You're Okay Now.

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(Emily's POV)

I wake up, to my phone going off. "Hello?" I say sitting up. "Oh, sorry did I wake you?" I hear Dan say and she my head, even though he can't hear me. "No, no. Its fine. Would you like me to do your makeup?" I ask him and he laughs. "Don't say it like that.." He says still laughing. "How am I supposed to say it?" I ask him and he chuckles. "Okay I'll be over in five minutes is that alright?" He asks. "Yeah that's fine." I mumble. "Okay bye." He says while hanging up. I stand up and change into a plaid shirt and black skinny jeans.

I quickly brush out my hair, and quickly apply a small amount of makeup. On cue, I hear a knock on the door. I walk downstairs and open it. "Hey, Daniel." I say and he gives me a crooked smile, and I step aside, letting him inside. Once we get upstairs I sigh and turn towards him. "Dan what really happened." I say and he looks taken back a bit. "I fell.." He says looking down. "I don't believe that. Something else happened. We both know this." I say and he sighs and looks up at me. "If I tell you, you can't call the cops." He says and I raise my eyebrow.

"Now I'm really concerned, what happened, Dan?" I ask and he sighs. "Daniel.." I say and he close his eyes for a second and then open them, looking at me. "Jemma kinda, got mad, because I gave you my number and she punched me.." He says and my eyes widen. "Oh my.." I say, it all making sense. "I just, I don't do anything because she's a girl. Its not right to hit women no matter what.." He says and I look at him. "You're too sweet for your own good." I say with a frown.

I hear a knock on my front door and glance at Dan. "I'll be back to cover that." I say walking out, a frown on my face. I open the door to see Jemma. Great. "Hey, Emily!" She says a smile on her face, and its obvious its fake. "Hey.." I say wanting to punch her right in her face like she did to Dan. "Have you seen Dan? He's been gone for two hours and I'm worried." She says and I wanted to laugh. More like 10 minutes. Should I tell her? No.. "Yeah. Actually I have." I say then realize I said it and cover my mouth.

"Hey Em? Are you almost done at the door?" I hear Dan yell from upstairs and she glares at me. She shoves past me, causing me to stumble and I hear her walking up the stairs. I slam my door and run after her. "What the fuck are you doing over here?!" I hear Jemma yell. I clench my jaw as I approach the bathroom door. "Get out of my face, Jemma. You're not the boss of me." I hear Dan say. "Yah, well I think I am." She says and I step in. "I think not. Get the fuck out of my house. Or I'm calling the cops and telling them everything." I say a smirk played on my face. Her face drops but she quickly recovers. "What do you mean?" She says that dumb fake smile on her face.

"That you abuse your boyfriend. Taking advance of the fact that you know he won't hit you back because he has manners unlike you." I say and her face drops completely. "You wouldn't." She says. "I'm sorry, Dan." I say and I hear him say something but I still walk away taking out my phone, dialing the numbers in. "999, What's your emergency?" The Operator says.


I watch as they put the handcuffs on Jemma, putting her into the back of the Police car. Jemma gives me a dirty look as they drive away. "Emily!" I hear someone say and I jump, startled, and turn around to see Dan. "Why would you do that.. Her parents are gonna kill me!" He says and I raise an eyebrow. "Her parents are the only reason you were with her?" I say and he looks down. "Well, yeah.. They said if I didn't get back with her, they'd make me regret it." He says and I frown. "They won't do anything." I say and he sighs. "What am I supposed to tell them about her going to jail?" He asks and I sigh. "They call you, just come over here, and I'll answer it and explain it." I say and he nods. "Just don't say anything to get them pissed.." He says and I nod.

"I won't. I'll tell them the truth." I say and he pulls me into a hug. I smile as I feel those tingles, fly through my body. I hug him back and sigh. After a few minutes I pull away and look at his eye. "Now let's go get that covered up, Yeah?" I say and he nods. We head inside, and after I finish his 'makeup' he pulls me into a hug. I feel those all familiar tingles attack my body and smile, hugging him back. "Thank you." He says. "For what?" I ask him confused. "Everything. Helping me cover this dumb bruise, and getting her out of my life.. Thank you." He says and I pull away and look up at him, a smile on my face.

"No need to thank me. That's what friends are for." I say and he smiles. "I'm gonna go make a video, call if you need anything." He explains and I nod. When he leaves, I sit on my couch with a sigh. I jump when my phone dings, telling me that I got a message.

Dan: Hey, I'm editing how's life(^.^)
Emily: Its great, Danyul (・∀・)
Dan: You use those too? Ö
Emily: Copy And Paste Is Gr8
Dan: True XD
Emily: Indeed ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Dan: oh hey there, Lenny
Emily: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Dan: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Emily: I'd love to send Lenny back and forth all day but I got work to do XD I'll text you later.
Dan: Okie
Dan:( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I chuckle, and head upstairs, to make a video. As I'm editing it, I couldn't help but think about Dan. I'm glad he's safe now. Jemma is literally a nut case. She needs help. Now hopefully things can go back to normal.

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