Oh She Has It Coming (Edited)

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Rose's Point of view

I heard him humming with happiness laced within it. I snapped out of my clouded haze and stiffened immediately. I didn't know what to do so I just asked, "Sir, could you get off of me?"

He seemed unable to move at first, but he withdrew his warm body from mine with what looked like a pained expression. I felt awful once he was gone, like actually awful. What the heck was wrong with me? He's my freaking teacher! I looked at the ground while he said, "Okay, you are organizing the storage room today."

Was he not going to comment on what just happened? Our embrace that set my whole body on fire and left it to ice-cold when it was done. I was still reeling from our contact that I was unable to process what he had said. When it finally clicked, my head snapped up to meet his amused eyes, "What? It was super messy last year. There is no way I'm doing that." I said with as much authority I could muster knowing our previous literature teacher was a nice older lady that was essentially a hoarder.

He stepped closer and said with a husky voice and dark eyes, "You can either do that or you can help me grade quizzes, but something tells me not much grading would be done. I figured two separate rooms would be to both our benefits."

I stared at him agape. Did he really just make a suggestive comment at me? I'm pretty sure he did. This man was fearless! I looked away as I said with a stuttering edge, "F-fine. I-I'll go to the b-back now."

I didn't know what was happening between Mr. Young and I. I felt almost obsessed with him because he is all I can think about. I have never felt this way before about anyone. In fact, I have never really wanted to feel this way about anyone. I put in my AirPods, ignored my spiraling thoughts and got to work. After a good two hours of sorting and stacking books, Mr. Young walked in. I glanced up when he said, "Wow, you got a lot done; I'm impressed. Well, you can be done here for now. Are you hungry? Cuz I am. We can go over to the diner and get some food. I'll pay."

Did my teacher really just offer to get me dinner? This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder. It just so happens Melissa's family owns the diner, and there's no way I'm going there with him. I just said, "Thanks, but no thanks. I'm not hungry at all."

As if on cue, not a second after those words left my mouth, my stomach let out an angry growl. My cheeks flared a bright red. Darn school lunches for being not edible. He laughed and said, "Come on. We are going. Unless you want to stay in this small room with me."

That's the second suggestive comment he made in one day. For Pete sake's he's only known me for a week and I am his STUDENT. I quickly got up and started to head for the door. "Orrr I can just go home and eat there."

His large body quickly moved to block the doorway. I folded my arms over my chest as I thought about this thoroughly. It didn't look like I was getting out of this. At the risk of spending more alone time with this hunk of a man, I decided it was best just to go. It wouldn't look wrong having a teacher buy his student assistant dinner when she stayed late to help him out, right?

I sighed in defeat. It was Friday so I wouldn't get to see him for another two days. Gosh, I sound like suck a creep. "Okay fine, but bring something to grade or something so we can stay busy."

He looked amused at my inner struggle, "Yes, ma'am. Do you want to walk or I could drive us over?"

The thought of a small space with him made me quiver so I opted, "Walking is good."

On our way there, I silently prayed that Mel wasn't there. As I entered walking a little ahead of Mr. Young, I heard, "White Chocolate! What are you doing he-"

She stopped mid-sentence when she saw who I was with as I silently cursed at our ridiculous names for each other. I saw her jaw physically drop open. I winced when I heard her say in a very suggestive voice, "Mr. Young, I didn't know you'd be coming in tonight. Working late I see?"

He let out a low chuckle as I made my way to a booth in the corner, ignoring Mel completely. He replied, "Well I made Miss Stone here stay pretty late on a Friday night, so I figured the least I could do is get her some pizza."

I blushed when he said my name. I liked it, I liked everything about him. I was a goner, there's no way around it, he was perfect. And I am crazy for thinking like this about a teacher I've had for literally a week.

After a while, I heard him order a pizza. He came to sit down. His back was facing the rest of the diner. Mel came and started to act out things. She pointed at him then she started to fan herself like she was hot. It was her way of payback for Tuesday. I tried to tune her out but she kept on doing things.

She was the one who brought out the pizza. She looked at me and winked while saying, "Be careful, it's hot. Do you think it's warm in here? Cuz I think it's hot. It's been hot all week. Don't you think?"

Mr. Young turned to her to answer while I flipped her off. She just smiled and walked away. Mr. Young just laughed and said, "I think your friend thinks I am hot. Don't you?"

I nodded thinking of ways to get her back. We ate in silence and when we were leaving Mel waved furiously with a big grin.

Oh, she has it coming.

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