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I want u to be there.... For a little more than Always!!
Part 35:
That evening, Manik was in the study working on some new project. Without Nandini it gave him a bit trouble but he didn't mind. Though Nandini insisted he didn't let her work at all.

It had been quite long, so Nandini took up a glass of juice and walked towards the study.
She was on her way when she saw Raj coming towards her,
Nandini: Good evening Mr. Malhotra!!

Raj: Good evening Nandini...

Now that she was free she really wanted to talk to him, so she asked,
Nandini: Sir, if u r free... We can talk now!!

Raj: Umn... U sure??

Nandini: Of course....
Nandini turned around and saw a servant passing by,
Nandini: Mohan... Come here!!

Mohan: Yes Ma'am??

Nandini: Take this juice to the study for Manik...

Mohan: Ma'am.... In the study!!!
Mohan hesitated a bit as he knew manik doesn't like to be disturbed.

Nandini: Relax... Tell him I sent u!! If he asks tell him, i m taking rest in my room.

Mohan: Ohk Ma'am...
As he went away, Nandini turned back towards Raj and said,

Nandini: After u Sir...

Raj nodded at her and walked outside to the lawn. He took up a chair and asked Nandini to sit too. He didn't say anything for sometime so Nandini said,

Nandini: Sir... U wanted to talk??

Raj: Umn.. yes!! About Manik.... I wanted to know about him.

Nandini: I m sorry sir... But i m not really sure if i understand what u mean!!

Raj: Look Nandini... I don't wanna hit around the bush so I'll come to the point directly. I want to sort things out with him and apparently these days Manik is not talking to anyone except his friends. And out of all of them its just u that I can talk to for reasons that u already know of. So I want u to help me in anyway that u can.

Nandini looked at him shocked. She didn't know if she heard him right or not! She just couldn't believe that this was a father talking about his own son. Raj noticed her expression and said,

Raj: Nandini....

Nandini: What kind of a person are u??

Raj: Excuse me!!
Now it was Raj's turn to be shocked as Nandini continued.

Nandini: Its been almost two days that u r here.... Tell me once that u tried to talk to him or even greet him. Well, if I m not wrong u hvn't even seen him yet except for the time when the two of us came back from Lonavala. I m not sure now, if u even regret for whatever happened.

Raj: What do u mean??

Nandini: Nothing.... I just mean nothing!! But if u really would hv regretted all of this. U wouldn't hv waited for so long to accept ur mistake and apologize. Forget about that, u still r not ready to say that u r here to apologize to ur son.

Raj heard her and got angry at her words.
Raj: How dare u??

Nandini: What did u expect from me?? U r sitting here, willing to plan out something. Whereas all that u should hv done was to simply say a heartfelt apology to him just as u meet him. Manik is ur son Mr. Malhotra... Just a tight hug and a real sorry that is all u would need for him. But for that just plz ask urself once, do u really feel sorry for what u did.

Raj: It's easier said than done..... Knowing how much he is hurt because of me. It's very difficult to even face him. That's why i didn't come back to India for so long...

" That doesn't mean u can't even try!!"
Came a voice from behind, both of them turned around to see Manik standing at the other end. His eyes were red in anger but tears flowed down them. Nandini stood up from her place while Manik walked closer as he said,

Manik: If u were really sorry... Then couldn't u just come here and confront me once. But u... U simply forgot it!!

Raj: Manik... I-

Manik: I don't want to know anything....
Saying so he turned back and went away while Nandini went behind him.

Nandini entered the study to find his desk empty, she looked around to find him but there was no one in the room. She was about to walk away when she felt a pull on her wrist and the next minute she banged into a hard chest as to hands were wrapped around her. Manik hugged her tight and dug his face in the crook of her neck.

Nandini took a minute, and then moved one of her hand into his hair while the other moved up and down on his back.

Nandini: It's time Manik..... Let it out.... let it all out in front of them.

Manik didn't say anything but just hugged her tighter digging his face further into her hair.

Nandini: Keeping it all in will do nothing but hurt u even more!!

Manik simply shaked his head in a no when Nandini caressed his hair and somehow broke the hug. Tears flowed down her eyes seeing As she cupped his face she whispered,

Nandini: U promised to try Manik.... U hv to try!! That's ur family and u hv to mend ur ways with them. If its so difficult for u to forgive him, maybe u can just try to forget what happened. U r very lucky that even after all this u still hv ur music in ur life, that too in a much much bigger form than u ever expected. Till when r u going to hang onto the past and let it affect u.
Manik hugged her again while Nandini continued to console him. They stayed like that for quite a long time after which Manik broke the hug and held her hand.
Manik: Come....

Nandini: Where... Manik!!

But he was already on his way out to the living room. As they reached they saw Raj and Nyonika sitting there.

Manik left Nandini's hand and moved ahead towards Nyonika.
Manik: Mom....

As she heard it she immediately stood up seeing him and tears filled up her eyes. He had called her that after god knows how long. Manik moved further closer to her and simply hugged her tight.
Manik: I m sorry!! Plz forgive me.... I m so so sorry!!

Nyonika: No no... Don't be my son don't..... Just plz never do that to me again, I can't even live with the thought of u being angry at me.

Manik: I love u!!

Nyonika: I love u too son...

Nandini smiled at it and wiped off her tears. While Manik broke the hug and turned towards his father.
Raj: Manik I-

Manik: Plz let me speak first....
Raj nodded at him as he continued,
Manik: I really don't know if i would be able to forgive u. But I really want things to change.... I want to forget everything that has happened!! I want to start a fresh.... Can we be fine with that??

Raj simply came forward and hugged him,
Raj: I missed u my son!!

Manik: I missed u too Dad.... I really did

"But i m not going to forgive u ever...." came a voice which made them break the hug and turn around to see Dadi standing there.

Manik got a sweet smile on his face looking at her and walked closer.
Manik: Ohh really.... And why is thats so??

Dadi: U didn't even come to see me this morning and u talked rudely to me last evening... U made me get out of ur room... U didn't tell me where u were going this afternoon... And... And.... And I don't know the else!! But i m not forgiving u...

Manik: Not even if I sit on my knees holding up my ears?? And saying sorry....

Manik did as he said making dadi smile at his cute face,
Dadi: I can't even stay angry at u... Get up!!

And as it was everything finally got sorted out between them. Nandini couldn't stop smiling looking at all of them when again a tear rolled down her eyes. She didn't want to feel sad again remembering her family but she had no choice. Looking at all of them hugging each other she slowly traced her steps back and went to her room.

It was a family moment and she didn't wish to intrude.

About two hours later, the Malhotra family was still in the living room as Dadi and Raj sat while Manik lied down on the sofa with his head on Nyonika's lap as she caressed his hair.

They had been talking from the past two hours, filling up with whatever they missed in the past years. It was indeed an amazing family tym.

Dadi: But out of everything... I can finally say that my Manik has grown up, i never expected u to show such maturity today....

Manik: Ohh come on Dadi... I had grown up long back!! Woh toh today Nan-

Just then he remembered something and lifted up his head from Nyonika's lap and looked at the place where he had left Nandini.

Dadi: What happened??

Manik: Umn... Nandini!! She was here..... NO actually She got me here!! She explained me....

Raj: Son we hv been sitting here from 2 hrs...

Manik: But-

Dadi: I m sure she must would hv left to give us some family time.... She should be in her room.

Manik nodded at her and lied back down. Nyonika smiled at Raj but didn't say anything.

A few minutes later, simi came and said,
Simi: Ma'am, the dinner is ready!!

Dadi: Yeah... U serve it we r coming....

As she went away, Dadi noticed Manik looking towards Nandini's room so she said,
Dadi: I'll send someone to call Nandini as well...

Manik: Hmn.. no.!! I- I mean... I'll go and get her.

Saying so Manik immediately got up and walked inside while the other three burst out laughing.
Raj: Its gud to watch him like this....😂😂😂

Manik went to her room and knocked but no one replied, he waited for a minute after wch he pushed open the door and entered to see Nandini sleeping peacefully with her head resting on the head board.

Manik smiled at her and went closer and sat next to her. He slowly caressed her face making Nandini stir. He moved closer and kissed her forehead as she opened up her eyes to see his smiling face.

Looking at him she adjusted her face more into his hand and called out his name,
Nandini: Manik....

Manik: Gud evening Madam.... Sorry to disturb ur beauty sleep but its time for dinner. Everyone is waiting for u.

It was now that Nandini finally snapped out of her sleep and smiled broadly,
Nandini: U did it... U sorted ur differences!! I m so happy for u!!

Manik laughed at her excitement and said,
Manik: Thank u for that... And u seem much more happier than anyone else.

Nandini too laughed along while they got up to move out. All of them had dinner together, having fun enjoying together. Nandini was sitting right next to Manik, being mostly quite just listening, when Nyonika asked,
Nyonika: So Nandini... Tell me about urself!! Where r u from? Where does ur family live?

While Manik's smile faded away listening to this, Nandini smiled at her question and said,

Nandini: Family!! Well, I hv a really big family... Dadi, Manik, Fab5, all the people who work in this house, all the employees of Malhotra Industries..... Thats it, This is my family!! And apart from this I m an orphan so there is not much for me to tell.

Nyonika was shocked at this while Dadi smiled to her broadest. Nandini too smiled back at her when she felt Manik holding up her hand under the table, as he entwined his fingers with hers.

Nandini's happiness at that particular point was not something which could be defined in words. She felt blessed for having him next to her. As the topic over the table grew more casual Manik left her hand and they continued talking.

Manik: Oh yes... By the way Dadi!! Nandini is joining back work from tmrw..... Just wanted u to know!!

Dadi: Arey wah Nandu... So finally ur leg is all fine!!

Nandini: Ji Dadi... And also, I was thinking to shift back my stuff to the out house now that my leg is fine... I don't think I'll need anyone's help.

Manik turned towards her immediately, not knowing where that came up from.
Manik: No...

Nandini: But Manik... I m fine now so-

Before Nandini could say anything more, Manik bent closer and whispered to her.
Manik: Thats an order... Not a word further!!

Dadi: Actually Manik and Nandini... I wanted to talk to u about something! Umn... I m going to Dubai with Raj and Nyonika.

Manik: Dubai.. But why??

Dadi: Manik... Its been long since i hv lived with Raj. He can't stay here due to work so I thought to go with him. Also Nyonika has started up some NGO out there so i could help her.

Manik: But ur health!!

Dadi: Come on Manik... I m fine and I'll continue my meds. And its just a matter of a few months then l'll be back.

Manik: Hmn.. ohk then as u wish!! But when do u guys leave??

Raj: In two days....

Manik nodded at her when Dadi said,
Dadi: And for that Nandini... I want u to stay her itself in the house till i come back. U already handle the entire house, stay here... It will me much more easy for u..

Nandini simply nodded at her while Dadi smiled at Manik.

Soon the dinner got over and everyone moved to their rooms to call it a day

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