Chapter 25. You'll never be alone ❤

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Abigail's pov   I woke up at 6:57am because today we're all going to go to the airport to pick up lily and Jenny and Audrey I just wish they got a long landing because I definitely did not want to wake up at 6 in the morning but it's whatever I just.

I just got out of bed and put my glasses on and walked to Denis' side of the bed and been down and kissed him on the forehead and walked out of my room and walked downstairs before I walked down the last stairs I see Alex at the kitchen bar with his Computer and he had headphones on so he couldn't hear me," I decided to sneak up on him I walked downstairs and walked behind him and yelled BOO!!!!! He just screamed and jumped out of his chair and I just started laughing." And then I, tripped and fell on top of him, I started to blushed but he couldn't see because my hair is covering my face he just smiled and started to leaned in, but before he kissed me or anything Adriana and Lexi and corl walked downstairs and saw us.

Ummm what's going on here Adriana and Lexi said almost yelling oh umm we just fell down I said blushing harder." Oh.... ok whatever anyways let's get ready so we can go pick up lily and Audrey and Jenny, "they" said, ok i just got up and walked back upstairs and walked to my room." I then see Denis staring at a picture of us," oh....umm sorry I just saw the picture and wanted to get a better look at it he said," it's ok" it's actually the picture you gave me before you left" I said oh..... where did I go he said looking at me," oh umm well you and you're parents move to Canada and you gave me this to always remember you by," I said I'm sorry I just don't remember you he said." It's ok i still love you no matter what I said he just smiled and got up and walked out of the room.

I just sat there crying why can't he remember me he remembers everyone and everything but he can't remember his girlfriend or whatever the hell we are." Ugh!!!!! I screamed I hate life I yelled." Umm Abby are you ok I heard someone say outside of the door." No now go away I said yelled," it's Alex it's ok Abigail I understand it hurts but he'll remember soon I promise he said, I got up off the floor and opened the door and saw Alex with open arms I just broke down." I hugged him and started crying into his shirt which he didn't seem to mind," shhh it's going to be ok I promise he said.

Alex's pov I tried to calm down Abby but it's very hard to fix this problem," i picked her up bride style and walked into the room and closed the door behind me." I just walked to her bed and sat down." as I held her in my arms and she cried.

I slowly started to sing you'll never be alone by Shawn Mendes {lol I know Alex doesn't sing but just go with it lol tabby😂😋😊}

I promise that one day I'll be around
I'll keep you safe
I'll keep you sound

Right now it's pretty crazy
And I don't know how to stop
Or slow it down

I know there are some things we need to talk about
And I can't stay
Just let me hold you for a little longer now

Take a piece of my heart
And make it all your own
So when we are apart
You'll never be alone
You'll never be alone

You'll never be alone
When you miss me close your eyes
I may be far but never gone

When you fall asleep tonight
Just remember that we lay under the same stars

And hey
I know there are some things we need to talk about
And I can't stay
Just let me hold you for a little longer now

And take a piece of my heart
And make it all your own
So when we are apart
You'll never be alone
You'll never be alone
You'll never be alone
You'll never be alone
You'll never be alone
You'll never be alone

And take a piece of my heart
And make it all your own
So when we are apart
You'll never be alone
You'll never be alone

"I sing" she looked up at me and I smiled she smiled back it's going to be ok and I just wanted to tell you that you'll never be alone no matter what I said she started to cry again but she thank me for always be there for her." You see the truth is I always sorta like Abigail but I knew her and Denis would end up together so I just tried to forget about her and that's why I actually asked Dayana on a date" I just can't tell her how I feel or she'll hate me forever and I really don't want to hurt her or Denis so I'm just going to have to deal with it.

Ok I think I'm done she said lifting up her face are you sure I said," yeah I'm sure I'm going to get ready and then we all can go to the airport." She said and got out of my arms," ok I said and got up" and walked" out of the room and" walked " downstairs"

Abigail's pov    After Alex life I just sat on my bed and thought." Idk what to do with my life anymore I sure have just died," ugh!!! I don't know if I like Alex. Mean his so sweet and he knows how to make me feel better." Ugh I can't like Alex I love Denis...... right ugh!!!.

I just got up and walked to my door and locked it and walked to my closet and pick out something to wear.  After I found something to wear I just got undressed and put my clothes on

I didn't feel like taking a shower so I just got dressed." I then just walked to my mirror and put my her like this.

After that I just walked out of my room and" walked," downstairs" hey you ready to go Adriana and Claira said oh yeah let's go I said Alex could tell that I wasn't myself." Hey Abby can you come here for a Second he said", ok I said and walked towards him." Hey pick me up and through me over his shoulder." Hey let me down I said nope." He said I just rolled my eyes and just stand there. Ok everyone in the car now he yelled." We all walked outside and everyone got in the van" ok can you put me down know I said he just laughed and put me down. " smiled and got in the van and sat down.  I was next to Denis and Alex:  corl Lexi: and Elijah and Adriana was sitting together: and Ethan and Claira was sitting together as well and sub and Kathleen was up front and sub was driving.

At the airport

Sub just Park somewhere already I said he just laughed and decided to park up front", ok you guys go I'll stay her and find a parking spot he said" ok we said and got off the car and walked inside the airport.  So how are we supposed to know what the girls look like Claira said umm well Lexi and Kathleen should know what they look like I said. We just started looking around" hey guys I think I see them Kathleen yelled we looked to were she was pointing" and see 3 girls one had blonde hair and really pretty blue eyes and she was wearing this

And then we see another girl that had brown hair and brown eyes {I'm sorry AudreyLlamaByte I didn't have a description of you so.... I'm just going by that picture of you last night lol sorry Tabby 🙃❤} and she was wearing this

And then we saw one girl she had short brown hair and her eyes were bluish green eyes and she was shorter than everyone else and she was wearing this

Omg hey guys Kathleen and Lexi said and ran up to them and hugged them." Hi I said oh hi you must be Abigail the one that was wearing a Mickey Mouse sweatshirt said" yep that's me I said well it's very nice to meet you I'm Jenny by the way she said. And that's Audrey and that's lily she said pointing to her friends I just smiled ok well we should go sub's waiting for us in the car I said" as soon as I said that her face lit up like a firework and she started running to the van.

After we all got in the car we all decided to just go to the new house that sub got a few days ago," hey sub I said a bit tried yeah he said umm do we have everything at the new house like food and blankets sheets pillows Internet I said laying my head on Alex because I'm very very tired I didn't sleep very well last night." Umm yeah we have blankets pillows and sheets and of course we have Internet he said" ok... what about food tho I said ummm yeah we don't have food in the house he said." WHAT OMG we're all gonna die Adriana yelled I giggled and then everything want black.

Abigail wake up wake up Abigail WAKE UP ABBY wh-what I'm up I said confused I then see nobody in the car." What happened to everybody I said oh there inside Walmart Alex said I smiled wait where is Denis I said he's in the store as well I just decided to stay with you in the car while everyone gets food he said I smiled and just laid my head on his lap and looked up at him. Hello I said Childish he looked down and smiled hi he smiled I just giggled I love when you laughed he said I blushed" ohhh is someone blushing he teased noooo I said blushing harder he just laughed and kissed me on the head I smiled and we just sat like this while we wait for everyone else.

A few minutes later everyone got back in the van and we started driving to the new house" I'm so excited to see the new house Lexi said

About 15 minutes later we pulled up to this

Wow sub this is an amazing house already I said he just smiled and we all got off the car and we started unloading the car."

{one hour later}

God Adriana how much food did you get I yelled she just laughed I got enough for like 14 people she said I just laughed and we all walked inside and gasp omg sub you're like the best person in the gang I said he just laughed I walked into the kitchen and almost died from how beautiful it was

Wow ok I'm never going back home I said and Denis just laughed I smiled and we all just started putting the food away."  {2 hours later}

Finally!!!!! We're done I said Denis just laughed as I smiled so... what should we do Denis said umm let's play a game I said ok... what game he said tag you're it I yelled and ran away ohh you come back here he yelled and started chasing me around the house.  You'll never get me I yelled as I said that he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me down and sat on top of me." So I can't get off, ugh ALEX!!!!!help I yelled I'm coming he yelled as Denis started to tickle me. Noooooo Denis no please stop I said laughing."

What's wrong Alex said walking towards me and Denis" g-g-get h-h-him o-o-off I because I'm laughing too hard he just Smirked at me and they both started tickling. S-s-s-stop p-p-p please I barely said because I can't breathe they just laughed and got off me as my stomach hurts from them tickling me so much. Ok well I'm going back to my room to edit he said and walked upstairs. So... umm what do you want to do now i said sitting down on the couch. Umm can you maybe please tell me about something about us? He said umm sure what do you want to know I said? Umm when i asked you out he said looking down. Oh...ok I said he looked up at me as I just smiled.

Ok so It was almost Christmas and I called you to come over and help me and my sister with the Christmas tree." Anyways a few minutes later you corl and Alex got to the house and we all started to put up the tree and put the decorations around the house. After we finished fixing the house up you told me you wanted to tell me me something." So we walked upstairs and walked to my room and decided to jump out of the window. I was scared and fell off the tree but you saved me and then you said let's go to the park.

When we got to the park we walked up this little hill and there was this big tree and this hill was are spot" we would go there when we needed each other or if we"were just having a bad day I said" and what happened next he said I just giggled. Well we Climbed the tree and you told me that you liked me for a very long time and then we kissed and then we became a couple I said oh and you got me this ring I said showing him the ring." He just put his head in his hands. What's wrong I said it's just I don't remember doing any of that to you and I'm so sorry that I remember everyone else but you he said crying.

Aww Denis it's ok" no it's not what if I never get my memory back he said. Denis I know you remember everything about me and you in there but it's just not going to you Head let and I know one day you'll remember me I promise I said he just smiled and we just sat there talking for a bit.

Ok so want do you what to do I said umm let's play hide and seek he said ok I said" ok you Count and I'll hide I said he just smiled and started counting" I got up and walked upstairs and walked down the hall and just opened a Random door, I was Alex's room oh sorry I'll just leave I said no no it's ok he said" I smiled and walked inside and closed the door and just walked to his side of the bed and bend down and sat down on the floor. Umm what are you doing he said sitting down next to me' oh I'm just hiding from Denis I said why he said because we're playing hide and seek I said oh ok he said and looked into my eyes as I did the same.

Umm I- he cut me off by his lips on mine, for some reason I kissed back then a of sudden the door flew open and I quickly opened my eyes and see Denis standing there" I quickly pulled away from the kiss. Denis I'm so sorry please forgive me. Abigail I remember everything he said what I yelled and hugged him but he just pushed me off. You kissed someone else I don't even want to see you again he yelled and walked away Denis wait I said crying. Ugh!!!!! Why did I kiss you I yelled and ran out of the room and ran to my room. I just fell on my bed face first ugh!!!!! I hate life I yelled crying.

I just started slowly going sleep wishing this day never happened.

Ok guys so I'm just going to leave it there I know this suck but I really wanted to update this, I'm also going to upload this book for a few days because I have a chapter that I'm very very very excited for you guys are probably going to be like WOW lol anyways I hope you guys like this and. Also just wanted to thank you all sooo much for 2.89k thanks I can't be here without you guys I love you all soooooo much I hope you guys have an amazing day or night I love you all so so much and I'll see you guys next time byeeeeeee ❤😘😎🦄☺️😉😚😚😉😱😍☺️😍💕🙂😉😚😚😉✈️😇😱😇😄✈️😉😚😔😉😏😚😎😏😀😉🦄😏☺️😔✈️☺️😔😚😎😉😏😎😏😉😚😏😉😚😔😉😔😔😔😚☺️😉😔😚

Tabitha 💕

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