Chapter 24. Y-y- you don't remember me 😔😱😓

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Abigail pov   I woke up and see corl's not in bed anymore," I decided to text everyone in the group chat I turn around to my right and reach for my glasses i put them on and got my phone and unlocked it and go into messages and tapped on are group chat.

{in group chat with everyone}

Abigail: hey guys morning ❤

Lily: hey Abby I Heard About Denis in the hospital I'm so sorry 😐😔

Abigail: it ok it's not you're fault oh btw when are you and Jenny and Audrey getting here 😋🙃❤️

Lily: oh well we were coming tomorrow morning I'm so excited to see you guys 😁😊❤

Abigail: same ❤❤❤

Lexi: hey girl morning you feeling ok 😶🙃😐

Abigail: I'm ok I guess... 🙃😶😔

Adriana: I'm sorry Abby but it's not like he's died you can go see him know 🤐❤

Abigail: I know I just have a bad feeling that something going to happen 😣🙃🤐

Corl: nothing bad is going to happen today 🙃😁😊

Lexi: oh good morning corky boy ❤️😂😘

Corl: lol Lexi I'm right next to you, you can see that to me in person but good morning hot stuff 🤐😘😍😂❤

Kathleen: lol you guys are sooo!!! Wired 😉😂😂🤓

Sub: lol good morning Kathleen 😘

Kathleen: * dies on the floor* lol good morning baby 😍😘❤😂

Adriana: wait you guys are a couple know???❤️😂😇😊😶

Kathleen: ohhh umm yeah I guess I sort of Kinda forgot to tell you guys that lol 😂😇❤🙃

Abigail: man we all really need to get together and say what's been going on for like the past two days or 3 lol 😂

Sub: I'm actually going to buy us all a house so we can all live in

Abigail: oh ok that's going to be amazing can't wait to move in ❤😊

Jenny: hey lily just told me about Denis is he ok???😔😔😶😶

Sketch: yeah he's fine Abigail is going to go see him today while the rest of us go look at the new house

Jenny: oh ok well Abby I hope he gets better and don't worry nothing bed is going to happen

Abigail: I hope so😶

{end of the group chat}

After we stopped texting I just got out of bed and walked to my closet and pick out something to wear," I just got undressed and put my outfit on I didn't feel like taking a shower today I then walked to my mirror and put my hair up like that."

And my outfit looked like this

After I was done getting ready I walked out of my room and walked to the bathroom and brush my teeth and wash my face, after that I then walked downstairs and see Lexi and corl on the couch cuddling with each other and Claira Ethan are just watching something on the tv I didn't want to bother them so I just got my car keys and walked out the door and walked to my car and got in and started driving to the hospital.

A few minutes later I got to the hospital I walked inside and walked to the Front desk and ask where's Denis because I think they switched his rooms. Hi umm where is Denis daily I said {I know it it's not he's Real last name but I don't know how to spell his last name lol tabby} oh right down that  hall to you left she said thanks I smiled and walked to Denis room.

I walked inside he's room and see I'm hooked up to all these wires {again Idk ok tabby} I just walked to his side and sat down on the chair that's next to him and just stared at his closed eyes wishing they would open. I just started crying Denis please wake up I know you're strong and I know you can wake up but please stay for me Denis I can't imagine life without you please Denis please wake up I need you I can't live without you Denis I need you... I said as tears fall down my face on too his hand." I just held his hand and laid my head down.

Then all of a sudden I felt a hand squeeze my hand I looked up and see Denis with his eyes open." Omg Denis you're a wake I said and hugged him I pulled away from the hug and sat back down." Umm where am I and Who the hell are you he said my heart just sunk umm well you're in the hospital and I'm you're best friend I said oh I'm sorry I don't remember you he said as a tear falls down my face umm ok well maybe you'll remember you're other friends I said he just Half smile," I'll be right back I said.

Umm nurse I said uhh yes she said umm Denis daily umm he loss of memory is he going to be ok or.. like what I said ohh um he's going to be just fine Just don't Force him to remember that much and let him try to remember on his own she said ok thanks I said you're welcome she said." Umm but before I go umm is it ok if I take him home now I said oh yeah he's ok we already check them out and everything so you can take himself home now just signed the papers at the front desk and you'll be good she said thanks I said and walked away.

Ok you can get ready you're Clothes are right over there and I'm going to go check you out I said he just smiled and got out of bed," i just started walking to the Front desk and so we can sign him out. A few minutes later Denis walked out of the room and walked towards me I smiled and just signed the last thing." Ok we can go now I said he smiled but it was obviously a Fake smile I just walked out the door and we walked behind me." And we walked to the car and got in I then started driving back home.

A few minutes later we got back to the house and I got off the car so did Denis we walked to the door and I opened it and see Lexi and corl in the living with Ethan and Claira and I then see sub and Kathleen sitting at the kitchen bar with Adriana and sketch I then see Alex on his laptop at the kitchen table," hey guys look who's up I said omg Denis you're ok everyone said and started hugging him." It's good to see you guys he said umm girls can we talk for a minute I said oh ok Adriana said and we walked into the living room," what's up Lexi said umm well he loss his memory I said oh my god I'm so sorry Claira said it's ok it's not you're fault I said." Hey Adriana come here I want to tell you something Denis yelled wait a second you remember her but not me I said he just looked down I just decided to go upstairs to my room and just sit there for a while.

I just sat down on my bed looking at the ceiling until I heard a knock at my door it's opened I yelled the door opened and Alex walked inside." Hey why aren't you downstairs with everyone else he said walking towards me and sitting down next to me on my bed because he remembers everyone but me and I just don't feel like going downstairs right now I said." Well I'm sure he'll remember soon he said Alex... I said yeah he said whatever happened to Dayana I said wanted to know oh umm she went back to college he said oh.. I said Dayana really never finished College so she took a semester off and then she just decided not to go to college but her parents told her to go back to college or something like that. Why you ask he said because Sara really never told me so I just walked to Know I said well now you know he said I just giggled.

We just started talking about Random stuff until Denis walked into the room oh I'm sorry everyone just decided to go to sleep since we all have to wake up early tomorrow and corl said this is where I sleep he said I just smiled umm yeah it's my room we just sleep together sometimes I said he just smiled and walked away probably to go put he's pajamas on." Well I'll see you in the morning Alex said and kissed my cheek I blushed and smiled as I watched him walked out the door. I then see Denis walked in he looked a little jealous or something I just decided to let it go," I got up and walked to my dresser and got out my pajamas out and walked to the bathroom and change into my pajamas.

I then walked back to my room and see Denis is asleep I just got in bed and Took my glasses off and turn off the lamp and slowly go to sleep hoping Denis will remember me soon.

Ok guys so I hope you liked this chapter I know it's very stupid and it sucks but I hope you still liked it," anyways thanks for 1.65k I'm so happy we're so close to 2k I'm sooo happy that you guys actually like this book and my other books as well I'm very happy thank you all sooooooooo much I love you guys so so much and I'll see you guys next time bye ❤😂❤️😇😍😣😓😜😴👏🏻🤐🙃🙃😉❤😶🤐😱😴😭😓☺️🙃😉❤❤😉😍😣😇😷😷😱😭😀👏🏻❤❤😊💕❤️😘🤐😶❤❤😂❤️😓😜🤓😶

Tabitha 💕

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