Parks, And Tingles

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I lay flat on my back, and sigh. Schools stupid. I hate it. I go on my phone and get a message from my group chat with my best friends Abigail and Andy.

Abigail: Guuyyyss let's hang out
Andy: Yeah! Emily? Chu coming?
Andy: Emilyeh! Answer meh!
Emily: Yush! Meet me outside my house!! 🐢
Andy: Mineturtle ish meh heh

I chuckle and put my shoes back on and put my phone in my pocket then I walk downstairs, to see my mum is at work. I sigh and walk out the front door to see them both talking. "Guess who's back, back, back. Back again, gain, gain." I say shutting my door.

"Uhh you?" Abigail says. "Uh.. Hmm.. I'm not sure." I say causing the both to chuckle. "Any who what do you guys wanna do?" I say jumping off my porch, to stand by them. They both shrug and I say "I literally wasn't outside all summer, yet again I'm never outside.. I don't know what there is to do around here." I say and Andy says "Same let's all be honest here. None of us were unless our parents forced us." I nod and Abigail says "There's a park down the street. We can go there and yell at children." She says and I nod happily then say "We're such douchebags."

Then I start skipping down the sidewalk, lightly singing a random song. Half way there, I stop and yell "Shhhhh!" They both look at me and say "what?!" At the same time. "My favorite song came on." I say humming along to it. "Omg yassh!" Andy says and Abigail says "Unplug your headphones kitten." You see we all have nicknames. Abigail is Angel. Andy is turtle or mineturtle. And I'm potato or kitten. I nod and unplug my headphones and put them around my neck, letting the music to blare out in the air, causing someone to walk by us, to give me a dirty look.

"How ya doin , Lady?" I say causing Andy and Abigail to laugh. We continue to walk down to the park, listening to random songs that played from my playlist. Once we get there I scream "I call a swing, Bitches!" Then run to a swing and sit on it. A lot of parents gave me dirty looks and I just smile and wave, and continue to swing. A child walks by and I scream high pitch causing the child to cry.

Abigail sit on the swing to my right and Andy to my left. They start laughing as I do it to another child. A lady walks out to me and I slow down so I can here her. "Yes?" I ask her and she says "Leave my child alone or I'll call the cops on you bitch." I stand up and say "I don't know who the hell you think you are, but I screamed because children scare me and I'm allergic to them ok, Lady?" I say and I hear Abigail and Andy chuckling behind me.

"Then get out of the park its for children. Not rotten teenagers." She says. "First off, I'm sure your child is a spoiled rotten brat, and second off, There's no age limits for this park. Its a public park. You don't like that teens hang here? Leave. Go to another park." I say and she slaps me. I grab my cheek and stumble back. "You actually trashbag." I say removing my hand from my cheek and taking out my phone. "Abigail. Take a picture. I'm taking her to court." I say and as I hand my phone to Abigail the lady tries to grab it. I move it away and she pulls my shirt trying to reach for it.

"Fuck off." I say angrily as she hits me in the mouth. Suddenly Andy gets up and throws her to the ground. "Don't touch my sister bitch!" He says and I smile. She gets up and slaps him and says "Don't you ever touch me every again." I scoff and Abigail takes my phone taking pictures of the injuries. I look at the lady and say "We're all 17. Still minors. I'll get you in jail. Don't worry." Suddenly she pounces at me tackling me to the ground. My eyes go wide as my back comes in contact with the mulch. I scream in pain and she smacks my head off the ground.

"Call the police someone!" I hear someone yell but I feel anger go through me. I punch the lady in her face causing her head to to flying to the left. "Get. Off." I say but she smirks. Suddenly her arms go around my neck and she starts choking me. I hear people yelling for her to stop and I scratch at her hands. "" I say barely able to breath. "No, I'm gonna get a useless human like you out of here." She says. I hear sirens, but she doesn't seem to care as she grips my neck tighter. I kick my legs, but they don't hit her. Suddenly I hear police yelling at her, and suddenly she's ripped off me. I sit up, coughing and gasping for air. The policeman puts handcuffs on her and takes her away.

"Are you alright?" I hear a familiar voice ask me. I turn my head to see that boy from my homeroom.. Dan! That's his name. "Y..yeah thanks, Dan." I say and he smiles. "I'm sorry she did that. Hope she rots in jail." He says causing me to chuckle. Andy and Abigail run over and stop when they see Dan. "Are we interrupting something?" Abigail says. "No! Pervs! He's my friend!" I say and Andy raises an eyebrow. "Shut up." I say causing them to laugh. Dan chuckles and says "See you in homeroom tomorrow yeah?" I nod and say "Yeah. See ya." He gets up from kneeling and holds out his hand. I take it and feel tingles run through me.

Weird. I smile as he helps me up and walks away waving. I give a small wave and look at Abigail and Andy. "Let's head back, Yeah? Kinda tired." I say rubbing my neck. They nod and we create small talk. Once we get to my house I hug them both goodbye and walk in. "Mum?!" I yell out into the house. Nothing. You see my mum is never home. If she isn't at work she's at the bar. I sigh and walk up to my room. I change into my pajamas, text them goodnight, and go under my covers and fall asleep into a much needed sleep.


Hope you enjoyed! This was kinda interesting yeah? I'll update asap! Bai!

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