Romance Blossoms

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Midari talked happily on the phone as she did very often. She was always talking to Kirari, her new friend and her wonderful crush. Butterflies crowded in Midari's stomach every time she heard her phone dialing Kirari. She always got so worried that Kirari wouldn't pick up, but Kirari always made time for Midari no matter what. It made her so happy to know that Kirari cleared her schedule at that moment just to talk to her.

"So I was thinking we could hang out soon." Midari asked softly as she twirled a bit of her hair.

"It has been a while. I apologize for being too busy to hang out." Kirari replied, in an apologetic tone. "Yet that only makes me treasure these phone calls with you even more, Midari."

"It's okay! No need to feel bad!!" Midari replied nervously. "And I'm so happy that you treasure these calls!"

"So where do you want to hang out tonight?"

"I-I was thinking maybe this nice garden. It's not much, but I like it there! It's especially beautiful at night!!" Midari answered. "We can meet up then I can walk you there! Is that good...?"

Kirari laughed which sounded like music to Midari's ears. It was so sweet and melodious to her. "It sounds perfect, Midari. Where shall we meet then?"

"Outside the café where I work."

"Sounds good to me. I'll see you there tomorrow then. Shortly after dinner?"


"See you then, Midari."

"Bye Kirari!"

Midari hung up and started laughing uncontrollably as she fell onto her back on her bed and kicked her feet in the air excitedly. She calmed down after a moment, breathing heavily and having a wide smile on her face.

"Kirari." Midari reached up towards her ceiling. She had a big smile upon her face and began giggling maniacally as she thought about the evening. "Perfection."

Evening soon came and as soon as Midari finished her dinner, she rushed up to her room to get ready.

"What is she in such a rush for?" Midari's father wondered.

"She's meeting up with some friend." Her mother replied.

"She shouldn't waste her time on such trivial things."

"Who would want to be friends with her anyway? She's too excitable."

"All she does is get into trouble."

Midari stopped for a moment, hearing what her parents said. She sighed and continued on her way to her room, ignoring what she continued to hear every day.

Midari dressed herself in a lovely purple and black dress with simple black shoes. She tied a matching black ribbon in her hair. Once completely ready, Midari grabbed her phone and her bag and left to meet up with Kirari.

Kirari stood in front of the café patiently waiting for Midari as she came running up to her. The two began chatting happily as they walked, Midari's excitement balanced out by Kirari's calm and composed nature. Midari led Kirari to the gardens which seemed to almost glow beneath the moonlight.

A single tree stood in the center of the garden, protected by a small circle of bricks. Flowers bloomed all around the pathway which circled the tree in the center. Flowers of all colors filled the small garden. Kirari's eyes widened at the surprise of such a beautiful view.

"Oh Midari." Kirari exclaimed softly. "This is marvelous." She turned and smiled at her.

"Y-Yeah." Midari smiled and continued, "I come here often just to think. And I know no one really comes at night so it's perfect for us to be alone."

Kirari giggled softly and replied, "You're so thoughtful." She looked at Midari and laid a hand gently upon her cheek. "The moonlight reflects beautifully in your eyes." Midari's face flushed red and burned from the blush. Kirari laughed. "Oh, you're so adorable!"

"Th-Th-Thank you!" Midari struggled to respond. "You are too!!" Kirari laughed more causing Midari to blush harder. Suddenly, an idea occurred to Midari. She stared at Kirari, realizing this was her chance to ask her out. She swallowed and took a deep breath as she worked up the courage to do so. "Kirari."

"Yes, Midari?"

"Will you go out with me?"

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