I Feel Different

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So my health obsessions shifted a bit to breast cancer, which is 'fun'...
School's eased up a little too, so that's good.
But honestly, I just feel a bit lonely.

Online is my escape from the real world, where I'm constantly ignored and generally used for my book smarts.
Now, people are leaving my books and not participating as much in anything I do... People also turn conversations to themselves, offload their problems, and don't usually listen to me or ask what's wrong.

And I'm sick of it.
I don't want to feel this way, but all my friends are leaving me one by one. I've been backstabbed, ignored, and been told what to do with my art.

I'm just sick of it.
People forget I'm a real live human being, not a Mom-Robot who draws.
People forget I have feelings and emotions and hopes and dreams.

I had to point this out to people, and some STILL didn't get it.

Why do people do these things to me?

Screw it, my new motto is 'Do no harm but take no shit'.

I'm not taking this lying down anymore.

I'm going to call people out when they do this to me, I'm going to stand up for myself.

I have to in order to get better with my mental health.

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