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I Need u to be There... For a little more than Always!!
Part 36:
The next morning Manik walked down the stairs all ready for office.

He asked Simi for his breakfast and sat on the dining table waiting for it. He was in a significantly amazing mood and on top of that he knew Nandini was joining him today at office. But yet again she was late and this time the most.

He dug his face into the newspaper and turned to the business world to keep himself busy. Soon he heard hurried footsteps through the corridor, a smile crept on his face knowing who it was, but he hid it successfully as she reached closer literally running.

Nandini: I m so so sorry... I woke up late.

Manik didn't even look up at her and said in a stern voice,
Manik: First day to join work and u are more than half an hour late. Nandini when will u-

Manik stopped in his tracks as he looked up to her. And immediately all his resolve to tease her flew in a blur. There she stood back to her old look, all confident, smart, business women look. No matter that he had told her that he liked her in casuals, this day again made him realise that she was a neck turner no matter what she wore.

She could carry any attire in its best way.
Nandini found Manik staring and said again,
Nandini: I m sorry.... U wait l'll go check for ur breakfast.

Nandini again turned and was about to walk away when Manik held her hand and ordered,
Manik: Sit here...

Nandini: Manik.. I-

Manik: I said sit....
Nandini followed his words this tym and sat when he held her hand,

Manik: Joining work, doesn't mean running around in those God forbidden high heels and falling.

Nandini looked at her heels and blushed at the fact that he noticed it and cared about her.
Nandini: Don't worry... I m used to them and I'll take care!!

Manik: I know...
He whispered and kept the paper aside looking deep into her eyes, trying to read them.

Nandini: Good morning by the way...

Manik smirked at her and caressed her hand before leaving it and leaning his back on the chair, folding his hand across his chest.
Not even once did his eyes leave her face while Nandini was dying to take up a topic to speak and end this torture. She didn't want to blush bcoz of him and that too sitting right next to him.

Nandini: Umn... Do u hv practice today?
And almost instantly he was back to work.

Manik: Yeah!! Practice at 6. Plz see that everyone is free. And where it's convenient. Rest the day on u.

Nandini: Ohk sure!! And moreover Its going to be a easy day, not much important meetings. I'll brief u ur schedule on the way to office.
Its good for a free day coz I wished to check out in all the departments. Its been long, I like being confident and updated about the status there... Which i m not right now!!

Manik noticed that uneasiness on her face, but he was kinda used to it as it was always this way whenever they returned from their work related trips and Nandini takes up the entire office on her head to get everything on place according to her.

Manik: Take two three days... U'll get it all right...

Nandini: Not that long.... I m arranging meetings today. It's a easy day so I m thinking to make use of it.

Manik: Inform me about the proceedings... I would like to discuss about the nee project with u myself... I haven't yet passed it to the team, i was waiting for u to join. It needs-

Dadi: No work on the breakfast table from now on!!

Both of them turned around and Dadi walked closer along with Raj and Nyonika.
Manik: Gud morning Dadi... God Morning Mom-Dad.

As they smiled, Nandini too wished them and got up from her seat.
Nyonika: Nandini... Keep sitting!! U don't need to get up.

Dadi: Yes Nandu take ur seat... We'll all hv breakfast together.

They sat down and the work was now on a side bay. All of them had their breakfast, happily, enjoying the company of each other.
Surprisingly, now Nandini too seemed to be going on well with Manik's parents as everything was sorted for good.

And when it comes to them, well she had always been a charmer on her own, and on top of that knowing Manik's feelings for her and her part on how the things turned out, she was already too much loved in Nyonika's good books.

Soon they left for work after Raj told them that he too will pay a visit to them in the afternoon.

The moment Manik and Nandini entered the office building, all the eyes were on them. Well, it was a daily routine of the nuisance going on due to Manik's arrival. But this time, it was more coz Nandini was back to work, much to everyone's relief.

As usual Nandini walked a step behind Manik replying with casual polite smiles to everyone while Manik seemed too oblivious to his surrounding.

Both of them entered the lift and Manik said as the door closed,
Manik: Wow... Everyone seems much more pleased to see u than i expected.

Nandini smiled at him as she entered the code to the top floor and teased,
Nandini: Obviously... After all they won't hv to handle u on their own anymore. The happiness is not to see me back, its to get free from ur Monster side.

Manik turned to look at the her and saw that naughty look in her eyes. And before she knew she was glued with her back on the wall with Manik's hands on both her sides blocking her completely. Manik bent closer towards her and whispered,

Manik: So... Does that means u r not at all scared of my Monster side??

As always his closeness affected her badly, his rich cologne hit her nose as seemed to take her in a trance as she stumbled in her words and whisper replied him,
Nandini: N... No!! I m not scared of u!!

Manik moved further close to her and said,
Manik: Are u sure Nandini??

As he spoke, Nandini shivered at the husk of his voice and his breath fanned her face.
Nandini: Hmn...
That was all she could do to reply as she wasn't in any condition to say further. He face was just a few centimeters away from hers.

As those brown chocolate eyes refused to leave her shining pearls. He could keep on looking into those eyes for as long as he wished, drowning into the depth of that endless sea of emotions which were easily visible in them.

Suddenly Nandini felt weak at her knees as she felt him coming further close, he removed his hand from one side as he touched her shoulder.

Nandini had lost all of her sane mind, as she felt his fingers tracing their path down the entire length of her arms, to finally entwine his fingers with hers. Her entire body was pressed between his body and the wall helping her to support herself to stand.
Both of them were lost into each other when Nandini realised that they had reached the floor and the door was already open.

Thankfully no one other than the two of them were allowed on that floor to look at them. She slowly moved her hand up an be rested it on his shoulder and pressed it.

Nandini: Manik!!
On the other side Manik was still to dazed to bother. She slightly moved him again whispering,
Nandini: Manik!!

This time she was successful to get him hear her, as he slowly moved a bit away.

Nandini looked everywhere but him, trying hard to hide her flushed cheeks and irregular breath. She turned to her side to get out​ of the lift only to realize that Manik had his fingers entwined with hers, holding it tight. Nandini got her hand free from his hold and rushed out walking past his cabin to her cabin.

Manik saw her entering her cabin and moved to his, trying to get a grip over himself.

He sat by his cabin and moved his fingers through his hair as a smile came upon his face as he remembered the blush on her face as left the lift.
Manik: God... This girl has the power to make me crazy. I badly need to control myself. I hope she is fine!!!

With this he got onto work but his mind was still onto her. About half an hour later, while he was still thinking about her, he heard a knock on his door. He sighed a relief and said,
Manik: Yes Nandini... Come in!!

Nandini pushed open the door and entered along with a cup in her hand.

Nandini: Manik.... Ur tea!!
She kept the tea in front of him, while Manik was busy observing her. He was surprised to see that she was on her normal self except for a slight blush on her cheeks, which she was visibly trying to hide.

Nandini: Manik... I wanted the progress reports of the last week for all the departments. Shubham told me that he gave it all to u in my absence.

Manik: Yeah... Hang on!!

Manik picked up 2-3 files from the shelf behind him and gave it to her.
Nandini: Thanks.... And i wanted to ask if u want to discuss that new project after two hours i.e. by 12:30 i guess..

Manik: Yeah... Cool!!

With this Nandini got up and moved out of his cabin while Manik finally smiled to his broadest knowing that she is fine after the incident that happened in the lift.

As he got back to work, this time he finally concentrated. Meanwhile, Nandini moved downstairs moving on from one department to other. Within a few minutes Manik knew which floor she was on, by the rushed movement of all the employees. He smirked as he knew Nandini was back on fire.

The day at office went on quite well, especially for Manik as he had been missing Nandini for all these days. Later that evening Manik and Nandini reached home to find Fab4 already there waiting for them, and chilling along with Raj and Nyonika.

Manik remembered his college days when this scene was quite normal for every other day. They all greeted both of them after which Manik walked away to freshen up while Nandini sat with Fab4.

Mukti: Finally u convinced him to join back at work, Haan??

Nandini: Well... Didn't really need to do much I guess!! I know he was too nyc to say it, but things were getting difficult.

Cabir: Arey yr Nandini.... Why do u always hv to understand him so well?? It makes me jealous yr!!

Nandini: Jealous?
Mukti hit cabir hard at this and laughed out loud.

Mukti: Coz he thinks u r spoiling his Bromance!!

Nandini: Ohh is it!! Well i thought ur Bromance is getting spoilt bcoz u r too much into Romance these days....

While everyone else laughed like hell at this, cabir's face was an image to be remembered all life long.

Manik: Hats off to u Nandini.... I think for the first time our Cabira has been shut by someone.

And again this was followed by a stream of laughter. After which Cabir said,
Cabir: Laugh as much as u want.... I'll also hv my days!! And i swear i m not gonna leave u two, Manik and Nandini....

Again everyone brust out laughing, while Manik gave him a whatever look and turned towards Nandini to find her looking down again hiding her blush.
Nyonika and Raj too noticed her and smiled at each other.

When Manik realized something,
Manik's pov:
Does that blush mean that Nandini too is looking forward to a day like that. For us being together... For us having a chance for each other. Hv we really reached that point?? Is this some kind of an unspoken agreement to that??

He couldn't help the glee on his face at that which wasn't left unnoticed by anyone.

Soon they got up to go to the Music room for practice, when Manik saw Nandini moving towards her office.

Manik: Nandini.....
Manik called her out to stop her, as she stopped he turned towards the others and said,
Manik: U guys carry on... I'll be there in a minute.

He moved towards Nandini as she asked,
Nandini: U need something??

Manik: Yeah... I want u to go and get some rest before u get back into ur office.

Nandini: But Manik... I hv got work and this is my daily routine.

Manik: Can u for once, not argue, u just joined back!!

Nandini smiled at his concern and simply nodded. Manik returned her smile and turned around to leave when Nandini stopped him this tym by holding his hand. He looked at her face and asked through his eyes, "What??".

Nandini simply turned around still holding his hand and took him to her office. As they entered, manik asked
Manik: What happened Nandini??

Nandini: Manik can I ask for something from u??

Manik: Hey... U don't need to take permission or ask... Just tell me!!
Manik said with Almost love as he stared at those soft eyes.

Nandini: Umn.. Manik... Can u please hug me??

At first Manik seemed surprised by her words but then he was too pleased to follow. He simply opened up his arms while Nandini effortlessly moved into his chest as he wrapped his arms around her, in a form of a cocoon.

Nandini griped her hands around his shoulders and whispered into his chest.
Nandini: I know u don't like it when I say Thanks to u but i just wanted to say that I feel Special when i realize that I have someone with me..... Someone Who Cares!!

Manik tightened the hug around her and then replied slowly,
Manik: And that Someone is now gonna be there forever..... To make u feel much much more than Special on all points!!!
Writer's note:

200k crossed.... Wow!!

Thanks a lot to all u readers out there for supporting this story so much!! So keep on going with this... Keep reading, keep loving!!!

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