That's Just How Love Is

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Midari sat across from Kirari in the booth of a small café. Kirari was going on about all her responsibilities and what she has to take care of, explaining why she won't be able to hang out with Midari. All the while, Midari sat there and listened. She didn't care. Kirari could be there listing out all the reasons why she was the worst girlfriend ever and Midari would still happily listen to it.

"So it'll be a while before we can hang out again. Especially since I'll be travelling. It's just something I have to deal with, being a part of my family and all." Kirari finished her explanation. "You understand of course, darling?" Her smile looked so soft and alluring.

"Yeah of course! I get that, we all get a bit busy sometimes. Especially, that is." Midari did her best to smile as a normal person would.

"So no hurting yourself, okay?" Kirari took Midari's hands and looked deep into her eyes. "I love you and it hurts me so much more to see you do that to yourself. I'll be thinking of you every second and I'll text you whenever I can. I can't promise it'll be too often though..."

"N-No I understand! Yeah, it's um it's fine! I promise I'll take care of myself!" Said Midari with the smile similar to that of an obedient puppy.

"Good," Kirari raised Midari's hands and planted gentle kisses on them, "only I'll be the one to love you if you ever hurt yourself. You deserve that love and I will always give it to you." Midari nodded in reply, her face turning a bit red. "Now then, I'll be off. I have a lot of preparation to do. Thanks for coming out with me before I had to go!"

Midari smiled and waved as Kirari got and left the café. She watched through the window as Kirari crossed the street and disappeared around a street corner.

"Excuse me."

Midari turned and saw a beautiful girl standing at the table. She had long black hair, beautiful brown eyes, and a soft, inviting, and warm smile. As she stared at the strange girl, Midari felt a warm blush spread across her cheeks.

"Y-Yeah?" Midari looked up at her.

"I happened to overhear some of your conversation. Why do you let her speak to you that?" The girl took a seat in the exact spot where Kirari had just been sitting.

"What way? She speaks to me in a normal way, doesn't she?" Midari felt her heart race, her leg shaking extremely fast as her eyes darted around. Without thinking, her hands began to scratch at her wrists. "My parents speak like that sometimes. It's not like it's weird or anything." The girl stared right at Midari. The quick glances that Midari took at her only made her more anxious. "R-Right...?"

"I just thought the way she spoke to you was a bit gross. It was as if you weren't even human." The girl slightly scoffed as she spoke. "I'd like to stay and have some lunch with you. Do you mind?"

"N-Not at all!" Midari's voice shook as she spoke. She began to stuff her face with food to avoid saying anything stupid like she always seemed to do. The girl laughed in response to Midari's odd actions.

"Well, my name is Yumeko Jabami. What about you?"

"Mithahie Ibithimuh." Food filled her mouth as she answered, giving a very muffled reply. Yumeko laughed again, causing Midari to blush again. Swallowing her food, she repeated, "Midari Ikishima."

"I like that name. It rolls off the tongue so easily." Yumeko replied with an adorable giggle. "You're cute when you eat like that." Midari felt her heart race and a smile turn upon her lips. Her stomach churned in knots and with butterflies fluttering around and yet, she still found herself enjoying the company.

After a hearty lunch with Yumeko, they both went for a walk around the city. They spoke about endless topics, getting to know one another. Midari snuck glances that admired the elegant beauty of Yumeko. She stood tall, her chest bouncing as she walked with a confident step. Meanwhile, Midari did her best to mask her own reckless style. She knew she was a mess. Wrists red from scratching with one bandaged, clothes were wrinkled, and her hair looked as though she had rolled out of bed. Still, Midari took some pride and had at least done her makeup well today. It was originally for the date with Kirari, but it helped put Midari at ease as she now hung out with Yumeko.

"That girl, are you dating her?" Yumeko asked.

For a split second, Midari panicked, wondering if Yumeko was going to make fun of her, especially for liking girls. Still, despite the panic, she answered honestly with a wavering voice. "Y-Yeah, we've been dating for a month now. She's so nice...I love her so much. We've done a lot of kissing too! She was even my first!" Even though she had said it, she felt so stupid for including such an intimate detail. She looked over, worried that there may be a look of disgust on Yumeko's face, but instead there was a look that seemed like she was rather lost in thought instead.

"You two seem cute together, but I still don't like the way she spoke to you. She talked as if you were beneath her." Replied Yumeko. "It makes me worry if she's mistreating you."

Emotion welled up inside Midari as she snapped, "No! Kirari treats me so well! She loves me, I know she does! She just gets worried for me and I do stuff to make her mad, but it's okay! She loves me!!! I know she does! The times we spend together, alone in my room or hers, it's amazing. The talks we have are like nothing I've ever has before. And even if she gets busy, she's always checking on me whenever she can! It's not too often, but still! It's the most anyone has ever paid attention to me. She makes me feel seen and heard and loved. She can get mad, but it's because I do stupid stuff. I know she just wants the best for me. Kirari is the best." Breathing hard, Midari finished her rant as memories flashed through her mind. Mostly pleasant, a few unpleasant, but what relationship was without their fights? She knew it was normal. Yumeko looked at Midari and said nothing. Although the sounds of the outdoors and the city filled the world, the silence between the two felt sickening to Midari. "Did something to make you mad...? I'm sorry if I did. I mean, you can say so! I don't mind getting yelled at, haha."

"Midari, no, you're fine." Yumeko smiled at her, a smile to match the angels. "I can...understand, I guess. But if she does anything, tell me right away. I'll be here to listen, okay? I know we just met, but I still want to make sure you're okay."

"Of course! Yeah! That's okay!" Midari replied instantly. As the two continued their walk, Midari began to ramble on about herself. It had been forever since she had time to just freely talk about herself. And if she were being honest, she enjoyed it and missed it. Thankful. That's what she was. She was thankful that Yumeko would actually listen and, as far as she knew, seemed genuinely interested in it. Now that made her happy.

★~End Chapter~★

Art Credit: Kakegurui Anime, Season 1

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