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It was the day after graduation, and I already started looking for a house. I think I found the perfect one. It was a two story, three bedroom, a kitchen, living room, dining room and two bathroom house. The outside looked beautiful and I loved it. But it was a bit pricey.

So I decided I'll get a job, and hopefully I'll be able to get it, if no one else gets it before me. I hear my door open and look up to see my mum and usually of say hi, but I just looked down. I'm done with her bull crap. "Your looking at houses? Ha. You can't leave till you turn 18 next month, you dumbass." She says shoving me.

She's drunk. Great. I look up at her and say "Watch me." Then I felt a stinging in my cheek. She slapped me. I'm not even surprised. She usually hits me when she's drunk. And now that I'm not in school, where teachers and everyone call see my injuries, it'll be much worst. I know it.

"Your worthless you know that?" I ignore her and go onto my computer. I'm done. It doesn't get me mad anymore. I'm actually quite sad. Especially because she didn't go to my graduation. I hoped she'd surprise me. It hurt me.

She is my mother after all, even though she acts the way she does. "Dumb f..fucking bitch! Go kill yourself." She says and walks out slamming the door. That hurt. She knows I had problems with cutting when I was younger, and she goes and says that.

I couldn't help but let tears fall down my face, the hot tears, almost like lava against my cool skin. Maybe I should. She hates me anyways. I guess I'm so unlovable that my mum can't even love me. I stand up, and swing open my door, and run unto the bathroom.

I grab a razor and stare at it. I slam it on the ground and stomp on it, causing the little blades inside to fly out, one piercing my leg. I wince a bit as I look at it. I take it out, washing the blood off it, and gently hover it over my wrist. It helps, distracts me. I remember how addicted I got when I was younger.

I slide it across my wrist, watching the blood slowly rise to the surface. It burned, yes. But in a good way. It felt good. I slide it across again, and close my eyes, sliding down the wall. I slide it across my arms a few more times, and decide to stop. I clean up, and go back to my room. I can't be alone right now. I just can't.

Emily: Hey guys.. Anyone wanna hang out?
Andy: Yeah!
Abigail: Sure! Meet us at the park.
Emily: Your both at the park?
Andy: *nods* Yesh
Emily: Kay
Andy: 🐢🐢
Abigail: Meow

I chuckle a bit and look at my wrist, and put on a hoodie. Yes, its flipping hot out, but I don't want pity. The whole 'Oh your worth so much more blah blah blah' shit. No one usually understands. I grab my phone, putting it in my pocket and walk downstairs.

"Where a..are you going!" I Mum yells slurring, obviously drunk. "I'll be back later, bye mother." I say closing the door behind me. I start walking to the park, humming along to a random song I had playing out loud on my phone. I walk past someone and they say "Why are you wearing sweater? Its so hot!" I can hear the kindness, worried almost tone.

It wasn't meant in a rude way.. I hope. "I..I get cold easily.." I say and continue to walk. What a lie. That was such an unbelievable lie. Its literally flipping hot out. I arrive at the park to see them, and run over. "Feels good to be an adult!" Abigail says sighing.

"I'm not.. I'm still flipping 17 sadly, but no matter what, I'll always be a child at heart." I say chuckling. I notice how the stopped talking and look up. "What?" I say and Andy says "Why are you wearing a jacket? Its so hot out." I shrug and say "Its comfy." Abigail steps closer looking at me. "Your sweating.. Take it off."

They know about how I was suicidal when I was younger. We've all been friend for years. "Excuse me?" I say getting defensive. "Em. Your gonna dehydrate. Take it off, or I'm taking it off for you." Andy says and I sigh. "In a couple minutes, I will okay?" I sat and they both nod satisfied.

I'll just have to keep my wrists out of vision. I sit on a swing but don't swing, because I get bad motion sickness. I look up when I hear a loud laugh, to see Jemma and Dan walking in holding hands. "Great. Cakeface is here." Abigail says.

"Don't start.." Andy mumbles and I say "I feel so bad for Dan.. She's such a bitch." They nod in agreement and I freeze when she stares at me. She releases Dan's hand and walks over. "Staring at my man? You skank." I stand up and say "No. I'm not. I was staring at your ugly self, mentally strangling you. But we're adults now. I'll go to jail if I attempt to kill you. And by the way Jemma, you must be really insecure about yourself if you think Dan would leave you for me." I say glaring at her.

"No. I'm gorgeous. I just don't like when hoe's try to steal my man." She says and I say "You know what. " then I shove her so hardly that her back smacks into a tree. "Dan stay back.. Emily.. You don't wanna get involved when she's mad." I hear Andy say.

Dan must've trued to stop me from hitting her. "Tsk.. Tsk.. Tsk, Jemma. You never seem go learn when enough, is enough. When will you realize your not as perfect as you think you are. Wanna know why? Cause your human, and all humans have flaws. Go get some metal help. You need it." I say, rolling up my sleeves from sweating. She rushes at me, and shoves me to the ground. I feel mulch digging into my back, and want to scream.

Its that lady all over again. She goes to punch me but I grab her fist and shove her off. I stand up brushing myself off. "Bitch." She says. "I know." I say. "What the hell. Emily!" I hear Andy say. "What?" I say turning around to face Andy, Abigail, and Dan. "What the hell is on your wrist." He says and I hurriedly pull down my sleeves.

"My cat scratched me.." I say and he scoffs. "You don't have a cat. Your cutting again.. You prom-" I cut him off and say "Promises are meant to be broken, just as broken as I am. You just don't understand." I say turning around and I feel someone grab my wrist. "Just st-" I get cut off by a hug.

My eyes widen and I hug back and turn my head to see Dan's familiar navy blue hair and smile a bit. The tingles again. "Really Dan! Your hugging that dumb bitch! Ugh! Your such a attention whore, Emily!" She says and I can hear her walking away. "What did I do to deserve this?" I mumble against his shoulder.

"You don't deserve it. She'll get over the fact that we're friends soon enough.." He says. I nod but that's not what I meant. My mum. He doesn't know she hits me and has her little issues. I pull away and say "You should go catch up to her.. Before she has a hissy fit." I say and I hear him mumble a too late and say aloud "Can I see your phone?"

Confused, I nod taking it out and he types something and then hands it back and says "Text me later okay? See you!" He says jogging off. "He totally likes you." Abigail says. "And she totally likes him." Andy says and I playfully glare at him. "No I don't.." Do I? No we're friends. "We have some talking to do let's go." Andy says and I sigh.


A lot of stuff happened o.O enjoy!

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