Is This Love?

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Midari dialed Kirari's number over and over frantically. Text after text was sent. Her hands shook violently as Midari stared at the messages, the ringing phone, the phone with no replies.





It was always read right when it was sent or a few moments after yet no reply was every given. Midari felt her stomach twist and turn. She felt as though she was about to throw up. Her heart felt as though it was racing but also that it wasn't beating at all. Her hands shook and as her dial tone rang, Midari began to scratch at her neck, her arm, her hand, her chest, her stomach. She couldn't stop scratching. Her skin was red and irritated at the continual scratching. Losing feeling in her hands, Midari didn't let up. Still. There was nothing. Tears formed and fell from her eyes as she let out a scream and began flailing around. She then moved to punch her pillow repeatedly before then going to scratch herself. Clutching her head, she screamed and cried and then she threw her phone across the room. The world felt like a blur. It felt as though time passed quickly and yet no time passed at all at the same time. Everything was moving to fast but also frozen. Midari went eerily calm and just cried quietly.

"I'm sorry. Don't leave me. I need you." Midari sobbed through her fingers covering her face. "Please don't leave me."



. . .

. . .

. . .


Midari's phone screen flashed slightly as the new message appeared. No movement came from Midari as she lay, completely exhausted and fast asleep. Her body was covered in scratch marks and red marks that would soon fade in a few hours.

. . .

. . .

. . .

. . .

Meet me at our spot. I want to see you.

Another message came yet without response from Midari as she slept.

. . .

. . .

. . .

If you don't come now, I'm leaving you.

Messages continued to come every few minutes as they were left unreplied.

. . .

. . .

. . .

. . .

. . .

. . .

You really know how to make me feel like shit.

. . .

I thought you loved me.

. . .

. . .

I had a right to be upset.

. . .

I'm trying to say sorry

. . .

. . .

If you don't come then I'll find someone better.

Silence filled the room and the light from Midari's phone flickered off. It lit up with another message. Message and message and message. They continued before finally, her phone began to buzz and ring.

Slowly opening her eyes, aware at the noise, Midari groggily looked around. Realizing her phone was lit up and buzzing, she rushed over to it and answered it, beginning to cry once more.

"Kirari! You called!" Midari exclaimed as she cried. Sniffling, she continued, "I thought you'd neve-"

"Don't you dare ignore me like that." Kirari replied with a voice colder than ice and darker than night. "I was trying to be nice and this is what I get from you. I try to be the bigger person and you think you can just ignore me?"

"N-No, I'm sorry! I...I uh, I was asleep! I didn't mean uh I mean I wasn't trying to um...I didn't even know," stuttered Midari.

"Quiet." A tone laced with venom hissed through the phone. "My messages were read. Don't act like you were asleep as some pathetic excuse. Now. Get to our spot if you want my forgiveness."

"R-Ri-uh I'll be there soon, I pro-pro-" taking a deep breath in, Midari collected herself then continued, "I'll hurry there. We can fix this. I love you."

Silence. Midari looked and saw that the call was over. She quickly stuffed her phone in her bag and rushed out of her room and out of her house. This was her one chance and she wasn't going to mess it up.


Kirari stood there waiting as Midari rushed up to her.

"I'm here, I'm," Midari was panting, "I'm here. I'm so happy to uh ah see you!"

"Do you even care how I feel?"

"What?" Midari looked at her girlfriend confused. "I don't-"

"You hurt me then you obsessively message me when I'm fucking busy and then when I try to make things work, you ignore me. Do. You. Even. Care. How. I. Feel." Kirari stared at Midari with blazing eyes. "Because it sure as hell feels like you don't."

As Kirari stared at her, Midari went to rub her neck. Kirari then noticed the red marks all over her. Grabbing her arm roughly, Kirari took a closer look at them.

"We have a fight and you do this?!" Kirari's expression of anger suddenly turned into amusement as she began laughing. "You're so pathetic you can't even handle a fight without hurting yourself! God, no wonder no one else has dated you." Midari stared at her, tearing up slightly. "Nobody would love a freak like you who hurts themselves."

"Why would you say that...?" It was all Midari could utter, unable to process what was even happening. Kirari stared at Midari for a moment before sighing and then hugging her.

"Well I still love you." Her tone had turned soft and angelic. "I'm sorry for acting like that. It just...hurt me so much." Midari sniffled and tears fell as she hugged her back.

"I should have been more sensitive to how you feel. I'm sorry I acted like that."

Kirari pulled back and looked at Midari seriously. "You have to make this up to me, but...thank you. I forgive you." Her hand moved and cupped Midari's cheek, gently stroking it near her eye. "I'll love you no matter what." She stared into Midari's eyes and smiled ever so lovingly.

"Thank you." Midari smiled softly as Kirari leaned in and kissed her gently beneath the moonlight.

~★~ End Chapter ~★~

Chapter Art: The official Kakegurui anime

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