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(Emily's POV) Sorry for long time skip!)

I wake up to my alarm. Ringing through the room and hurting my ears as always. I open my eyes and smile. Tomorrow I graduate. Today's the last official day of school, and we're staying in homeroom all day. I get up and take a shower, and change into a pair of skinny jeans, and a flowy white v neck that said "Mad? Should be.." I brush out my hair, and put it in a long braid, and blow dry it. I take it out, leaving my hair in beach waves.

I put hairspray in my hair, and put on some makeup. I smile at my reflection, and walk out. I go in my room, and grab my phone and headphones, putting the blue headphones around my neck. I walk downstairs to see my mum awake.

"Hey mum.." I mumble and she says "Can't wait till your out of here.. Your such a burden." I hear her say. Something snapped inside of me. "Oh really? Who keeps the house clean?! Me. Who makes all the meals?! Me. Who is barely home unless you need them because your a alcoholic?! Me. So don't even say I'm a burden, because your gonna regret treating me like shit, when I'm living a good life." I say raising my voice a bit. She just stares at me and says "Your hilarious." I scoff and mumble "fucking bitch."

Then walk out of the house. I walk down to the bus stop, To not see Abigail, but see Andy. "Where's.." I say but Andy cuts me off. "Dumb bitch started with me saying I'm rude to her, so I shoved her and she went home.." He says and I shrug. "What's wrong...?" He asks and I say "I told me mum off.. She said I was a burden." Andy laughs and says "How? Your never home unless her drunk ass wants you there, and you do everything around that house." He says.

"I said that! She said I was hilarious. Like she's so stupid. Right when we graduate tomorrow, I'm looking for a house, I have money saved up." I say. "How much? Houses are expensive.." Andy says walking onto the bus. I sit next to him and say "About 1000 dollars.. Its not much, enough for a small house." I say and he says "True." I nod and sigh at the chatter on the bus. Some kids talking about graduation, others not caring because they're still in the younger grades. I chuckle when Andy yells at someone to shut up.

"Damn this bus is something else I swear.." I say standing up when the bus driver tells us to get off. Me and Andy walk in, talking about random stuff. I go to my locker, put my book bag,phone, and headphones in there and since I didn't need books, I don't need to carry anything. I walk into homeroom, and see that there was no one in here, and back out looking around.

Not wanting to be the first one in there, I turn around to walk away but bump into someone. "Sorr- Oh! Look who it is!" I hear a girls voice say. I look to see Jenna? Is that her name? "Oh look! Jenna? Whatever your name is. The bitch who has no respect. Nice seeing you again." I say and she says "Jemma, and about that.. I'm sorry about what I did that one day. That was rude of me.." She says and I say "Is Dan making you do this?" She shakes her head no and says "It was quite rude of me. Your his friend, and I can't stop that, and I respect that. I gotta head to homeroom, again I'm sorry." She says walking off.

I just stand there confused. There's a catch.. There has to be.." I shrug and look into the class to see mostly everyone was in there. How? I literally.. I shake my head and walk in. "Ok, everyone! So first off, you can sit by who you want, and then we're gonna talk about.." I blocked out the rest and sat by Andy. I look over to see Dan with his friends and smile at him and wave. He smiles and waves back, and I turn to Andy and say "Hey!"

He chuckles and says "Hi Em." I sit down and listen to the teacher talking about how we're gonna be adults and in the "real world." I sigh as I start to get a headache. I grab my head in annoyance and the teacher says "Emily? You have an issue?" I nod and say "I..I have a headache.." He nods and points to the door and says "You may go to the nurses office be quick."

I nod, and stand up. I feel everyone staring at me, and ignore it. I walk out and step into the hall. The air felt hot almost suffocating as I walked through the halls. Today was awful hot, which we're not quite used to. As I walked past each window, the sun shone on my face, blinding me momentarily, causing me to close my eyes and enjoy the warmth on my face, but not helping with my headache.

I let out a heavy sigh, as I turn the corner, going into the stairwell. Climbing up the mountain, like stairs. I walk into the nurses office feeling a nice breeze. They had multiple fans on, making it breezy in there. It felt nice. "Hey sweetheart. What's the issue?" The nurse says. She was a sweet, elderly lady. She was very nice. "I have a headache.. Its quite bad.." I say. My vision, was slightly blurred, and slight noises were starting to hurt my head.

The light was now starting to bother me. I squeeze my eyes close and she says "Is it super bad? Do you need to go home? We can call mum or dad?" She says and I shake my head, only to have it hurt. "Only mum, and she.. She's working.. I get migraines all the time.. I t..think I can manage." I say and she says "You sure?" I nod and say "Yeah.. Have a lovely day."

While turning around. "You too, Sweetheart. Take it easy " she says and and I say a small ok and walk out into the humid hallway. The halls were awful quiet. I liked it. As I was walking I see Jemma, and wave, to be polite. She starts walking towards me and says "Aww. You hurt?" She said it with a mocking, baby voice.

"I'm not in the mood, stop." I say when she shoves me a bit. "Heard you wanna fight me, hoe." She says shoving me again. "No I didn't. I don't even talk about you. Which means you shouldn't be talking about me. Now get away from me." I say. I know that apology was way to good to be true. She shoves me again and I grab her by her shoulders and throw her into the lockers. She gasps in pain and I say loudly "I told you to leave me the hell alone, you cakeface bitch." She looks at me and says "Your trying to steal my boyfriend!"

I just shake my head and say "Your delusional, just shut up." Then I simply walk away. Now my head was killing me. I walk down the hall into the class. Everyone was talking to each other and I say "Hey Dan!" He looks up from talking and smiles and says "Yeah?" Everyone was staring and I say "Jemma, your girlfriend, tried to fight me, so I slammed her into a locker, probably broke her back, figured you'd like to know." I say and I hear chuckles.

Alot of people.. Disliked Jemma. She's a bitch. "What?" He says and I say "She kept shoving me.. I might have overreacted about breaking her back, but still. Control her. She thinks I'm stealing you when I'm not. Your my friend. She's delusional, and needs a therapist. Have fun." I say sitting down. Andy high fives me and I smile. I can't wait till tomorrow..

  (The next Day... Also time skip!)

I sit on my couch, my cap and gown on. Andy, Abigail, and I were gonna go together. Abigail's father was driving us.  I get a call and pick up. It was Abigail saying to be outside in a few minutes. I go outside and see her father pull up. Abigail in the passenger seat and I could see Andy in the back.

I get get in and say "Hey guys.." And got his and hellos in return. "Your mum going?" Andy asks me. I shake my head no, and say "Why would she?" He nods as the car starts moving. "You guys excited?" Her father asks. "Nervous and excited." I say and Andy and Abigail, nod agreeing. It was. I was so haply to be getting out of school, and going to live by myself. My own rules. Freedom. Nervous, because the real world can be scary. It truly can be.

"Jemma probably won't pass since all she knows is how to cake her face with makeup." Andy says causing me and Abigail to laugh. " t..true." I say in between laughs. "Am I funny yet?" He asks and I say "You've always been funny. Both of you make me laugh." I say. "You make us laugh too.. Especially when you roast the hell out of people." Abigail says and I say "Yeah?"

They both nod and I smile. I love to make people laugh. "Hey, Em. You should do YouTube. Your funny. I think people would watch you." Andy says. "You think?" I ask him and he nods. "Yeah, you got a good personality. You'll fit in." He says. I nod and say "I'll take it into consideration."

Suddenly the car come to a stop. "We're here." Her father says. Real world here we come.


So they're gonna be graduating! This isn't the end don't worry! Its just they won't be in school anymore! I put a lot of detail and hard work into this chapter! Hope you enjoy it! Comment "unicorn" if you want more detailed chapters! Bai!

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