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I Need U To Be There... For a little more than always!!

Part 81:

Manik: Good night Mom!!

Nyonika: Good night....

Nyonika smiled at him as walked up the stairs to his room.

Manik entered his room, walking straight to the washroom as he freshened up, getting ready for bed. He moved back into his room 10 minutes later and looked up at the wall behind his bed as it adorned 3 beautiful pictures of the two of them.

Though she had got them made for herself but he had used them up in his room the day he returned back to India. And why would he not.... After all that is gonna be her room as well by the time she sees them.

He jumped over his bed, dailing her number as he lied down waiting for her to receive the call. After almost 6 rings nandini finally received the call.

Nandini: Hello...

He smiled at her raspy sleep induced voice as he wished her,

Manik: Good morning my Shining Star!!

Nandini: But I want to sleep more....

Nandini whined making him chuckle.

Manik: Then who asked u to be up late and conduct meetings from there??

Nandini groaned at his accusation as she got up sitting on her bed, resting her back on the head board.

Nandini: One-That was important!! And Two-Don't scold me early morning....

Manik: Ohk madam.... As u say, but still that wasn't scolding.

Nandini: Mani yr.... I m bored here!! I hv nothing to do all day. Rishab and Abhi are literally treating me like I will break down into pieces if I do anything.

Manik laughed at her complain and replied,

Manik: I hv heard about girls complaining to their brothers about their Boyfriends.... But in ur case, it seems totally opposite.

Nandini: Well I m not like others... And u, for one, should know that!

Nandini said in a confident tone trying to hide her sleep.

Manik: Ohh yes, I do Obviously..... But then tell me one thing, why rn't u doing all that shopping and all!! Aren't brides supposed to be shopping a lot?

Nandini: Well Thanks to Aliya, she has ordered me not to even think about it. She is planning on getting me an entire new wardrobe, especially designed by her and Mukti. From the wedding dresses to my daily casual outfits. It was Nyonika Aunty's idea.

Manik: Well that's quite expected from Aliya. Ohk then what r u planning to do today??

Nandini: I think I m gonna raid Rishab's office. I m sure I can get something to pass my time out there....

Nandini though out loud more to herself making Manik laugh.

Manik: Seems like u r actually quite unemployed at the moment.

Nandini: Stop laughing Manik.... Or I'll come there and throw u out of ur own office.

Manik: If that gets u here then I don't mind at all baby....

Nandini blushed at his words shaking her head.

Nandini: Too much of romance early morning....

Manik: That is the problem na, its night here!!

Nandini: Yes its night.... And u r tired! Go to sleep Manik....

Manik sighed at it and nodded.

Manik: 19 days to go!!

Nandini: Good night Manik...

Nandini said sweetly to him.

Manik: Good night....

None of the two said anything after this, as Manik closed his eyes and Nandini waited patiently by the other side for his breathing to get calm. 15 mins later, she realised that he had fallen asleep as she whispered,

"I miss u...."

Disconnecting the call, Nandini looked at the time and decided to get ready fast. She picked out one of her formal outfits and got ready soon as she walked towards the Moorthy Mansion for breakfast.

Though Rishab had insisted on making her stay with them, she spent most of her time with them before coming back to her own personal space.

She entered the house to see Anjali running after Nayan with a plate in her hands.

Anjali: Nayan bad manners.... Finish this off, and then play na baba!!

Nayan ignored her and continued running until she noticed Nandini.

Nayan: Bua!!

Nandini smiled at her kneeling on her knees as the little one threw herself into her arms.

Nayan: Good morning....

Nandini: Good morning... Wanna hv breakfast with me??

Nayan smiled broadly bobbing her pony tails up and down when nandini noticed Anjali sigh. Soon she met Amms as they had breakfast together.

Amms: Nandu... Why r u ready? Going somewhere??

Nandini: Yes amms.... I was going out for sometime!

Amms nodded at her and then said,

Amms: I hv something to show u.... Come to me later, when u r back Ohk?

Nandini: Sure amms....


About half an hour later, Nandini reached the main hotel of The RNA Group, also the office for Rishab and Abhi. She moved straight to the top floor towards their cabins. She smiled looking at the portrait of her Appa at the entrance of the 30th floor. She had not been there after her parents death and the place had changed quite a lot, as she looked around. She walked towards the main desk and smiled at the receptionist.

Nandini: Hi... Can I plz know where is Rishab Moorthy's Cabin?

The girl behind the counter, kept her pphoone aside as she looked up with a scrowl on her face. She looked at Nandini and then said in a bored tone.

"Sir is in a meeting!"

Nandini: I asked where is his Cabin! Not where is He...

Nandini said dropping up her smile at her unfriendly behaviour. The girl glared at Nandini as she spoke in a firm tone.

"U r not allowed inside until he says!"

Nandini: Trust me sweety, I m....

Nandini said as she looked around trying to find some familiar face but found none.

Nandini: U know what, thank u.... But I guess I m gonna look around for his cabin, myself.

"U cannot do that!!! This floor is not for customers, if u wanna meet him, then u need an appointment."

Nandini looked up in the square of her eyes at her harsh tone but then said softly,

Nandini: I m Nandini Moorthy! Ur boss' sister. I guess that allows me well enough to get in.

Surprisingly she was replied with a very indecent scoff from the other side.

"He doesn't hv a sister. And u cannot just come up randomly like this, I hv been working here for a year and I hv never seen ur irritating face before!!"

Nandini smirked at her as she leaned forward resting her face on her palm.

Nandini: Wow... A year haan!!!! U hv a problem with my face right, well, u won't hv to see it again. U know why?.... Coz U R Fired!

To say the girl was shocked would be an understatement. She gritted her teeth as she snapped.

"U r no one to do so!!"

Nandini: Too bad... I m!

Nandini muttered to her as she picked out her phone and dailed Rishab's number.

Rishab: Yes...

Nandini: I fired ur receptionist! Get her thrown out before I do....

She said directly looking straight at the girl who was still glaring at her.

Rishab: What?? Where r u?

Nandini: Right outside....

Nandini said as she disconnected the call.

Nandini: Good bye love...

She smiled at the girl when they heard footsteps as Rishab and Abhi rushed towards them.

Abhi: Kiddo!

Rishab: Nandu..

Both of them said earning a glare from Nandini.

Nandini: This isn't home!

Both of them understood her point and looked down guilty.

Abhi: Right... Sorry Nandini..

Nandini: Better!

Nandini muttered as she looked at the now trembling girl.

Nandini: May I Now go Inside??

"I.. I m Sorry Ma'am!!"

Nandini smiled at her as she said in a honey laced voice,

Nandini: Ohh that is absolutely alright my dear!!

With that she turned around as Abhi smiled broadly at her,

Abhi: Come...

They moved inside making the girl sigh in relief until nandini stopped and turned around,

Nandini: Ohh.... But u r still Fired!!


Rishab: Abhi, what do u think??

Abhi: Bhai, This is perfect! I m sure the business rate there is gonna be much more than our casinos in Vegas.

The meeting had just got over and the three of them were sitting in Rishab's cabin as the brothers talked while Nandini sat back busy in her phone. Though they had made her attend the meeting with them, Nandini decided to sit back quietly through the entire thing without interfering much.

Rishab: Yes and the number of customers at this place is also higher. I-

Nandini: That's not gonna earn u anything!!

Nandini muttered interrupting them.

Both of them turned towards her to find her still looking at her phone as Nandini looked up,

Nandini: I really don't want to interrupt bhai but-

Rishab: Nandu.... U hv all rights to say here. Just go on....

Nandini nodded at him as she got up from her place and joined them on the table. She looked at Abhi's laptop making him pass it on to hers as she started searching something on it.

Nandini: "This deal is made to look much more profitable than it really is. Even though the customer rate that u get there is much higher, we hv to look upon ur expenses as well! The casino taxes in that region are almost 35% higher than the taxes u pay here and then the other expenses too hike up. At the end u will somehow manage to get the same amount that u spend and when there are no losses for u, there might be no profits as well! The owners r facing the same problem and thus they decided to sell it off and move to another region.

The rate of profit at that region can only be increased if u make a bigger investment and start some more construction, taking in ur profit from that. But then that will also include a particular risk factor about which I m not too sure of, I think u both are.... But u just need to fair off these figures once before thinking it through."

She turned the laptop screen towards them as she showed them the calculated version of what she just tried to explain. The three of them discussed it further in detail until they decided to cancel the deal.

Abhi looked up at Nandini, who was still busy typing furiously on the laptop. Her face shouting Professionalism. He caught Rishab too smiling up at her until he said,

Rishab: I didn't know my Nandu had this side to her as well!!

Nandini heard his voice and looked up, stopping in her work.

Abhi: So all those rumors about Manik's secretary r not spread by him... U r actually good kiddo!!

Nandini opened up her mouth, keeping her hand on her heart in fake hurt.

Nandini: I can't believe u thought of me like such a useless person abhi.... I m really hurt.

All three of them chuckled at it as Nandini got back to typing whatever she was and said seriously.

Nandini: I think this side of mine has evolved over the years. After leaving the orphanage, I took up Manik's job just bcoz it gave me a good accommodation as well. I wasn't experienced at all but I knew I couldn't afford to loose the job. Manik that time wasn't the way u see him today. He was harsh, ruthless and mostly broken in himself. He had started business about a year before I joined him and in that time he had thrown out around 10 secretaries.

Nandini shook her head at the thought while the other two looked surprised.

Abhi: Then how did u manage to stay?

Nandini: I don't know.... Maybe bcoz I wanted the job quite badly or coz I had been so used to all the arguments with media and all that handling Manik was bearable. But it didn't last long. Soon I met Fab5, I got closer to Mukti and then I got to know the reason behind Manik's ruthlessness. His nature significantly changed after getting back to Music. And maybe I was being selfish with him, I wanted be closer to Music through him. After that all he cared about was the quality of work. He wanted everything perfect and that made me work accordingly. By the way....

She stopped at her words looking up as she turned around the laptop towards them,

Nandini: I hv made this report for u guys to show as the reason for refusing this deal!!

Abhi: Woah... U made Bhai's work easy!

Abhi chuckled checking out the report along with Rishab while Nandini got back to her phone.

The brothers finished off with their work in a few minutes to see Nandini still busy on her phone.

Abhi: What r u doing on that phone from so long?

Nandini: Nothing.... Just coming back into the world. I uploaded a new song on my YouTube Page along with announcing my real Name!

Rishab: U did....

Nandini: Yeah... Nothing much, just that my name is Nandini Moorthy. And now I m creating up an insta id for myself under my real name, though I m thinking to put up Nanz in the bio.

Nandini shrugged at them.

Abhi: But why do u have to do all that suddenly?

Nandini: Its not sudden Abhi.... I hv been totally off the social network all these years and its actually quite difficult. Moreover with the wedding coming closer, nothing is really gonna be hidden for long, so why to hide it now, right?

Rishab smiled at her and nodded when Abhi asked,

Abhi: So did u talk to Manik about all this??

Nandini: Its not sudden Abhi.... I hv been totally off the social network all these years and its actually quite difficult. Moreover with the wedding coming closer, nothing is really gonna be hidden for long, so why to hide it now, right?

Rishab smiled at her and nodded when Abhi asked,

Abhi: So did u talk to Manik about all this??

None of the two said anything at it but Rishab suddenly asked her seriously,

Rishab: Nandu, U hv always done what u feel is right. And if u both hv decided this, I m sure u would hv thought this through. But the only thing that matters to us is, Are U Happy??

Nandini smirked slightly at this as she got up and moved around the table towards him.

Nandini: Well apart from the fact that I m getting exceptionally bored out here, I think I m significantly happy. Which could increase further if u allow me to come to work with u guys for a few days....

Both Abhi and Rishab chuckled at her while she stood there making a puppy face.

Abhi: Work?? Why?

Nandini: Coz I m bored......

Nandini whined making them laugh.

Nandini: Plz bhai.... I don't care what it is, just give me any work and I'll do it without a word. Plz plz!!

Both abhi and rishab looked at her in thoughtful expressions trying their best not to laugh when Nandini snapped,

Nandini: Ohh stop Acting, u both suck at it.... And apparently I just fired ur receptionist, so her place is vacant. I m joining from today itself. See u around....

With that Nandini picked up her bag and rushed out before they could say anything while the two brothers were left laughing their guts out.

Abhi: Who would say that she is getting married in a few days? She is just a kiddo!!

Rishab shook his head still laughing as he agreed.

Rishab: True.... But then, I think I would want her to be like this only forever!!!


Manik groaned in his sleep turning towards the bed side table and picked up his ringing phone.

Manik: Nandini plz a few minutes more!!!

He said in a sleepy voice almost whining.

Abhi: Wake up Mr. Majnu....

Manik sat upright at the manly voice and checked his phone to see Nandini's name flashing.

Manik: Abhi.... Hey!

Abhi chuckled at him when Manik heard Nandini's shout from the other side,

"Abhi gimme my phone yr...."

Abhi: Kya yr Manik... What hv u done to my kiddo?? Even sitting here she is worried that she has to wake u up for bla n bla meeting.

Manik shook his head knowing how many can be, when he heard another shout from her,

"Shut Up Abhi... And gimme my phone!!"

Abhi: Ouch ouch ouch.... Stop hitting me! Gosh.... Here take this....

Manik heard ruffling from the other side followed by foot steps.

Abhi: Arey where r u going our game is still left kiddo!

Nandini: Wait for sometime, I'll be back...

Nandini replied back to him as she picked up the phone to her ear.

Nandini: Hello!!

Manik: U just spoilt my day....

Manik said directly in a stern voice making her frown.

Nandini: How?

Manik: It was our deal that we'll listen to each others voice the first n last thing in the day.

Nandini smiled at it as she lied down on her bed,

Nandini: Ohk... So now that I m at fault! How can I make it up to u??

Manik: I guess, just a kiss would be fine....

Manik said making her chuckle as she kissed the phone.

Manik: Not so easy Madam..... A kiss on the phone is not a real kiss as such! I want an actual kiss....

Nandini: Then I guess we'll hv to keep it due.

Manik smiled at her with a sigh.

Manik: How was ur day?

Nandini: Quite good.... Though I missed the Malhotra Industries a lot today.

Manik: Missing the company.... Why is that so?

Manik asked with interest as he rested his back on the headboard.

Nandini: I went to work today after Abhi and Rishab and no one knew me there.... I ended up firing their receptionist in all the drama. Anyways, she was a sick of a person and very rude. But the point is everyone knows me in the Malhotra Industries, moreover I know myself. When I enter that place, I know what I m there for and what do I hv to do!!! Its like that company has made me what I m, and its been too long since I hv actually worked.

Manik: Not that I wanted to tell u this.... But the staff too misses you!! Its going on a sky walk all this time, quite difficult and messy. Especially coz I hv to interact with them all, and then I here them whispering about how easy it gets when u r there to HANDLE ME....

Nandini laughed at his words as he emphasised at the last.

Nandini: Come on Manik... U know they r right!

Manik: U know what.... I hate this!! Its like we don't even have anything to talk about other than this boring office stuff.... I mean these days were supposed to be busy and passing on very soon!!

Manik whined again like all their calls.

And well there started another long half an hour with Nandini trying to manofy him.


Was it boring???

And yes I know I m late again, but its diwali guys. The festival which brings on loads and loads of sweets, chocolates and happiness. But what tags along with it is..... Safaai😵😵

So apparently I hv been quite busy swiping the broom all round the house instead of swiping through with my words out here.

And then comes our mother's favorite line, "Pura Din Mobile Mobile Mobile...... Phek dena chahiye uthakar iss musibat ko!!"😅😅😅 Well, that took away writing from me in my free time as well...

Maybe that's the reason I wrote this part using my laptop, coz Hey, being a Computer Science student, I might be using it to sharpen my coding skills... Who knows what I m typing with all the concentration😜😜😜

I guess enough of my bukkar for today, its time for ur views about this part.

Not to forget, a big big Thank u for all ur praises and comments for the last part, I hv read quite a few of them but couldn't get time to reply... But not to worry, I m planning to be doing that soon!

And lastly, A very very Happy Diwali to all u lovely people reading this. I wish this Diwali brings out loads of happiness and a new but better life for u all.😘😘😘😘

Precap: Manik's frustration when it's just a week left for the grand wedding!!

P.s.: I don't like keeping Manan much apart, that's just this leap of a few more days was necessary😉😉



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