Chapter 1

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(A/N: DISCLAIMER! I DO NOT OWN RWBY OR ANY OF ITS CHARACTERS. IF I INTRODUCE ANYONE NEW I WILL CLAIM THEM. Also I this story probably will not be consistent with the series as I am making up the back story. Also I'm in the process of revising/editing chapters. Please keep in mind that the the beginning of this book started around volume 2 so there may be a few inconsistencies with the main plot. I will do my best to correct everything as I revise :3 )


"Thank you all for coming," the large bear of a man announced to the crowd that was gathering. It was simple to see why everyone followed him. Even without standing on a stage, the man known to us simply as Lieutenant towered over most everyone in the room.  I looked over his shoulder to the crowd that he was addressing. Half of the room was dressed in white with black hoods, they were already committed followers of the White Fang. The rest were dressed in everyday clothes, some of them showed animistic features such as ears or antlers. All of them wore Grimm masks, and all of them were Faunus, looking for a way to fight for their place in the human dominated world. 

I glanced from the man talking over to the man next to me wearily. Both he and I were human and didn't belong here. Roman Torchwick adjusted his black bowler cap on to his head of orange hair. He was my boss, and I his henchman. He didn't have a history of playing well with others and here in this room of human hating Faunus, his smart remarks were dangerous. He didn't look the slightest bit concerned as the man onstage continued. 

"For those of you who are joining us for the first time tonight, allow me to introduce a very special comrade of ours. I can assure you, he is the key to obtaining what we have fought for for so long," he spread his arms wide and Roman walked forward on cue. I followed a few steps behind and moved a bit to the side. Out of the crowd's focus but still within range. 

Roman lifted one hand and waved with a small amount of arrogance to the crowd saying, "Thank you! Thank you! Please, hold your applause."

The committed members in hoods knew our faces and provides small claps, but the presence of Roman on stage confused the newcomers greatly. Instead of clapping they murmured among themselves in a rumble of instant distrust and anger. 

"What's a human doing here?!" A woman with orange hair and deer antlers demanded, pointing to the stage. Shouts of unhappy agreements followed her. 

"I'm glad you asked deary," Roman grinned, completely unfazed. I tensed slightly at his dear joke aimed at the girl with antlers. If they rioted it would prove challenging for even me to deal with this number of people. He continued on smoothly before most had a chance to process his dear pun. 

"Now I'll be the first to admit, humans are the worst," he waved his black can a little for emphasis before gesturing to himself and adding, "Case in point. So, I understand why you'd like to see us all locked away or better yet, killed. But, before the claws come out I'd like to mention the fact that you and I all have a common enemy, the ones in control. The people pulling the strings. The dirty, rotten humans that run our kingdoms. Government, military, even the schools, they're all to blame for your lot in life!" 

The crowd, at first considering the idea of killing him, were now enamored by him. They cheered him on, enthralled by what he was saying. He grinned wider and continued on, "And they're all pests that need to be dealt with. Fortunately, I'm the best exterminator around- no offence to any rodents in the room." 

Before this other comment could offend anyone, Roman snapped his fingers and the giant curtain behind us was pulled away to reveal a massive robot. It was some serious tech and very dangerous looking. This thrilled Roman's audience and they cheered louder. Roman raised his voice a bit to continue being heard above them and they quieted a bit to let him continue. 

"As some of you may have heard, this right here," he paused to knock on the metal contraption, "is Atlas's newest line of defense against all the scary things in the world. And thanks to my employer, we've managed to snag a  few before they ah, hit the shelves. Now many of your brothers have already moved down to our new operation in the southeast. If you'd rather stay withing the city, that's fine, but if you're truly ready to fight for what you believe in, this is the arsenal I can provide you. Any questions?"

Cheers and whistles erupted as Roman concluded his speech. Almost like magic everyone seemed to be behind him. Even the newcomers who were hesitant to come to the meeting at all were eager to fully join and ready to fight. Roman twirled his cane and smirked over at me almost to say, 'see how easy that was Neo?' I rolled my one pink and one brown eyes at him and he turned back to the crowd, raising his arms to accept their applause. 

"Would all new recruits please come forward," Lieutenant spoke again, and the Faunus in normal garb began moving towards the stage. As I looked over the crowd, to of them stood out. A girl with black hair and black cat ears and a boy with blond hair and a blond monkey tail hesitated where they stood. Other new recruits had to move around them. They looked around nervously and began whispering to each other. I looked to Roman to make sure that he noticed them too. 

He took the freshly lit cigar out of this mouth and studied the two standing out. The blond seemed to panic, realizing  that they had been noticed. He waved up to Roman hesitantly. I watched Roman, waiting for a signal telling me to take them down. As he took a step forward, the cat girl pulled out her weapon and fired a round into the power box, taking out the lights. The sudden darkness blinded me for a moment, but the sound of shattering glass let me know that they were escaping out a window. Roman cursed under his breath and climbed up into the new battle robot. 

I moved to go after the Faunus pair, but Roman shouted down to me, "Leave them Neo, those brats are mine! Time to see what this baby can do!" He slammed the lid close, booted up the robot and then crashed through the wall after them. I sighed to myself and jogged after them. Roman. He may say it was handled, but if anything went wrong it would be my fault. I leaped up onto the roof of the nearest building, watching as the Faunus ran a few blocks ahead, followed closely behind Roman running on the ground. 

The chase lead to a high traffic area, and the buildings ran out. With a leap, the gap between buildings became a mess of freeways and bridges. Roman batted some cars out of the way and continued the chase as they ran up the road. I took a small detour, leading to a higher road and a short cut. I flipped onto a passing car and watched from above. The cat girl and monkey boy had a similar idea and began jumping from moving car to moving car to stay ahead of Roman. Even with their boosted Faunus abilities, this was more than what the average person could do. Could they be huntsmen? 

I jumped off the car onto another ramp and paused for a moment on the edge looking down. They looked too young to be huntsmen. Maybe they were students? As I thought about this I noticed a motor cycle gaining on Roman.  A woman with a blond mess of hair was driving, expertly dodging cars as a boy with blue hair barely managed to hold on.  I leaped onto another car so I could keep up. 

The boy with blue hair gained some balance and pulled his weapon off his back, firing at the robot in front of him. The shots did little damage, so he twirled it to transform it into a sort of trident before he jumped off of the motorcycle and dug the blades into the shoulders of the robot. Luckily the metal was military grade so I knew there was no way that the blades reached Roman inside. The monkey boy and the cat girl noticed the fighting behind them, and turned around to aid the blue haired boy. After a few attacks, the boy with the monkey tail extended a staff looking weapon and jumped at the robot just as Roman managed to shake of the blue haired boy. The two collided in air and fell off the edge of the road. They were only on the first level, so I knew their injuries would be minimal. 

Despite watching the scene below intently, I noticed the streak of something white running on the road just a head of me. Looking closer I could see it was a girl with white hair and a white dress. She drew her sword and leaped off of the road to the one below. She did a few elegant flips and landed gracefully on the road after a line of cars and before Roman. I slipped off of my car with a simple flip and looked over the edge, wondering how this girl would fair against such a machine. 

She twirled again, and slammed the tip of her sword into road. A circle of light shone up from the crack and coated the ground before her in ice. Roman who was still running at her had no chance of slowing before he reached it.  The machine slipped and toppled over itself, narrowly missing hitting the girl, and fell off the edge of the ramp to the solid ground below.  The girl in white jumped down after it. I jumped down to the level that they were on previously, relieved to see the robot rise to its feet with little damage.  Four girls stood before him now. The girl in white, the blond from the bike, the dark haired cat faunus, and a younger girl with red tipped hair and a red cloak wielding a giant scythe. 

I sat down, dangling my feet off the edge as I watched the scene from above. I curiously tilted my head to the side as I debated intervening.  The robot looked fine and going in too early would cause problems. If anything went wrong he would blame me for getting in the way or something like that. Or if I defeated them to swiftly he'd sulk about like a child. But going in too late could get me into even more trouble, and possibly cost me my job if Roman got hurt at all. As I contemplated my options, the fight below resumed. 

The robot started towards the girls, and the red one called out an instruction. The girls moved in sync with each other. The girl in white created another sheet of ice which the girl with blond hair smashed with incredible strength. The result was a sort of cloud that confused the robots sensors. They were pretty smart and watching this fight would be fun. I almost wished that I had popcorn. The girls ran through the cover of the could.  The red one shouted out another order and the cat girl and girl with the sword began attacking the legs of the robot it a practiced pattern. So probably not old enough to be full huntsmen, but still so coordinated. They probably went to an academy that trained huntsmen. What were they doing on their own then? I didn't see any signs of anyone else. 

The girl in white pulled summoned more glyphs, circles of light that caused different things to happen. Most of them enhanced the abilities of her teammates. I recognized this instantly and was a little ashamed I hadn't noticed sooner. Only one family had such snow white hair and the inherited ability to use glyphs. The Schnee family. They owned a prestigious dust company. Roman and I had been robbing them blind lately. 

One of the glyphs spun like a clock beneath the cat girl and sped up her movements to an impressive rate, which she used to destroy the multiple rockets that Roman had fired their way.  I pulled out my scroll and hit a button, letting our ride know where we were. Regardless of the outcome of the fight, they were causing a lot of commotion and the police would be on their way. The second the glyph was gone, little red called out another command and she and the cat girl began another sequence of attacks on the robot. They managed to break off one of the robots arms. 

I slide closer to the edge, ready to jump in case I was needed. I had to admit that I was a little bit impressed by the amount of damage they were doing. The robot was seriously some of the best tech Atlas's military had at their disposal, and these girls were managing to break it apart. The blond jumped onto the robots back and fired repeated rounds from her gauntlets into the top of it. To get rid of her, Roman rammed the robot into the pillars behind him, using the blonde's body to break through three support pillars. She fell down and as she fell the robot struck her midair through yet another pillar. For a moment she laid unmoving on the ground. 

"Yang!" cat girl cried out, looking to her fallen teammate. That much force would take out any normal person for good. Surprisingly, the girl picked herself up, her eyes glowing red. I could barely hear the red girl explaining not to worry,  that this what made her special. This Yang girl got stronger with every hit and used that power to retaliate.

With almost a snarl, Yang lashed out at Roman's robot as he tried to punch her again with the metal arm. The girls swing was more powerful, and broke the arm clean off of the robot. Soon after the girls used a few more combo attacks to completely destroy the military tech. Roman stood up from the rubble and dusted himself off.  I swung my legs forward and fell. It was time for me to intervene.

"I just got this thing cleaned," Roman grumbled, trying to get the dirt off of his white coat. I heard the sound of one of our bullhead aircrafts nearby. This was going to be no problem at all. I landed in front of him and held out my umbrella just in time to protect Roman from a blast from Yang's gauntlet. I rested my umbrella on my shoulder and examined the girls as they tried to size me up. I offered them a confident grin. I almost wanted to take them on myself, but we had other things to do. 

"Ladies... Ice queen," Roman saluted them, earning a "Hey!" of protest from the Schnee girl. "Always a pleasure," Roman smirked. "Neo, if you would," he told me with a dramatic gesture of his hand.

I grinned wider at the angry girls as they waited for me to move, and gave them a low bow. This only seemed to anger them more, especially the blonde. As I ducked down I activated my semblance, creating and image of Roman and I standing before them. I closed my umbrella and quickly pulled Roman away. I heard Yang give an angry shout and she charged the image. It shattered like glass on contact, leaving the girls to look around in confusion as we boarded and took off.  Yang and the others looked up at the sound of our aircraft, getting a good look at us as we flew off. I waved with a smug smile to the blond girl as she watched us fly away, her eyes still glowing furiously. I had a sneaking suspicion that this would not be the last time that I would see her or her team.

I looked to Roman and firmly punched my fist into my other hand, letting him know that I'd been looking forward to a fight. I didn't like to speak, but Roman understood these little gestures pretty well. 

"Itching for a fight Neopolitan?" Roman grinned down at me, "Don't you worry, Little Red has a habit of sticking her nose where it doesn't belong. I'm sure they'll stumble into our path again, and next time... well... it should be fun for both of us." 


[Author's Note:] 

I think I've finished revising this chapter. I'm sure I'll come back to it and change it all eventually XD 

So as I've said, this story was started pretty soon after Neo was introduced, and the realization of her being mute was more of a theory. In this story she is able to talk, but doesn't because of psychological stuff and being trained that way. I've debated altering things so that she is actually mute, but that would alter so many different parts of the story. I'm going to keep her as she is for now and just get the story to a point where I am more happy with it. 

Anyways, Thanks for reading!


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