Chapter 2

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Roman paced around in front of me as I sat with my legs crossed on one of the dust crates. His employer was coming, and had probably heard about the incident with the Huntresses and robot. She was not going to be happy about this. I wondered what that meant for Roman and consequently, me.

"This isn't good Neo," he muttered, still pacing anxiously. He paused his nervous movement and made some dramatic hand gestures that appeared to be pleading. "Any chance you'd be willing to take the fall for me?" His voice switched from worried to a bargaining tone.

I narrowed my eyes, almost in a glare, but not quite as harsh. Saying that I screwed up, that I allowed plans to halt, and that I let those responsible slip away would tarnish my record. I couldn't have that. And yet he was my employer, one of the better ones that I've had. Just saying no wouldn't be a good move on my part. It was a tough choice but luckily one that I didn't have to make. I heard the sound of high heels approaching, but not very loudly. I prepared myself for whatever was coming, but didn't react other than mentally.

"Oh Roman, we know what you did," a woman's voice said smugly from the darkness. I rose calmly in case she or any friends that the woman had brought along meant trouble. Roman nearly dropped his cigar as he spun around in surprise.

"Thanks for the heads up," Roman muttered to me. My eyes switched color as my attitude did. Now the right one was pink and the left was brown as I grinned up at him. That's what he gets for trying to blame me.

The woman stepped out of the shadows, flanked by two of her own minions, only they looked differently than I had expected. The woman was Cinder Fall. She still kept her ash black hair swept to the side, looking down at Roman and I with her flaming yellow/orange eyes. But she wore a black top with a black and gray checkered skirt, so looked like a school uniform. It was odd nod to see her in her usual blood red dress, and heals with her crystal glass anklet.

Her henchmen Emerald Sustrai and Mercury Black mirrored the uniform, only Mercury had pants. His silver gray hair was still spiked back, and his dark gray eyes looked me over. I smirked back at him, not giving him the satisfaction of knowing that his look made me uncomfortable. Emerald had short mint green hair, and her dark red eyes scanned Roman for anything that she could steal off him without him noticing. I began to wonder what the girl and Roman had against each other, but I let those thoughts slip away and refocused on what was happening.

"Well hot stuff, I cant say I dig the new look, but if that's what the kids are into these days..." Roman tailed off in a sassy tone as he took a step in Cinder's direction.

"Enough chit chat Roman," Cinder snapped, cutting him off. "What happened at the White Fang meeting today?" There were few people that could cut Roman of like that. Actually, Cinder was the only one that I knew of. His usually high level of sass went low, and he actually seemed nervous. I tilted my head curiously. I'd heard rumor's of Cinder but nothing very solid. Her voice and demeanor was full of authority. I grew weary of her. I could tell that this sort of confidence wasn't just an act, and that she was someone not to be messed with. The fact that she was in a position of power over my boss wasn't a comforting thought.

"Well some faunus snuck into the meeting and they caused a big commotion so I got into the robot to crush them then there were six of them and... it won't happen again. It's no big deal anyways. We have other robots," Roman explained in a rush, trying to brush the incident off.

"No big deal?" Cinder asked sharply, making Roman visibly shrink back as she continued with her scolding tone. "You didn't make the best impression on those faunus fools, and you know how crucial they are to the next phase of our plan."

"Maybe I could have prepared myself better if you actually told me the rest of the plan, " Roman snapped in exasperation.

"Oh Roman..." Cinder began to say what she always said when someone wanted to know more of the plan.

" 'You'll know what you need when you need to know.' I know! " Roman grumbled.

"Excuse me?" Cinder asked in a soft voice but full of menace. Her clothes lit up with fire dust, and I got ready to move in case she decided to strike. Even then I hesitated what kind of force would she be to take on. I mean, I loved a good fight, but I wasn't liking my odds.

"I- I just think that I can be more helpful if I actually knew how to help, " Roman covered himself, his hands making surrendering motions.

"Right," Cinder scoffed. It was clear that she did not believe him, but her clothing lost the dangerous glow of dust as she turned her back to us. "Just finish phase two, then well talk." Then she, Emerald, and Mercury began to walk away.

"Hey where are you going?" Roman called after them.

"We have class," Emerald taunted, thrilled that she knew more than Roman. I looked to Mercury, who turned back to wink at me. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Why?" Roman asked in confusion. I was wondering the same thing. Clearly the three of them were not actual students, so why sneak into a school? It wasn't my place to ask, so I silently waited to see if the woman would answer.

"You don't need to know that yet." Cinder replied as they disappeared back into the shadows.

When he was sure that they were gone, Roman cussed in frustration, striking a crate of dust angrily. "Damn! What are they up to? They better not be planning on cutting me out of the loop! Neo! I need you to figure out what they're doing." He turned to me, waiting for a response. I nodded to him. I had a plan for how I could do that. Besides, if they cut Roman out of the loop that meant me too, and these didn't seem like the type of people to let go of loose ends.

(A/N: Hey guys I hope you enjoyed it! I will be introducing my own character next chapter! Guess what? I've been working on IScream for a year now! Thanks so much for all of your support! )

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