... U too join us!!

Nandini: No no sir... I m fine!!

Cabir: Come on Nandini. It's okay relax... Right Manik!!

Manik who was sitting closest to Nandini's chair, turned towards her and said,
Manik: Yeah... Nandini stay!!

Well she didn't need anything else to make her stay. Nandini sat at her place while Fab5 continued there break in there all time fun mode. They continued pulling each others leg. They were all busy having fun when Nandini got an idea.
She moved her chair a bit closer to the sofa and said,
Nandini: Excuse me sir!!

All them looked at her but she casually leaned closer to Manik's ear and whispered,
Nandini: Did u think of Dadi's gift yet??

Manik shook his head in a no and Nandini gave him a glare which was followed by a whatever look,
Nandini: I hv an idea!! U need to hear it first...

Manik immediately got a smile on his face, he knew Nandini would somehow help him with it.

He saw all his friendships busy eating and asked Nandini who had by now moved back.
Manik: Do i now??

Nandini simply nodded at it and Manik smiled and got up,
Manik: Guys... I'll be back in five.

Dhruv: But buddy where r u going??

Manik: Just some work which according to nandini is necessary Right now!!

He turned to look at Nandini who had moved her chair further back and got a glare in return again. But as soon as the others saw her she smiled and said,
Nandini: It will not take long..

Manik moved towards her and saw her moving her chair when he said,
Manik: Hang on I'll help u!!

He pushed Nandini's chair and disappeared in her office. As they left cabir smiled is cupid smile which was noticed by Mukti, and she whispered to him
Mukti: Are u thinking the same thing like me??

Cabir: If u are as smart as i m then maybe...

Mukti: Come on speak up what's in ur head!!

Cabir: And spill the beans??? No no Mukti... There is a lot going here that u might not hv a percent idea about. So u speak up!!

Mukti: I think that Manik-

Aliya: Now are u two murmuring out there??

Both aliya and dhruv looked up at them with questioning eyes,
Cabir: Nothing guys... We were just giving some quality time to u two so that dhruv stays in his senses during the practise.

Dhruv: Cabir!!!

All four of them laughed out loud. While mukti and cabir shared relief in thier eyes. Mukti picked up a glass of cold drink and whispered,
Mukti: Manik and Nandini??? Do u think so as well....

Cabir gave her a wicked smile with a nod,
Mukti: What now???

Cabir: I think he himself is confused.... Someone needs to talk to him!!

Mukti: U think he'll speak up? Seriously!!

Cabir: Ohh there is nothing to worry when u hv Cabira with u baby!!!😈😈😈
And a plan already started growing up in his cupid head..
Writer's note:
Happy diwali guys.... May this diwali bring lots n lots of happiness in ur lives!! So thats it for today. Hope u liked the part, do comment ur views..😘😘

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