New Start..

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(Emily's POV) One Year Later

I finish unpacking the last box and smile. I finally got my own house after a year. I couldn't be happier. No more abuse. No more bullies. It's gonna be great, yet scary at the same time. Lets be real here. The real world, is a scary place. It truly is. I now have to buy my own food, pay my own bills, buy my own stuff, and most importantly get a job. I have this YouTube thing going on, and have about 1 Million subscribers, but I want a side job in case something happens, ya know?

With the money I saved up I managed to get a decent house, but it's not like magnificent. A living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bedroom, and 1 bathroom. A simple house. I don't need much though, for it's only me living here after all. One thing sucks though. After all my friends moved out, we don't see each others much, and Dan, well we lost contact completely. I heard rumors he's left Britain. That's his life, though, and I'm not gonna bash him for that. I take out my camera and decide to record a vlog.

"Hey guys! It's Emily here! And I just moved out! Finally! I'm in my new house at the moment, and it's quite nice. I'm gonna finish unpacking, and I'll see you guys after I'm done." I say and I turn off the camera. I sigh and lean against my counter. I should get to know my neighbors. I know an old lady lives in the house left to mine, because she was on her porch when I came in with my boxes. She's a sweetheart too.
I'm not sure who lives in the other house though. If I'm not mistaken, no one lives there, but someone is supposed to be moving in there. I'm not positive though.

Once I finish unpacking completely I go downstairs, and decide to go to the store.


I put the last of the groceries in the fridge, and sigh. I take out my camera and turn it on. "Okay! So I finished unpacking and I went shopping but didn't record because that's awkward, and like not interesting but I have nothing to do, and I don't have friends that I can annoy anymore because I have to be an adult." I say with a sarcastic sigh and smile. "But I'll always be a child at heart so ya know." I say and turn off the camera. I go into my living room, and sit down. I got the house furnished, so I didn't have to buy furniture.

I grab my laptop and start going through YouTube. Suddenly I see a video that catches my eye and click on it. "Hey guys! Dan here from the diamond minecart and today.." I pause then video in surprise. That's Dan. Daniel Middleton. No way.. Wow. I click on his channel and my eyes widen. He has 12 Million Subscribers. Wow. He's had to be doing this for a while. Good to see he's doing well. I wonder who he's dating? I mean he's certainly good looking so he wouldn't have trouble finding a girl.

I wish I could find someone. The last guy I dated, I told him I was bisexual, and he broke up with me immediately. Maybe I'm not fit to date? I let out a long sigh, and stand up, and go into my kitchen. With 6:30PM just around the corner I decided that I should make dinner, because I'm a human.

Humans need food, surprising I know, it's amazing really. I look at everything I had, and decide On a salad, which would be homemade, not that store bought bull crap. I put lettuce, tomatoes(ew ya lil nasty tf 😂), and many other things in a bowl and toss it, finishing it off with some salad dressing. I put it in the fridge, and decide to make a cake. My love for baking has never wore off. I decide to a chocolate cake, with chocolate icing, with strawberries covering the whole top of it.

I mix all the ingredients I need in a bowl, and pour it into a cake pan, and wait for the oven to be ready. "Ugh.." I say leaning against the counter, rubbing my eyes in the process. I'll admit, today has worn me out. I let out a small yawn, and jump when the oven beeps, indicating that I could now put the cake I the oven. I open the oven, and slide the unbaked cake in, while closing the oven again. I yawn again, this one was a bigger yawn then the other and I groan. I'm definitely going to bed after I eat. Why does moving have to be so hard? I take out the salad, and put a decent amount on a plate and put the salad bowl away. I sit at my table, and slowly eat my salad while thinking.

Where will my life go from here? I mean I know my friends won't be around anytime soon. Dan, as far as I know, isn't even in Britain. The sad part is, I had a huge crush on him. He just always seemed so distant, shy, after school ended and him and Jemma broke up. I sigh as I finish my salad, and get up washing off the plate. I look at the oven and groan. The cake still has a half hour left to bake. I decide to make some coffee to help me stay up, even though I much rather tea, but I forgot to buy it so coffee will do.

I finish making my coffee and add some stuff to it and sigh while leaning against the counter. I should actually call Dan, and see what he's up to. If he even has the same number.. I take a sip of my coffee and place it down, hurriedly taking my phone out of my pocket. I find his contact and click on it. I put it to my ear and frown at what I hear. "This number is no longer in service p-" I hang it up and sigh. He probably hates me anyways. Its partially my fault that him and Jemma broke up. I really need to let that go.. that was such a long time ago since that happened.

It just hurts that he lost all contact with me. I like to think we were good friends. I take another sip of my coffee and sigh. Friends will come and go, but the true ones always come back I guess.. I glance down at my wrists, and trace that permanent scars that would always be there, even though they're faint. I sigh, and decide to play some games in my phone. I sit at the table, and play random game start I had on my phone. "Damnit!" I yell putting my phone down as I lose. I jump when the oven beeps suddenly, telling me that my cake is ready. I take it out, and put it on the counter, to let it cool off, so I could put icing and strawberries on it.

I walk into my living room, and grab my camera. "Okay, so I'm baking a cake right now, which is done. It's gonna be a chocolate cake, with chocolate icing, and strawberries all over the top. After I decorate it, I'm gonna go to bed, because I'm tired af." I say making a weird face. "So I'm gonna end this vlog here, sorry it's short and boring, but if you enjoyed Hitting that like button would be amazing! Bye!" I say turning off the camera. I decide that cake is cooled off by now, and as I'm walking into the kitchen, I fall for first to the ground. "Oww.." I mumble standing up, and continuing to walk into the kitchen. I start to put the icing on the cake, and stop, and put in music, and continue.

I hum along to a random song that came on and sigh. Once I'm done, I cut the leaves off the strawberries, and place them on the cake, the pointed part facing up. Once I finish that, I put it in the fridge and sigh. I lock all the doors downstairs, and go upstairs. I change into a plain shirt, and pajama bottoms, and get in bed. At least I got off to a good start.. I close my eyes and drift off to a much needed sleep.

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