Heathers au

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Ok so I think I'm gonna do it

But I'm gonna need your help casting the marvel characters as the heathers characters (cough cough jeggyenthusiast )


Here's a quick description of them:

Veronica: main protagonist; wants to be like the Heathers and when she's part of the group, she realized they aren't the best, becomes the girlfriend of JD, realizes that he isn't all that great saves the day the end

JD: new kid, lives with Dad because mother died, loves slushees, is kind of like a psychopath and wants to kill a lot of people (revealed at end of act one and during act two)

Heather M: head cheerleader. her dad is loaded. He sells engagement rings, she becomes good at the end

Heather D: runs the yearbook. no discernible personality but her mom did pay for implants, becomes the new leader of the heathers after heather c dies.

Heather C: the almighty. She is a mythic bitch, leader of the heathers, dies

Kurt: he is the smartest guy on the football team. Which is kinda like being the tallest dwarf, dies

Ram: third year as linebacker. eighth year of smacking lunch trays and being a huge dick, dies

Martha: Veronica's best friend since diapers

Kurt's Dad and ram's Dad: idk how to describe them *shrugs*, sing about their dead gay sons

Here's the "cast list" so far:

Veronica: reader *winks*

JD: I'm thinking Loki?? Maybe??

Ram: Tony Stark or Steve Rogers

Kurt: maybe Bucky

Martha: Maybe Wanda but I might just keep it as Martha

Kurt's Dad and Ram's Dad: probably Howard for Tony/Ram or Steves Dad If it's Steve and idk about Kurt's Dad

The Heathers: I'm just going to keep the heathers as the heathers but use faceclaims of marvel characters but idk who to use help me out here too

For the actual chapters, I'll do something where it's each song from the musical is a chapter (I'll summarize them later)

And like I said before, I want a more diverse cast so they probably won't be the same actors in MCU so anyone have suggestions? Please? Or anyone know any fancasts here on wp that I could check out?

Thanks guys

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