First Day Of School..

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[Ok before we start this book! This starts out with them meeting in grade 12. It goes throughout Grade 12, then they meet a few Years later! Will always be in her POV unless I say! Edit: That was a crappy description sorry^]

I wake up to my alarm annoyingly going off causing my ears to ring painfully. I throw my arm out from the warmth of the covers and knock it off the dresser, causing it to turn off. I smile and turn over. 'Five more minutes..' I think to myself drifting to sleep. 5 minutes turned to 10. 10 turned to 20. And eventually I was late. My eyes shoot open in realization as I hear my mum screaming at me to get down there. I put on a blue v neck and skinny jeans, grabbing my headphones and phone and throwing my hair up in a ponytail.

I run downstairs, saying a quick goodbye, running out the door. As I'm walking the bus just pulls off. I scream and sigh. Looks like I'm walking. I turn on my music and start jogging to school. Soon enough I break out into a full out run. Its a half hour walk! I can take off a bit by running. I was in track last year, so that helped. Soon enough I'm in front of the school. But I'm 10 minutes late. Pretty good in my opinion. Still in homeroom. I walk up the stairs, opening the doors. I pull up my information on my phone that I got emailed to me.

"Room 208." I mumble running up the stairs. The teacher is gonna yell but eh. You see I'm a smartass. And my teachers don't like me for that. I have a 'I don't give a fuck" attitude. I find the room, noticing the door closed. He or she already gave out the lockers. Damn it. I open the door and walk in. "Hey peoples."I say looking at everyone, who looked nervous. I notice my two best friends, Andy, and Abigail and I smile. "Your late." The teacher says.

"Well I missed the bus because I was up till 3 in the morning then decided to go to bed, and I didn't want to get up. I had to run here, yet I still have a smile in my face and look good. Don't even get me going please." I say and the teacher sighs. "You must be Emily? I was warned about you." He says and I hear people chuckle. "Good. Be afraid. Now what's my locker number and combo teach?" I say receiving many laughs from students. "Here's the paper. Be back in 5 minutes." He says holding out a sticky note. I walk over and say "Where's the paper?"
With a smirk.

"Here." He says annoyed holding out the sticky note. "Where?! That's a sticky note." I say and he says "If you don't take the damn note, you'll be up in the office." He says and I take it and say "Calm yourself. Please." Then walk out. Feeling people stare as I left. I put my stuff in my locker, taking a few things, then I walk in. "Are There a sign seats or can I sit wherever?" I ask and he says "There isn't a sign seats, but your getting one." I sigh and say "Ok where?" He points to a seat and says "Next to.. Uh.." He looks at the list of names and says "Next to Daniel Middleton." I nod and walk over sitting next to him.

I smile kindly and he waves. "Hey.. I'm Daniel, Call me Dan." I chuckle and say "I'm Emily, call me Emily." He laughs slightly and I say "Thank you. Thank you." With a slight bow. Sudden the bells rings, warning us to go to first period. "Nice meeting you Dan. See you around!" I say hurrying off to first period. Great. I hate school.


Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Bai!!

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