Neighbors, And Bruises

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(Emily's POV)

I walk quickly down the street turning many streets trying to find my house. You see, I went to go for a walk, got distracted, and got totally lost. I've been walking for about an hour. Suddenly I notice the house that's to my knowledge has no one living in it, and look over at my house and sigh. "Finally!" I say aloud. As I'm walking up to my porch I notice the door open next door. I glance over and my eyes widen. There was Dan and Jemma walking out, hand in hand. Jemma notices me and stops completely and look at me, giving me a death glare.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!'" I hear her yell and my eyes widen. Dan also looks over and I sigh. "I'm at my house. That's what I'm doing here." I say confidence in my voice. "Oh look at you. You think your so fucking tough now that high schools over." She says letting of Dan's hand and walking over to my damn porch. "There's a difference between being confident, and being tough." I say raising my eyebrows at her. "But I see you haven't changed a but since High school." I say with a smirk. "What?!" She says stepping closer. "Your still the same bitchy girl, who everyone hates." I say and she shoves me.

"Woah!" I say catching myself. "Don't touch me, Jemma.." I say anger in my voice. "And guess what you are?" She says and I look at her. "The same suicidal dumb ass who had no friends, and is a boyfriends stealer." She says and I bite my lip. "No. Actually I'm not. I don't cut anymore, I have friends, and I never stole your fucking boyfriend!" I say and she laughs. "By the way, stay away from my boyfriend, or I'll teach you a lesson." She says stepping closer to me again. Does she think we scares me? "Jemma! Stop it!" I hear Dan yell.

"If you think you intimidate me, you have another thing coming. If you don't remember, I've always win against you. Your weak, Mentally and physically." I say stepping back. "That's it!" She yells and throws a punch at me but I move my head away. "I'm not fighting you!" I say as she grave my shoulders, and shoves me into my wall. "Jemma! Stop!" Dan yells running over grabbing her off me. "Fuck you both." She says walking off the porch and onto her house. "Emily?" He asks. I look at him and shrug. "Hi Dan." I say with a small smile. "Are you okay?" He says putting his hand on my shoulder.

Those tingles.. Woah. "Yeah, she's just mad because what I said is true.." I say and he looks down. "Can I ask you something, Dan?" I say but Jemma yells from the window telling Dan to get in the house now. "Here's my number, just call me, and we'll talk over the phone." He says taking a pen and writing his number on my arm. When he grabbed my arm I felt those tingles, and something tells me he does too, because he always glances at me when it happens. "Daniel! Are you serious!?" Jemma yells. That was closer than before. I look up to see Jemma on my sidewalk. "She's only my friend, Jem." Dan says. "I don't care!" She yells and I roll my eyes. "Good luck." I say patting his shoulder. As I'm walking in Jemma says "Don't touch him!" I close my door and sigh.

Was he that desperate? No.. He ended it with her.. There has to be an explanation. I'm gonna figure it out too. He doesn't even seem happy with her. I can see it on his face. He doesn't wanna be with her. I sigh, as I glance at the door, before walking upstairs to my office. I put his number in my phone and as I'm calling I decide not to ask him the question now. "Hello..?" I hear his voice ring through my phone. "Hey, it's Emily! Figured I'd call so you have my number.. I know Jemma is probably nagging you.." I say and hear him sigh. "Yeah she's quite mad, it's fine though. I'm thanks, but I really gotta go.." he gets cut off by Jemma yelling.

"Stop fucking talking to her!" I hear Jemma yell and I clench my jaw. "I'll talk to you later.." He mumbles and I sigh. "Bye, Dan." I say and he hangs up. This isn't right. Why is she so bossy? So mean? Surely if Dan was in his right mind he wouldn't be with her. Does she hit him? Surely not. I mean he can defend himself if so right? I shake the crazed thoughts from my head and decide to go downstairs and make myself lunch. As I'm walking downstairs I hear someone knocking on my door and sigh. "Confused, I walk over to it, and open it and roll my eyes. There stood Jemma. "Hey uh, Emily.. I'm sorry for what I did before. It was uncalled for.

I should've been nicer and shouldn't have tried to hit you like that. I shouldn't have brought up high school and I'm sorry." She says and I look at her surprised. "Did Dan tell you to do this?" I ask her confused. "Hell no, he listens to me only." She says. I step back giving her a weird look and she coughs. "We listen to each other you know?" She says and I shake my head unsure. "Have a good night!" She says and starts walking back to her house. "You too, Jemma.." I say closing my door. I don't believe that for a second. What did she mean by 'He listens to her only?'. This is so weird.. I'm so close to finding a new house this is too crazy my god.. I walk into my kitchen, and decide to make a sandwich and have a piece of cake with it, and water with lemon and strawberries in it.

After I make everything, I hear my phone ding. Indicating that I got a text message. I pick up my phone and check the message, reading it with confusion.

Dan: Hey, Emily.. Can you talk right now?
Dan: It's really important..
Emily: Yeah, What's up?
Dan: Are you good at makeup?
Emily: Kinda.. not a professional though 💄
Dan: Would you be able to cover up a bruise?
Emily: Yeah..
Emily: Dan.. what's going on your confusing me.. 😶
Dan: I fell and my face has a bad bruise on it, and I was wondering if you could cover it up.
Emily: Send a picture so I can see how it looks, Daniel
Dan: [Pic Attached]
Emily: Omg..
Emily: I should be able to cover it. That's really bad though..
Dan: I know.. stupid stairs 😂
Emily: Put ice in it.
Dan: Okay..
Dan: I'll be over at 9:00PM
Emily: Why so late?
Dan: Well that's when Jemma has work so
Emily: Okay, see you then 👌
Dan: Bye 👋

I place my phone in my table and sigh. He's so clumsy I swear. The thing is, where the bruise is.. it's right underneath his eye, how'd falling down the stairs cause that? I shake the thoughts from my head, and walk back into the kitchen.
Exactly 9:00PM I hear a knock on my door and hurry down the stairs. I open the door to see Dan, with his fringe in his face, covering the bruise the best he can. I let him in, and he flicks his head back, moving the fringe from his face. I frown at the dark colored bruise on his face. "At least the swelling went down, you put ice on it yeah?" I say and he nods his head. "Okay, well my makeup is upstairs." I say leading his to the staircase.

The walk up to the bathroom was silent, but not an awkward one. A comfortable silence. I have him sit on the edge of the tub, as I gather my makeup. "Okay the good thing is, We have the same skin color, so it won't look off what so ever." I say and he smiles. "That's good." He says and I nod. "And this is a foundation that covers tattoos, bruises, and hard to cover spots. If you know what I mean." I say an he nods. "You mean its very pigmented?" He says and I nod. As I'm putting it on his face I hear him say "Do I look pretty yet?" And I chuckle.

"Of course." I say and he smiles. "I feel totally manly right now." He says and I laugh. "Lots of guys wear foundation and stuff to cover blemishes." I say and he nods. "I know, when I went on tour before I went on stage they cakes makeup on my face." He says and I chuckle. "It sucks because I have sensitive skin, makeup makes me break out." He says. "This stuff won't, it's actually good for your skin." I say.(I actually have something called 'Bye Bye foundation and I highly recommend it). "Really?" He says and I nod. "Don't worry." I say and he smiles. "Okay, your done!" I say leaning back and looking at him to see the bruise fully covered.

It was only a little visible. He stand a up and looks in the mirror and smiles widely. "Thanks, Em!" He says pulling me into a hug. "I hug him back and smile. "No problem, if you want me to cover it tomorrow I could, so your viewers don't suspect anything." I say and he looks at me. "You know about my channel?" He asks me. "Actually I came across it today, before I saw you guys." I say and he nods.

"I'll be over in the morning, I need to go finish a vlog, edit it, and head to bed. See you tomorrow!" He says and I nod. I follow him downstairs, and lock the door after we say our goodbyes and he leaves. I decide to get ready for bed, because I'm tired as hell. I walk up the stairs, and into my bedroom putting on a plain gray t-shirt and some pajama bottoms. I fall face first on my bed and eventually drift off into a lovely sleep..


It gets more interesting from here! Hope you enjoyed! Bai!

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