My First Horror

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The girl awoke from her nightmare, a deep fear running down her spine. Shaking, she reached for her light, only to realize it would not turn on. After a few moments, she slowly got off her bed, planning to recover with a bit of water, only to freeze, heart pounding, as she felt a sticky liquid beneath her foot, a liquid that was still warm. Her breath hitched and she tried to find her phone, only to realize it was dead, charger missing. No... It was her nightmare all over again. Scared, she pinched herself several times, hoping she was still asleep. But when she realized she was very much awake, she began shaking even more. Slowly, she made her way to the study, where her only landline was. By the time she realized it was cut, it was too late, the door creaking shut. She spun but, before she could scream, she was cut off.

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